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Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: AFB on December 30, 2007, 10:01:02 AM

Title: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 30, 2007, 10:01:02 AM
I know there were a lot of suggestions about planets, and some of them I took/modified/stole :P And unfortunately I could not make this shorter.
First of all, here are suggestions what the planets may be used for:

1)A planet is like a station- provides protection for the owner via the use of ground to orbit guns. But unlike a station, a planet may have production factories (examples later) and will have much more HP, I dunno, A couple of hundred trillion.

2) A planet is a renewable source of materials,with ability to build extraction factories, Which will make it more than a landmark, but a strategic point, worth something even for the top-end guys (and invaluable on the SO Wars when resources run out  :P)

3) Production- a planet can produce credits by mining, growing food, or building troops for assaults on other planets or for protection and creating marines.Production per 10 minutes. (not really money, but still)

4) A planet may be shared between a few people- useful for alliances. But sharing with your alt will still be illegal.

5) A planet may be used as a marketplace- but unlike CHOAM, here people will be able to sell directly to each other, without auctions and waiting.
That is it for the overview, now for the Mechanics bit.

Tech. Overview
1) When creating a planet, the owner can select the strategic outlay from a list (example shown below). It will have a number of strategic territories, which will have a certain number of build areas, which is where you can build structures. Also- areas will differ on: the terrain, build areas, type of resources. E.G. Yellow sector on the map- Desert terrain, +10% bonus to planetary mechanical units power (used for assault/defence), type of resource- gold, stone . Build areas- 15. And to contrast- Brown Sector- Mountainous terrain,+10% to infantry power, build sectors- 6, type of resource- Iron, Metals, Stone. Blue sector (It also supposed to say Ocean on it, but got smudged by myspace)- ocean terrain, only mechanical units can be used, only certain structures can be constructed, e.g. naval defence turrets, or ground-orbit missile silos on the sea floor and drilling stations. resources- carbon. Well you get the point.


2)When clicking on a certain strategic territory, it brings up the info on that territory as well as a command panel, where you can build structures and assign units.

3)All structures have to be researched to be built. Examples of structures:
Barracks: allows infantry basing in sector. 50 million units per barracks, increases with research level.
Mechanical depot: Allows basing of mechanical units. 5 per depot, increases with research level.
Cloning facility: allows for atonomous production of infantry. Requires money to build. +25 million infantry per 10 minutes, increases with research. (money can be taken away from planet's production- owner assigns how much cash from production will be used)
Factory- produces mechanical units, 25 units per 10 minutes.
Orbital defence gun: Can fire at incoming ships. 10 billion attack power with 30% acc per gun Damage  upgradeable, build scanners to increase acc for all guns in sector(+ 10% per scanner. And I mean 30+10, not 10% of 30)
Shield: Sectors with shields do not allow enemy to land units from space here. You can initially build 3 shields, with research that can go up to 7.

Ok, now the last bit- assault/defence mechanics.

1) To make it fair, the enemy cannot use ships to bring in marines, until all guns are destroyed on surface. This is because: when ships enter the atmosphere, they must devert all power from shields and structual integrity in order to slow down and not hit ground full speed. This will mean even the most powerful ships will be vulnerable. ( U know how it works, bigger the ship, the heavier it is, thus more force need to be applied to keep it in air).But he/she can bring units into the system using ships and drop them using drop pods(research) 1 marine will be 0.1 space, 1 mech- 1000 space.Pods are 100 000 in space,and increase with research. The enemy selects a sector to invade, and selects the number of marines to drop and hits attack. To drop in Mechanicals, U first: need to have a planet where they can be built or build the mothership module. Then you either select for these units to be taken from a pool of available units (this will not include units assigned to areas(marines+mechs) or ships(marines) but from idle), or select to build them(I dunno what the cost for mechs will be, depends on their stats which I have not thought of yet). If you select to build mechs you must spend 20 turns per 10 mechs, no penalty for marines. The battle follows(marine items apply only for orbital drops, and increase marines power only during battle). If the attacker wins, he/she gets controll of the sector and will be able to build structures. During battle, also taken into consideration: terrain, defence structures:anti-infantry/mech turrets. Attacker can also select attack type: regular- your units will concentrate on attacking enemy units or raze- your units will concentrate on attacking structures. There will also be 3 ways to attack-orbit drop and ground assault and coordinated assault.In ground assault, you select units just like in orbital, but the pool of units will only encompass those on surface. To make things more interesting, whenever possible, Coordinated assault may be used(ground + orbital). Here the attacker units gain +5% to power.

