Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Amagnon on December 02, 2007, 04:40:36 AM

Title: Free warp to your bases
Post by: Amagnon on December 02, 2007, 04:40:36 AM
Due to the high costs for engaging in PvP - Im always posting ideas how to make it more attractive and integral to the SOWARS game server.

This idea is so that people can travel to INTEL contracts more easily, and also maintain bases more easily - it will allow extra turns for use in other ways (theres no guarantee that the extra turns will be used for PvP reasons of course).

If you have a specific problem with the idea - please post your issue - maybe its something we need to think about.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 02, 2007, 05:43:20 AM
Looking to your vote options I think you already saw that a problem might lie there for people with allot of bases.

Only the higher placed players have bases because by now you need lvl 5 or 6 cloack to keep your bases save.

So this update would only be good for the higher players giving them an edge.

Same if you have a counter attack on me I could keep travelling between my bases and you wouldnt be able to hit me because it costs me no turns and you allot.

And when someone has allot of bases more then 10 for example that means he can go to 10 planets every day without using turns to scout for good encrypts or maybe encounters.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: Amagnon on December 02, 2007, 06:16:49 AM
Yes - some issues no doubt, I see you voted for yes though.

Im not sure theres a problem with counter attacking though - sure you can run, but if I spread out my bases and your logged, then I should be able to get to your location at a reasonable turns cost.  After all, you cant be sure exactly where my bases are - you might land right next to one.

The more bases you have the better it is - thats kind of standard fare though.

The benefit is mainly related to base maintenance and PvP, which are issues for established players.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 02, 2007, 08:04:28 AM
I didnt voted yet, still you would never be able to hit me if you wanna try me to counter me in the last hours of neb.

Maybe such a warp would take fully prepared warp engines and therefor after each jump you made you have to wait 10 minutes before performing a new jump. Will prevent players from grinding missions without turn cost as you have to wait 10 minutes after each jump before you can make a new one. When you want to attack someone you can make 1 jump to that person and 10 minutes later go away again. Think that might be more balanced and wont result in such a benefit for the players with allot of bases.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: Amagnon on December 02, 2007, 02:59:47 PM
Turns cost for movement on missions is fairly low anyhow, mostly you can grind 10 to 20 missions then move a bit - might be a 10 turn jump average .. I dont think its a biggy - Id say the majority of players are using the mission mutliplyer (at least intermittently) - so they are getting charged turns for moving even if they dont.

Also - still dont really get what your driving at with the counter attack issue.  If youve logged off, you can get countered - doesnt matter how far you ran.  Sure - a free jump away is nice - but anyone with at least 4 bases is likely to have one in each corner - the mechanism you use to run away can be used to chase you.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 02, 2007, 03:32:01 PM
I mean if I am online I can just check the rankings and warp everytime you come to were I am, resulting in a chase that wont cost me turns only time.

Would be good to see others reacting here aswell to see other peoples opinion more.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: jessiedog on December 02, 2007, 03:36:38 PM
free warp to bases encourages more bases and more hiding. sorry amagnon, but here i disagree with u.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 02, 2007, 03:39:08 PM
Jessie eand amagnon could you react on my proposal of that you need to wait 10 minutes afetr a warp to warp again.

And what could the abuse be except for what I tried to solve with this :)

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: jessiedog on December 02, 2007, 03:59:34 PM
wait an amount of time is good. 10 mins isn't very much tho.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 02, 2007, 04:02:51 PM
Travelling to 15 bases would take 150 minutes then. Then it will get allot.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: jessiedog on December 02, 2007, 04:03:47 PM
if u have that many bases, then u can use turns to get to them also, u dont need to always wait that long.
idk somewhere 10-30 mins sounds good i think

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: basill on December 02, 2007, 11:56:09 PM
I said yes but on tech tree, but I don't mean tech 1 you get free base jumps I would like to see it go at say a 5% reduction per level to your base only, as opposed to the commander skill of warp alignment that reduces travel everywhere, that way if you want it you can train it like anything else so it's another piece of stratagy as opposed to a gift.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: Amagnon on December 03, 2007, 07:12:19 AM
Id probably advocate putting "Warp Gate" on the tech tree after the Warp Bubble tech - so its at the bottom of the Base Offense/Defense tree.

I can see your thinking on the 10 minute wait FTP - but its sort of a clunky solution, maybe something similar.

Basil might be onto something - maybe your initial tech is reduce turns cost by 50% to warp to our base, and an additional -5% per tech level.  10 tech levels and youve got free jumps - if the costs are thought out well, then those who have free jumps will have earned the advantage it brings.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 03, 2007, 12:55:40 PM
No techs are bad will only give the bonus to well established players giving them an unfair advantage.

