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Author Topic: Continual Story  (Read 128864 times)
Master Sergeant

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« Reply #255 on: April 15, 2009, 05:15:49 PM »

in a funny looking...
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« Reply #256 on: April 17, 2009, 12:35:39 PM »

Hello again Gals and Guys I'v this is a updated version of the story and I call it: The Story So Far Part 4 ™

It was all quiet in the Geminorium Quadrant and DJ's fleet was orbiting the planet Adhafera but as they rounded the dark side of the red and orange colored Celestial Body, Suddenly his mothership shuddered and ground to an unexpected halt. The chief engineer came over the com in a thick sottish accent and said “We are not moving another parsec until my haggis is returned”  Perturbed the usually jovial man angrily shut off the comm and Sir Emi suddenly shows up with the haggis and demands that we all donate or he will eat it all. But the chief engineer bursts in and snatches the haggis from Emi, which he promptly devours. He then says “Okay Chief engineer, back to work!” The Chief Engineer say “is not good captain, I cannot reach the control panel!” His belly had grown so big that it exploded and DJ was minus one engineer. d**n now he had to find a new chief engineer so he put out an ad for one and No one showed up. "Oh no, now what am I going to do?" DJ said. So he grabbed an ancient commander and got him to teach his crew so they were all experts, then they got back under way and engaged warp speed.

As they were blasting through the galaxy they ran into an asteroid. The ship blew to teeny tiny pieces, along with captain and crew. Then along came Chicpea enjoying retirement and picked up the pieces of DJ's ship... "Hah! Bonus!" he thought but then Chic started making a salad out of the tiny pieces of DJ's ship, but just as she is about to eat it She realized that it was metal. She threw it out when suddenly... Along came the metal-eating kryonites they gobbled up the remains of DJ's ships and then licked their lips as they eyed up at Chicpea's fleet.  They charged the fleet, and gobbled the first ships they saw. But little did they know that those ships were filled with Anti-matter. The combination resulted in an explosion that caused the kryonites 2 explode and the tiny little bits of DJ's ship went flying strait at a local repair station who built DJ some plasma-cannon Superships... DJ trained his guns on the Commander and heard that fateful sound CLICK. “d**n maybe I shouldn't have paid so little in advance" DJ said.

Frantically hitting every button on the control panel, suddenly the radio crackled to life "this is the voice of the mysterons..." DJ blasted the msyterons until they were no more than a fine vapor in space. Then he powered up his engines and left the system but just as he disappeared into hyperspace he got hit by a space bus, throwing him off course into a criminal commander named Smee's base. Which turned out, in fact, to be a giant school bus full of children from the Enemies School (similar to the Friend's School, only run by Ahhnold and the kids all get trained to use heavy weapons) Who launch an attack on DJ(I think he's in the ship). But before they completely destroy him, He ate the lobster from the wormhole (old space odyssey forum reference) which Made him grow fur, however He had to shave it all off because fur is hard to keep clean, leaving him at the clutches of  The stubble people.

No one knows exactly what they do because they are just unknown, but the LEPRECHAUNS! who somehow magically built a time machine. Which was Made of chocolate and Willie Wonka's Umpa Loompas ate it and were propelled 500 years into the future where they started an Evil Empire called LOLPIZZAHUTFORCE , which had a number one policy which dictated that McDonald's were only allowed to sell Bacon Double Cheeseburgers which meant the entire galactic economy crashed which resulted in timbucktoo making cuckoo clocks that didn't work which meant nobody could tell the time. Which led to the destruction of the milky way because because everyone forgetting time caused time to disappear hereby morphing the space time relationship so that Zeph lost his pancakes [D:<], meaning that Snipedragon was forced to make him some but had no eggs so he cut out his own eyeballs and used them as eggs but Zeph was not satisfied, thus he went on a rampage, destroying everyones babies so that There was no way to repopulate the universe but fortunately that didn't matter because everyone could regenerate like a Time Lord