2)When the owner selects strategic overlay, he also selects sector for headquarters. Until they are taken/destroyed, he can give orders to sectors, and remains planet owner. If the attacker destroys the HQ, the defender will be unable to give orders to his units, or fund the production factories.This way, the attacker wins, and is now planet owner. He can mop up the resistance afterwards. The sector where the attacker first landed automatically becomes his HQ.

NOTE!!! Since there are many sectors, there can be more than one attacker. Either the defendant kicks their collective butts, either it will be king of the hill, with the last standing man the winner. But it can also result in a planet being split between 2 or more players. In that case, if they both have orbital weapons, they will both receive bonuses in Sol. System.

OK, that is my suggestion. I tried not to over-complicate, so I'm asking: is this possible? And the figures listed are off the top of my head, I did not balance them.

OK, That will be it,Cheers, AFB  :12:

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 30, 2007, 10:46:15 AM
i only read the first bit and it sounds good. planets have already been brought up and i think we need to get emi to agree to use them before we make more ideas about them :wow:

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 30, 2007, 10:59:39 AM
Yeah, sorry I made it so long, I just included the mechanics of planet combat I thought looked cool :D

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 30, 2007, 11:13:44 AM
they do
im just lazt  :P

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: SirEmi on December 30, 2007, 12:31:34 PM
This looks promising, I'll check it out later, keep it coming  :wow:

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: khalil on December 30, 2007, 12:32:51 PM
the ieda seems good but we have to include this also in SO WARS :P

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 30, 2007, 12:38:54 PM
If it doesn't come out in SO Wars, I'll shoot myself  :))

In any case, the lads and I will keep on brainstorming  :) Will add new stuff tomorrow.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: the broken on December 30, 2007, 12:56:02 PM
if it goes on wars where will the planets come from, do the appear as systems run out of ore or just suddenly appear?

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 30, 2007, 02:16:54 PM
I was thinking that players will create them. Some 5 million stone per planet will do  :))

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 30, 2007, 02:27:34 PM
thats way too much
that would be like all turns for a week plus good mining items
wouldn't be worth it. not for the top players who need to keep their workers growing

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 30, 2007, 03:06:31 PM
 :)) Another dilemma...
Meh, I was only kidding. 5 million is too much. Oh, here's a thought...

How about this: planets can be created with the Molecular Fusion Arrestor (tm), which is an item that is an EXTRA-RARE class, almost epic, if You will. It can be found in missions, but once again, VERY RARELY.
Actually, instead of a mission, lets make it a whole encounter by itself. And the fleets will equal the FP of the player, to make it fair on the lower people, but still hard to get.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: Silence444 on December 30, 2007, 05:11:19 PM
nice, i also had a rather extensive list (,3283.15.html) but i think that these are good ideas and personally i'm looking forward to planets regardless of what direction emi takes them.

just a quick question though, it was said earlier in this topic that ship borne marines couldn't make it down to the planet until after all guns were silenced. well, correct me if i'm wrong but a lot of players mother ships are larger then planets and even a few of the combat ships are approaching similar sizes. so with this in mind, how will planets maintain their orbits? also i think, if your willing to suffer increased/insane casualties you could pull a battlestar galactica (come screaming into the atmo, dump troops and warp out before impact).