Dont make it a tech, make it useable for everyone who has a base if it gets implented.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: jessiedog on December 03, 2007, 03:42:26 PM
how about for every base technology u have, u get -5 to 10%
that way if u only have 1 base, u still get 5 % less turns used to travel to it

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 03, 2007, 04:07:49 PM
Just dont make it a tech, it will unbalance, give it to all players or dont give it at all.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: jessiedog on December 03, 2007, 04:28:51 PM
what i was saying was still a tech, but it it given for every base u have, therefore even the little guy with only one base and one base technology still gets some % of less turns used

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: the broken on December 03, 2007, 05:15:44 PM
theres a simple way to get around this i think, this will tie in with,3343.0.html

where you have 1 button to unload your base, why not unload ALL bases at once. This will mean no free warp to each base stopping all exploits like getting free mission jumps and hiding so it still costs to move to bases but no cost for unloading your base, although you wont get charged for travelling whilst unloading. but this will mean that if you want to physically change anything on your base you will have to go there, and also, you will need to turn up at a base to unload ores.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 03, 2007, 06:18:57 PM
teh broken, one of the reason for the free warp would be that you could get closer to enemy's you bought intel on so spending less turns, and be able to go back to your own base afterwards without it costing 400 turns.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: jessiedog on December 03, 2007, 06:25:38 PM
thats a very good idea tb

ftp, lets try and focus on one idea at a time. we had separate ideas for intel and for bases

for bases, i think tb's idea is good

for intel, why not have 1/2 cost to ur targets. if it was full, ppl would put an alt in a system and buy the contract just to get to a specific place

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: the broken on December 03, 2007, 06:31:06 PM
but then you could have a wormhole open up for 5 minutes (or some time period as you will want to attack soon otherwise they may log on and move meaning you bought a contract for nothing) after you buy the contract to get you to the person you attacking and getting back so you end up in the same place hense costing you no turns or something along those lines, otherwise it can be explotied as you can just jump from base to base using the other players turns up untill they cant attack you as they have no turns. also free base jumps means the person with the most bases can do the most missions using the least turns and most playr log off over a base so you will go back to yours or alliance members base so still protected

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: jessiedog on December 03, 2007, 07:18:24 PM
and ftp
free warp to bases unbalances much more extremely than tech tree...

and tb, could u elaborate a bit, i like where ur going just i dont understand/have enough info to get it all.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 03, 2007, 08:53:46 PM
Due to the high costs for engaging in PvP - Im always posting ideas how to make it more attractive and integral to the SOWARS game server.

This idea is so that people can travel to INTEL contracts more easily, and also maintain bases more easily - it will allow extra turns for use in other ways (theres no guarantee that the extra turns will be used for PvP reasons of course).

If you have a specific problem with the idea - please post your issue - maybe its something we need to think about.

@jessiedog, might be usefull to read before you post, this whole idea started by the thing I stated 3 post back.

Yes at alts, if you make intels lose there turns then people could use alts to mark players on a certain spot making you able to move to any giving point cheaper, so bad idea.

free warp to bases unbalances much more extremely than tech tree...

Why is giving everyplayer the same bonus, the same possibility more un balancing then only giving it to those who can afford to buy even more technology's so making only a few be able to do it. That is unbalancing as then only then top can do it and not everyone.

@the broken, hence I proposed the time limit of lets say 10 minutes. So after every warp you would have to wait 10 minute to perform a next, at this rate you cant just login fast and grind some missions at 15 locations for freee turns instead if you want to wait 2,5 hours. And you cant free run the entire tiem because after you warped you cant do that for another 10 minutes. As I already mentioned the problems you mention here, it is more usefull to then add a comment on the proposed solving of this problem then just pointing out the same problem again.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: jessiedog on December 03, 2007, 09:13:47 PM
what i mean by unbalancing more is that the people who have many bases, the upper few, will have much greater use for this than the lower few who have none or only a few bases.

just something to consider.

As I already mentioned the problems you mention here, it is more usefull to then add a comment on the proposed solving of this problem then just pointing out the same problem again.

since u say to propose a way of solving the problem, i will go with the broken's idea. i think that being able to empty your bases from one position will adress the bases dilemma. it will keep the bases/emptying away from any exploiting that could be done with this.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: basill on December 04, 2007, 12:21:15 AM
As for the highest ranks being able to move a little more freely because they have more bases they also have a lot less people that are in their attack range, how often do you think anyone in the top ten see anybody that has less than 95% chance of warping off ?