When they did regenerate they were babies and had to start life all over again this led to Huggies becoming a very popular brand of nappy which was bad for the economy because  They sent the  universe in turmoil because they did not know how to operate ships or fire weapons thus doing THE TIME WARP AGAAAAAAAIN, Thus creating an anomaly in the system of wormholes located in Spayed's underwear drawers. But that didn't matter because i bought a new pair of green briefs which were 5times too small,green, and frilly,so In another parallel universe underwear were forbidden so a dreadnought cruiser came in and vaporized his parallel universe self. Which caused Cat's all over the universe to rebel and kill there masters forging there own empire but it fell because they destroyed all their diapers. Of course the universe running out of Diapers created a power vacuum making all the leprechauns to fall in a black whole forming An anomaly that really just turned out to be my birthday cake.  Suddenly, Dr. vesveswache came out of the cake and held zephyr captive because zephyr forced him to make more pancakes but Dr. vesveswache pulled a mini atom bomb and Made Kenquinn think what's that delicious smell so he then Kenquinn blew up the cake along with dr. vesveswache, zephyr, himself, and all the fleets in the quadrent causing the fleets of ninjastrike40 in the quadrent over to self destruct as the charismatic Kenquinn was about to free them from the evil Dictator know only as ninjastrike40. Meanwhile, zeph appeared outside a walmart clutching his walmart shopper's card. "Man, this can do anything!"

Unfortunately, little did Zephyrblade know that walmat does in fact make you have a diddly dactyl doily which is of course not an actual thing. Meanwhile, DJ was about to eat a hot fudge sundae that secretly had fireworks hidden inside that used nitroglycerin instead of smokeless gunpowder. Then again it blew up into a large ball of fire which had an evil will of its own, and went after DJ, who was named Dr. Jayson but that's besides the point. As the large ball of evil, sentient fire neared DJ that was so hot that the whole flame was blue. The flame soon swallowed confused but 13 was spit out because of his bad taste. This sparked a revolution on the planet xyrgxcivlkjite, which is populated entirely by :13:'s. The :laugh:'s are quite clearly a war-loving people, so much carnage ensued. By the end they found themselves in a dead lock war with the opposing interstellar nation crutch. crutch's turn out to be the evil creations of D. Jayson. So a :laugh: assassins takes him out to dinner and kindly shows him the error of his ways. Meanwhile Nightshadow and Lammlord are stealing candy from babies because Dr. Jayson told hem too regardless of his lecture by the assassin sent to kill George W Bush while planting evidence showing Sir Emis involvement, but the good players of SpaceO could stop the assassin and save the president. Even though most decided not to they still hosted the SpaceO picnic at night.

Regardless, Nightshadow and Lammalord were stopped from saving George W Bush's life as that would prove He is a horrible president and should be assassinated which then attracted the attention of the other SpaceO players and NSA,  CIA and FBI and of course the Secret Service who shut down SpaceO and and kidnapped Sir Emi from his home in Canada but later the men of SpaceO discovered that the government had the wrong man an Sir Emi was actually in Romania and his full name was Emilian Tita and the person in Canada they captured was actually George Bush in disguise. So they Killed him and went after every Spaceo player in the world thus causing world peace and prosperity, until George W Bush was reincarnated in to a Muslim man and created a crusade against all Infidels!!!! causing many years of ban of the NCAA Tournament which in return caused people to ask what in gods name is the NCAA tournament. Regardless, after D Jayson found that his entire plan was a failure.

He committed suicide because he was a complete failure, because he could never get his parents approval and this last disaster of a plan just game them more munitions. He parents found out he had committed suicide and they used his college fund to go on vacation to the death star but then rebels blew it up so i had cookies with Darth Vader. Then Luke came along and Luke goes into a undeniable rage killing everything including Ninjastrike :16: but D. Jayson the evil  :1: comes back from the earlier pages of this thread and assassinates him.

Now I hope you have all enjoy this part of the story so far please go the the snack bar and buy the overpriced food stuffs laden with, Nicotine and caffeine to keep you buzzing to hear more.

Now on to the second part as you should recall,  Dr.Jayson the evil  1 had just come and assassinated Luke Skywalker. All I know it what will happen next will make no sense but that is the point so let the insane ramblings start yet again.

After a random narrator explains the history of the  laugh D. Jayson the evil  1 finally gives up his life of crime and marries a cheer, But the cheer was actually a 12 and did not like being confused with a female, so Dj went after the long lost haggis from the first page so that he could drown out his sorrows. But sadly the haggis had already been eaten by D Jayson's  12 wife named Tia ... O.O. Who was abducted by Hillary Clinton who was then assassinated by Obamas buddies in the hood surprise and everybody was happy until Bush somehow got re-elected  3 but then hell freezes over and thingy chenney has to get a new summer home, but then nuclear war breaks out and Bush dies when the white house gets nuked by every other country possessing nuclear weapons.