alright all, that's my 5 cents

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: the broken on December 30, 2007, 05:22:30 PM
i dont think 5 mill stone is to bad and what if you can litterally build 'death star' type ships able o take out whole planets that cost something like 100 trill. also another thing if you get lvl 20 cloaking why cant you cloak a planet, but more than 1 lanet can be built in a system so they end up like solar systems, and someone said it on a previous post about bases, the first planet is the best, better growth/production rates etc and planet 9 or 10 are really bad so they end up like pluto (which was declassified im sure someone will say but this is an example) which is basically dead and would therefore mean no body would want it. This would increase compitition over planet 1 -4 or 5 as these would be the best, then you could include natural disasters, metor storms and even space debris coming from pace from battles so they would interact with planets, segs have to go some where.

moons could have defenses on them to protect planets and allainces could work to take control over planets

just some quick thoughts, made them up as im writin  g them

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 30, 2007, 05:24:07 PM
like u said, silence, i dont care what direction they are taken in, but i hope they are 'taken.'

but afb, if an encounter of something like that gave in turn a planet, then that would be very unbalanced. it should a research after construction efficiency, then the guns and stuff should be after warp bubble. to build it, maybe make it cost 10X more than a space station

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 30, 2007, 05:25:33 PM
if planets are as powerful as previously stated, there should be a limit, 1 per person.
it would take entire alliances to take quadrants/solar systems

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 30, 2007, 07:00:09 PM
ok, first- coming to science fiction, motherships will generate 0-g field which will make them and surrounding vessels have a mass of 0 thus not being affected by gravity :)

Then, cloaking planets will really mess things up- it'l just mean that top alliances will all seat in, just like they do at the stations, except here they can gather forces indefinetely. Also, looking from logical way- when planetary defence will engage the enemy, he can calculate the location. While a station can be relocated to make sure that the enemy won't fire on that spot again, u can't really relocate a planet.

Yes, i agree, a planet construction must be researched, but i got the idea for resources- instead of mining them,just be able to use those already in space.But to make a planet one must also spend 3000 turns, cos its a lengthy process. And another thought-set the minimum amount of resources needed, but the more stone you use, the more HP the station will have. Like the original HP is 20trillion, for each additional 100k you will get an additional 1 trill. And iron can give defense.

Since there are few systems with that much resources available, allow people to 'dump' resources into system. This way alliance members can help out :)

Last thing- i think 2 planets per alliance is well enough. There should only be a handful of planets, asif there are a lot of them, 1 alliance with enough cash can just capture all or most of them, and defend them easily using net income.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 30, 2007, 07:38:46 PM
your idea about the more stone the more hp, if i may say so, is ingenius. thats a great idea. more stone= more hp. more iron, metals= more defence. more diamond= more absorb. more gold= more attack. more ice=more accuracy. more carbon= more housing?

i really think that 1 planet per alliance, ive changed it from 1 per person, would be best. if it really is where all players can contribute then 1 per alliance is best. players without alliances can have 1 for themselves also, but the only person who could afford it by himself would be zelox (hes a beast).

instead of the dump, how about you have to build a station first, then at a certain amount of resources, it can build the station, maybe take like 72 hours, X cp, X turns, and X amount of resources that u must deposit into the station. if the station gets destroyed during that time, then that plainly sucks for that person.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: the broken on December 30, 2007, 08:33:09 PM
again stronger people/allainces will be the best, i can make more carbon a day from 2 base than you can get from turns including voting

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 30, 2007, 09:25:20 PM
many people can make lots of carbon a day, but carbon isn't the only thing
ur not the only one with stations :p

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: basill on December 31, 2007, 02:57:50 AM
If planets come into the game I feel they should be alliance owned only and the alliance must have 3 or more commanders all members must contribute to the building of the planet by percentage of alliance power (as in commander 1 is 30% of the alliances power he must build 30% of the planet or the alliance won't get a planet) it should be set up the way science is in that you don't have to put it all in at one time, each alliance can own two planets if they want a different one they must destroy one of the ones they already own, each planet can hold 1 bonus for the entire alliance and the bonus should be no higher than 10%, the alliance leader must designate a second person to hold responsibility for the planet in addition to him/herself, this will promote a little more alliance cooperation internally and give soloist a useful reason to join an alliance (yes I know people can create 2 alts and make their own alliance ) and to build a planet after an alliance has researched it the basic planet should take 1million carbon, 900thousand stone. 800thouand ice and so on down the line till you hit diamond then the alliance can research upgrades for it, the research to build the planet and the upgrades should be paid for with minerals only also on a percentage basis but that should have a little more flexability as in commander 1 is 30% of alliance power but can donate up to 75% of the minerals for any member who is 60% or less of his power.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 31, 2007, 06:41:07 AM
Diamond for absorb, ok :). Thing is with attack and acc is that I thought the planet will receive those from the guns and scanner built on the surface. And carbon... yet to think of that.