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: Amagnon on December 04, 2007, 02:09:25 AM
Well  - I posted ideas on how to reduce the turns cost for attacking from an INTEL on another post.  The idea of free warp to bases seemed to be the most popular so I thought Id poll it.

After some discussion here it seems there's a bit of controversy - so maybe my other ideas would actually be better.

I proposed;

Free warp to an INTEL contract (TB's idea of having a "worm hole" open for like 10 mins is pretty good to - to allow free return)

or you could just introduce my other idea which was;

Long Range Attack from an INTEL contract.  You simply launch an attack on your opponent without moving - giving you say a 10% attack penalty.  If your attacking from your own base, then your base bonuses are discarded.

TB's idea of an UNLOAD ALL BASES button is fkn gold though.  I think Ill go update my other post regarding that button with that idea - that would be d**n good.

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: FTP on December 04, 2007, 03:55:26 AM
Quote from: jessiedog
since u say to propose a way of solving the problem, i will go with the broken's idea. i think that being able to empty your bases from one position will adress the bases dilemma. it will keep the bases/emptying away from any exploiting that could be done with this.
Quote from: amagnon
TB's idea of an UNLOAD ALL BASES button is fkn gold though.  I think Ill go update my other post regarding that button with that idea - that would be d**n good.

This has not such a huge benefit because on bases that create credits you will want to drop resources that base does not have so after unloading all you would still need to have to visit your bases that produce credits and that miss 1 or 2 resources.
Quote from: amagnon
Long Range Attack from an INTEL contract.  You simply launch an attack on your opponent without moving - giving you say a 10% attack penalty.  If your attacking from your own base, then your base bonuses are discarded.

Why not just pretend in the attack you are at his place, so his Base does support him so you have the risk thats a station helps him out, further more then intel should not be deleted till that person either moves/warps or goes to nebula. So no more low ranked people who buy an intel and prevent the high ranked from doing it.
Quote from: amagnon
Free warp to an INTEL contract (TB's idea of having a "worm hole" open for like 10 mins is pretty good to - to allow free return)

As mentioned before this would just ask for abuse as you could move around with alts and put an intel on some noob to make your main account able to travel to the entire universe at no cost. (ow no it costs 10 mill a contract) And making you automaticly warp back after x amount of time has no use aswell. When I attack someone I calculate my entire attack sometimes I'm just preparing an attack for half an hour. But if you put the limit to half an hour you can easily abuse it only with the fun thing you can do missions for half an hour and then you will have half an hour you get warped back to were you came from.

Still I would be in favor of Amagnons first idea, with the additional tweak I proposed, still wanting people review this.

Quote from: jessiedog
since u say to propose a way of solving the problem, i will go with the broken's idea. i think that being able to empty your bases from one position will adress the bases dilemma. it will keep the bases/emptying away from any exploiting that could be done with this.

Quote from: Amagnon
Due to the high costs for engaging in PvP - Im always posting ideas how to make it more attractive and integral to the SOWARS game server.

This idea is so that people can travel to INTEL contracts more easily, and also maintain bases more easily - it will allow extra turns for use in other ways (theres no guarantee that the extra turns will be used for PvP reasons of course).

If you have a specific problem with the idea - please post your issue - maybe its something we need to think about.

And again you say well lets do this yeah lets do this, but it has nothing to do with the first post made by Amagnon the reason why he wanted this. The base maintainance was merely a bonus to it. So please try to keep that in mind as I alreayd pointed that out once.

Edit: Making intel jumps cost less turns, dont we have warp items for that?

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: basill on December 05, 2007, 12:46:22 AM
warp items and a commander skill as well

Title: Re: Free warp to your bases
Post by: Amagnon on December 05, 2007, 04:38:41 AM
Quote from: amagnon
Long Range Attack from an INTEL contract.  You simply launch an attack on your opponent without moving - giving you say a 10% attack penalty.  If your attacking from your own base, then your base bonuses are discarded.

Why not just pretend in the attack you are at his place, so his Base does support him so you have the risk thats a station helps him out, further more then intel should not be deleted till that person either moves/warps or goes to nebula. So no more low ranked people who buy an intel and prevent the high ranked from doing it.

Yeah - Im not sure you understood me there FTP, if your target is at a base then his base bonus should count of course.  Its just that the attackers shouldnt be able to get a base bonus when making a Long Range Attack.  I really think this is probably the best idea for reducing turns costs for INTEL attacks.

The Free Base Warp is still a good idea though - but I think maybe its something that needs to be introduced at the start of a new round, might be a bit of dispute trying to have it implemented onto the current server.