Along the cost on Wengeta which lies in... Then the forum gets mysteriously closed down for conspiracy, then ninjastrike comes back from the dead and he changes his ways and helps fight Dr.Jayson,  but D. Jayson is a sneaky arsehole and backstabs ninjastrike but that didn't happen because ninja was fighting for good not evil. Sadly he backstabbed him... literally... but ninjastrike rises from the dead and kills Dr.Jayson and then gets a psychic to analyze Dr. Jayson's wife's electrical circuitry for flaws that might have been inhereted through C3PO which would directly relate her to the wise robot himself!, and only then realizes the doctor's wife isn't even human. But somehow a large spaceship appears (piloted by some scruffy looking nerf herder called hand soulon, and piloted a ship called the century eagle) and takes D. Jayson's wife away and then, out of no where came the Death Star and Blows the planet up then Luke Sky Walker comes to blow up the death star but Darth Vader comes and shoots at Luke, But Solo Attacks Vader and then Luke focuses really hard and kills himself because he concentrated too much.

The universe does not cry for you are not truly dead as he has become one with the force. He now enjoys spending time with his farther 12 who is not really Darth Vader as Darth Vader was his Father's Clone. He farther was really D. Jayson... after being captured by Hand Soloun, he gave birth ( 3) to Luke Skywalker. Who imedeatly started learning how to use a light saber, but accidentally force-ripped his pants. Luke then awakens from his concentration death to find Yoda, standing over him in distress and looking sick, saying "I need my leaves"
So Luke goes to the swamp and buys Yoda's force mushrooms for a fee of .00001 credits, but Luke realizes that he misplaced the decimal point and he really paid 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 for them, so he sues Yoda who uses force persuasion on Luke to make him think he bought the death star and is now the ultimate power in the universe and uses it to make people buy cookies, then goes on to save Corsucant from Yuuzhan Vong invaders by activating the only working tributary beam to destroy their built in ship bathrooms. Due to the lack of toilets, toilet selling companies become incredibly wealthy and go on to conquering the galaxy however they were stopped by Sir Emi who bought a gold account for them, causing them to build wicked ships to combat noobs. And while the sewage plumbers only fought people who were smaller than them, they changed their company name from Sunset Shade to some strange Japanese name only to find that it meant that it was the name of I survived a Japaneses game show (Majide, i think) thus causing a riot in Cars which meant earth's scientists did an investigation on Mars riots while a black hole ate Salmon's head which turned out to taste like tuna el-Gebel ibises seasoned with necrotatious Egyptian salt. The black whole immediately contracted dysentery and spit out several thousand  wow's.

Meanwhile ninjastrike40 was relaxing in most luxurious fleet when the wow's attacked so ninja blew them up but accidentally blew up himself and he landed in the most eastern star in the galaxy. Lights Shadow came along laughing at ninja misfortune when meteors flew and hit his fleet while ninja was eating some cocoa puffs however the cocoa puff were bombs and ninja blew up .

Some balloons for light shadow's birthday party which he popped creating a catastrophic extinction of toilets however because of the last toilet extinction there were massive stashes throughout the galaxy however all of a sudden Kenquinn came out with a ratta-tat-tat of his super toilet water-terminator destroying all of the stashes when the super toilet appeared and D. Jayson (the new supreme toilet overlord) was flushed out and commanded the toilet into battle against the urinals (which were led by the crazy janitor from the high school) how ever the crazy urinal janitor foresaw the evil Jason D. taking over the toilets of the universe and had made a feces powered plunger-gun and destroyed the toilet army and Dr. Jayson, WHO WAS ACTUALLY DEAD BEFORE THIS HAPPENED but somehow revived himself for the 500th time, fell off a cliff and died yet again but hell didnt want him so he became a demon killer then died again... laugh funny. Suddenly ninja had a vision that he would kill his friend so he tied himself to a large banana tree on a remote island in the 4th dimension of stardoor FLOYD. Where upon the tree exploded due to proximity to "teh l337" *ahem* causing sharpnel to enter ninja's behind and eventually infect qe2que's coin slot as well as killing him. This causes a huge explosion that incinerated all of his lame-ass spreadsheets and crap. The players of spaceo rejoiced and threw a huge party with lots of Guns, but no spreadsheets. Unforyunately, ebaumsworld said "DIE DIE DIE YOU !#!#$ !DIE WHY WONT YOU DIE YOU !#!$!%$!#$" so one day ninja discovered a grave marked "DO NOT OPEN"