Another thing witg bases- the top guys ie. armageddon inc and area 51 can afford the best cloaks and scanners,not to mention what happens on normal server.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 31, 2007, 10:06:55 AM
well area 51 isn't much anymore
the broken left for armageddon inc...
but basill, i see what ur saying, but let everyone donate resources equally.

but i like what u said about appointing a person as like a second-in-command. but maybe instead of just one, let the alliance leader appoint as many as he wants. but still before we get into alliance mechanics, lets get the planet idea down first.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 31, 2007, 11:15:53 AM
How about letting them donate as much as they want, but the planet owner will give out sectors of planet as a reward according to help received?

P.S. Also, I thought about this, when you research buildings for the planet, only 1 level should be available. Then you can upgrade the buildings themselves with resources to a new level. There already is too much stuff to research  :P

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: the broken on December 31, 2007, 11:40:13 AM
many people can make lots of carbon a day, but carbon isn't the only thing
ur not the only one with stations :p

what i mean is, you get a new allaince ranked around 30, those players total combined income would mean the would not be able to keep up with the tech rate of a lvl 10 allaince, they just dont make enough, im not saying im not the only person with bases, what im saying is from the tech i have researched i can make a lot more carbon than a base from an allaince ranked lvl 30, this therefore means that stronger players can again make the most of it, i could just make 2 alt and make an allaince, put everything in my self and i have my own planet, i could make 20 alts fill the allaince up and still make the planet myself.

again stronger people/allainces will be the best, i can make more carbon a day from 2 base than you can get from turns including voting

thats why i made this statement, not saying that no one else has bases, many people used bases before me but i can get tech so quickly i can out proform whole allainces, nevermind what an allaince in the top 5 could do, probable a planet a day 

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 31, 2007, 12:19:35 PM
lol ok
so how about use IP adresses on this one. there has to be at least 3 different IP adresses in control of a planet

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 31, 2007, 01:38:53 PM
And a death penalty for those who do not obey  :D

I still think that dumping resources then building is a good idea, but lets change it: when clicked on construct, a construction module will deploy in system. 3 in total will be required, so ypou need 3 people. It can't be cloaked, has same attack and HP as a station and unless it is destroyed before a certain time period runs out (say, 12 or 24 hours), a planet will be made. If 1 of them is destroyed, production will be halted. If 2 destroyed, the timer will go backwards, until hits 0, so there still would be a chance to rebuild.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: Silence444 on December 31, 2007, 02:32:46 PM
BAH! alright i said i didnt care but i guess i lied. with how big our motherships and asteroid bases are, i think its ridiculous that u cant just say give up 100k segs and call it a planet. look, i think that everyone should be able to have planets. seriously guys, stations are underpowered lets not make planets overly pricey. i agree that alliance and/or random other people should be able to invest and contribute to the planets obviously making them stronger/bigger but still allowing small people to have their own tinny planets (even if they are just glorified asteroids). as far as what planets can do, moons, planetary control, planetary combat etc i think its pretty hard to go wrong. seriously, i dont want 10 planets in the galaxy. i want somewhere in the hundreds

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: the broken on December 31, 2007, 02:36:51 PM
small people to have their own tinny planets (even if they are just glorified asteroids).

for this you can have asteroid belts, no good to big players idea for the many many smaller players, there are 6000 players on wars, say a 1000 active, 1 asteroid belt would keep them going, good idea silence444 :19:

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 31, 2007, 03:01:07 PM
the first idea was best
the more resources put in, the bigger/stronger the planet. maybe after it is built u can still put more into it but get like a 50% penalty for building late.
alliances should be able to have planets, but so should single players. so how about u can have other players contribute or just build it urself. as simple as that and it solves a few problems as well.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on December 31, 2007, 03:11:14 PM
I suppose, yes, personal planets will be smaller, so there will be initiative to build together. Thing is, we still can't decide how to build  :D

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: basill on December 31, 2007, 03:38:29 PM
many people can make lots of carbon a day, but carbon isn't the only thing
ur not the only one with stations :p

what i mean is, you get a new allaince ranked around 30, those players total combined income would mean the would not be able to keep up with the tech rate of a lvl 10 allaince, they just dont make enough, im not saying im not the only person with bases, what im saying is from the tech i have researched i can make a lot more carbon than a base from an allaince ranked lvl 30, this therefore means that stronger players can again make the most of it, i could just make 2 alt and make an allaince, put everything in my self and i have my own planet, i could make 20 alts fill the allaince up and still make the planet myself.

again stronger people/allainces will be the best, i can make more carbon a day from 2 base than you can get from turns including voting

thats why i made this statement, not saying that no one else has bases, many people used bases before me but i can get tech so quickly i can out proform whole allainces, nevermind what an allaince in the top 5 could do, probable a planet a day 

As for bigger alliances screwing over the smaller ones that is why I said only two planets could be owned at any time (I mean why would you give up your really nice planet to kill a smaller one just to have to rebuild your nice one afterwards) and that all members must donate the resourses to build it because if any member can donate any amount then they will all end up being built by the one or two biggest people in each alliance but haveing the research able to be done 75% for the lowers in your alliance keeps you from haveing the smallest guys from stopping research also once the planet bonus is set you have to destroy and rebuild if you want to change it so you need to think before you build
BAH! alright i said i didnt care but i guess i lied. with how big our motherships and asteroid bases are, i think its ridiculous that u cant just say give up 100k segs and call it a planet. look, i think that everyone should be able to have planets. seriously guys, stations are underpowered lets not make planets overly pricey. i agree that alliance and/or random other people should be able to invest and contribute to the planets obviously making them stronger/bigger but still allowing small people to have their own tinny planets (even if they are just glorified asteroids). as far as what planets can do, moons, planetary control, planetary combat etc i think its pretty hard to go wrong. seriously, i dont want 10 planets in the galaxy. i want somewhere in the hundreds
and in the interest of smaller alliances perhaps the build resourses could be set on a sliding scale that would level it out somewhat because if a bigger allaince needed to change the bonus or even build it the first time it would take more to resourses and a smaller alliance could build one sooner, mainly I think that the planets should be something that an alliance can do together and get more involved with each other it's possible that will accually spark a little more pvp especially if when your planet is attacked a message goes to all players saying it's under attack then they can warp over if they are online and make an alliance defense of their planet and that is where the second in command becomes important because only those who have power on the planet can shore up the planets defences and yes more than one player can be assigned to that position when I said at least one more I meant as many as the leader felt was trustworthy enough to have that power as for people making 2 alts and doing a planet on there own I see no problem with that it just means that a person who would rather run solo can make him/herself a planet no different really than a small alliance doing it,
How about letting them donate as much as they want, but the planet owner will give out sectors of planet as a reward according to help received?

P.S. Also, I thought about this, when you research buildings for the planet, only 1 level should be available. Then you can upgrade the buildings themselves with resources to a new level. There already is too much stuff to research  :P
we are really talking about the same thing in research I said all research should be with minerals only so it comes out the same as what you said
BAH! alright i said i didnt care but i guess i lied. with how big our motherships and asteroid bases are, i think its ridiculous that u cant just say give up 100k segs and call it a planet. look, i think that everyone should be able to have planets. seriously guys, stations are underpowered lets not make planets overly pricey. i agree that alliance and/or random other people should be able to invest and contribute to the planets obviously making them stronger/bigger but still allowing small people to have their own tinny planets (even if they are just glorified asteroids). as far as what planets can do, moons, planetary control, planetary combat etc i think its pretty hard to go wrong. seriously, i dont want 10 planets in the galaxy. i want somewhere in the hundreds
to address this I think each commander should be able to build a fortress and have it also be researched and built only with resourses no cloaks available attacking to run on the same lines as motherships as in it must be within a percentage of your power or you can't attack it because instead of warping off you will see a message that says station is to small to target or something like that the fortress will be able to give you up to 10% bonus but you can mix and match to yourself so if you want 1 bonus of 10% thats fine or if you want 10 bonuses of 1% thats fine also

bonuses I think should be available on planets

research, mining, build, biofarm income, slave training, line assemble, interest, worker growth, hp

bonuses I think should be available on fortress

acu, abs, warp travel, hp, attack, marines, line assemble, defence, interest, cp, xp

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on December 31, 2007, 03:54:09 PM
all sounds good
my main thing was wat u agreed to.
so im alright now :)

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: basill on December 31, 2007, 04:09:03 PM
I forgot part of the fortress is that you can assign workers to it and that they can build segs for you but they have no growth in the fortress if you want more you must assign them from your secret base and when I said attack is based on power like motherships I meant it is based on your fortress has the same power as your mothership (but not stacked with) so if you don't want to lose it you have to upgrade it as you raise your commander power. You have to pick up your segs from the fortress the same way you get resourses out of your mines.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: the broken on December 31, 2007, 04:47:52 PM
as for people making 2 alts and doing a planet on there own I see no problem with that it just means that a person who would rather run solo can make him/herself a planet no different really than a small alliance doing it,

but if planets make any type of income wouldnt it be better to have your own or even small allainces because the income is shared between les players therefore you get more

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: basill on January 01, 2008, 02:17:23 AM
i don't think the planets should make anything at all just hold alliance bonus.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on January 01, 2008, 03:35:01 PM
they should be able to make minerals.
u assign workers and get minerals depending on how many you assigned. the workers will get no growth, and some may possibly even die. YOUR income is not shared, but every alliance member is welcome to put his own workers

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: basill on January 02, 2008, 02:21:35 AM
Making minerals might be ok if it's slow and goes right into the research and not to the commanders.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on January 02, 2008, 11:29:57 AM
Nah, I thinl it should go into commanders as money or resources, like an asteroid base.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: Silence444 on January 02, 2008, 03:36:32 PM
wow... alright to address what planets can and can not do let's use some common sense. if we have to go out and collect all of the resources required to make a planet any and all mining would be counter productive. as long as planets are created the way that this forum branch has said that they should be, mining is not in any way, shape or form a logical possibility. as far as bonuses go, sure, why not? planets are large, relatively safe places where large numbers of scientist can work out problems, massive assembly lines can be built and populations can demand answers to new necessities. so planets = bonuses. i think we can all agree on that. as to production, tying back in to my previous point, any and all resource mining will be counter productive but perhaps the amount required to build the planet was enough for it to support a stable economy in to the foreseeable future in which case i don't see why planets can't allow creds, workers and potentially other types of units to grow. heck, if you read my list of planet suggestions, i think that new units should be added that allow production of practically anything. to address the max number of planets a person can control, the largest naturally habitable planet pales in comparison to the size of the asteroid bases. if we can manage the human logistics on those bases, a mother ship and our fleets i don't see why ruling a handful of planets would pose any problems at all. while the point is valid that no limit will alow larger players to crush the smaller, it is also highly unrealistic to regulate it. in solution to this problem i propose that a kind of logistics tax be implemented. essentially, every planet will at first rely on the mother ship and fleets for their survival (establishing infrastructure, housing, economy etc) so it would drain fleet resources ie cost money to maintain until it became self sufficient. how the logistics tax would work, would be to put a multiplier on this based on how many planets were owned and still in need of resources. this way, planets almost become like commander experience is on wars. u have to wait and do one at a time for fixed periods of time. if a big player wanted to, they could pay massive sums of money and resources to ignore this, just like people can buy experience at exorbitant rates, but no big gains will be made.

well... how's this for the issues i did cover and is there anything that i missed?

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on January 02, 2008, 03:50:53 PM
the counter productive stuff u said is very true.

the taxes sound good, but there should be no way around them. maybe every day until it is self-sufficient u lose workers. this makes sense because setting up entire cities with slaves, some are bound to die. maybe 20% first day, decreasing by 1% every day. bigger planets require more workers. plain and simple.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: the broken on January 02, 2008, 04:17:04 PM
what about workers on planets cost more, 4 creds because you need to build houses shops etc etc for them to live and and maybe with half the current growth because of natrul desease then you log on from time to time to see 500 mill workers diappear from a freak storm meteo shower etc, also raiding parties can take workers off planets so workers are harder to get keep and buy because bigger people will want more workers but have a higher risk with them as top players need more workers and smaller player need more segs for their mother ship, you can then research storm shelter etc maybe 25 turns, 10 cp and a 10mill creds per 10 bill workers you can get in them so its cheap enough. tech to beem workers of the surface. but these workers you cant b affected in anyway by CP mods and a max limit on the planet if you can have more than 1 planet

as for mining have them like replication plants, put in 10,000 carbon get out 11,000 carbon and so on so you can put it on a loop so when resourses run out you can replicate them for ever so the more you have the more you can make, so planets arent for mining just giving you more of what you have

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: Silence444 on January 02, 2008, 05:50:19 PM
kind of like a version of the mining facility replication process... but on crack?

ya... ya that makes sense because it is much much cheaper to build on planets then it is to build in space not to mention there is a lot more readily available power, labor and supplies.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: AFB on January 02, 2008, 06:04:03 PM
ok, but i think they should also produce credits- farming and stuff. And I think the bonuses to research and credit production and shipbuilding should be like bonuses on the base- adjustable. Like you can get bigger research at expense of farming, etc.

Also, worker penalty- i can already see a noob tactic-  hire 1  worker, and since u can't get 20% of that, bye- bye pealty. instead, make it like this- the bonuses are a % out of 100 right ). So on day 1 you can only set a maximum of 10%. This will increase every day by idk, 5%. So until you get to 100, you need to maintain the economy of planet with turns.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on January 02, 2008, 06:11:53 PM
my way works i think
what i said was that the bigger the planet, the more workers it takes to develop. so if a planet needs a tril workers, then even putting 500 bil workers on it does nothing, and still some of them will die. u need to ahve at least that set minimum, and u will want to put more, because if those workers fall below the required amount, development will halt.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: the broken on January 02, 2008, 06:17:43 PM
you also need a maxuim because a planet the size of earth wouldnt take 100 trill workers

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: SirEmi on January 02, 2008, 06:49:37 PM
thats way too much
that would be like all turns for a week plus good mining items
wouldn't be worth it. not for the top players who need to keep their workers growing

Well let's say if you create a planet it cannot be destroyed unless after DDAY.
The planet can however be conquered, and then comes the interesting planetary combat.
I was actually thinking of stone and more stuff to build them from scratch, but involving research from planetary nebulae -> protoplanet -> planet -> and then several terraforming techniques...

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: SlayerX on January 02, 2008, 06:56:35 PM
sounds nice would give use something 2 do in sowars 2 the pvp is death atm because of self nebbing and low player not diong much atm.

geuss i will plan ahead for a bit getting all my techs in order so i can buy the biggest planet from day 1 and make it a flying fortress  0o

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: SirEmi on January 02, 2008, 08:03:50 PM
Ok, I have read all the posts, here is what we have so far:,3450.0.html

Thank you.

Title: Re: Another go at planets :)
Post by: jessiedog on January 02, 2008, 09:41:35 PM
after this post i will only post on the other topic unless otherwise advised:

hopefully this will be on the wars server

is there any idea of how much this will cost? how strong the planet will be; hp/atk? And will the research be done by one player or by an entire alliance?