so, like anyone else would, he opened it anyways and a giant army of midgets came flying at him. Immediately an invasion force of 1 trillion rebel  wow's stormed in and killed the midgets causing a large release of methane that polluted the earth and caused the human race to devolve into to a bunch of mindless green primates but eventually the mindless primates evolved into humans and thus the cycle of life begins again causing the universe to revolve around a large apple in the sky while Osama bin Laden did a Irish jig then fell over laughing in a foreign language while In the worlds before Monkey, primal chaos reigned. Heaven sought order, but the phoenix can fly only when it's feathers are grown. The four worlds formed again and yet again, As endless aeons wheeled and passed. Time and the pure essences of Heaven, the moistures of the Earth,and the powers of the Sun and the Moon all worked upon a certain rock - old as creation, and it magically became fertile... Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch. From it then came a stone monkey... The nature of Monkey was irrepressible but an alien civilization came by and wiped it all out, bummer yeah bummer  1 and the aliens, like the humans, fought against each other and eventually created a nuclear bomb that destroyed all the aliens on earth including all animals, insects. Everything was gone. Completely and utterly gone. No more. Finish! End point! Zero!

It's never over. 1 person living on a faraway planet started trying to create humans out of DNA. Then, they would reproduce and start a new Earth! But the died in a lab explosion that destroyed the planet. but the explosion fused some dna so now there is a group of microscopic humans which fought a microscopic war on an atom and ended up splitting it which caused a black hole That destroyed the last remains of humanity.

Finaly...we're all dead wohoo!!!!! but on the other side, a white hole which collapse into nothing. Finally everything is destroyed. Not a single living organism. but the postphysical Mehcanakoozies survived and used a galactic restore point to save the galaxy but the restore point crashed the system And so they activated the backup restore point system  16


Backup of the backup restore point was triggered and so everything was restored perfectly. Wars had stopped and everything is in order. Its a perfect universe.

And they all lived happily ever after.

NO MORE PART 2 or anything additional..

Any uprising war triggers the restore point and there's no way to alter it nor destroy it. Harmful addition to the universe will result in total destruction/nullification of the weapon. Restore point has infinite number of backup so don't bother  16
but the backup restore point system crashed as well! Bloody Microsoft!

but the restore point has a weakness... everytime you restore the universe, 1/10 of the matter in the universe is destroyed to fuel the restore point.

So we made the universe eat another universe to regain its mass and then some, which caused the universe to have diabetes because it was morbidly obese and blew up everything except for the east side of the universe which was now led by nobody else than junkie bartenders who died off by saying DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE YOU !@!$#$%! UNIVERSE @#%$#^% WHY WONT YOU @#$@@#$ DIE YOU STUPID !@$#%# UNIVERSE @!$!#%! I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR @#$% OFF AND SHOVE IT @!@# #$%^ !#@.....

Not on topic if you find this post offensive i can edit it 12

Then once again they had to use the restore point, then once they were back they went to another universe and took that over the production of suspenders which were too tight yet extremely soft but were made of wool, so they shrank to 1/5 there original size so they cut off circulation so the cat escaped from his evil cage in the pants and fell of a roof into a pit of concentrated catnip which caused him to yelp and scream with his nuclear powered tail. The cat then ripped off lama's guts out into a funny looking litterbox full of a cats...
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Master Sergeant

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« Reply #257 on: April 17, 2009, 02:39:23 PM »

that misteriously vanished into thin dust..... 3

wtf ken? You confused me putting it together  confused confused
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Master Sergeant

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« Reply #258 on: April 17, 2009, 06:34:30 PM »

I do it every 4 or 5 pages truth...

that also vanished...
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Master Sergeant

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« Reply #259 on: April 17, 2009, 07:28:02 PM »

oh ok  13

into a bunch of misguided souls that belong to...
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« Reply #260 on: April 17, 2009, 07:55:21 PM »

ken's tummy but then...
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Master Sergeant

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« Reply #261 on: April 17, 2009, 10:55:26 PM »

kenquinn burped causing the souls in his tummy to....
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Master Sergeant

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« Reply #262 on: April 17, 2009, 11:37:40 PM »

errupt into a mound of...
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« Reply #263 on: April 18, 2009, 06:16:55 AM »

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Master Sergeant

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« Reply #264 on: April 18, 2009, 03:42:15 PM »

that sang " its the song that never ends come and sing along my friends we started singing not knowing what it was but then we kept on singing forever just because it is the song that never ends come and sing along my friends...."
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Master Sergeant

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« Reply #265 on: April 18, 2009, 03:59:00 PM »

while burping the national anthem of... laugh
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« Reply #266 on: April 18, 2009, 06:56:50 PM »

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« Reply #267 on: April 18, 2009, 07:05:33 PM »

in a fancy little...
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Wiley Space Cadet2
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« Reply #268 on: April 18, 2009, 09:00:06 PM »

pure gold bath tub...
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« Reply #269 on: April 19, 2009, 06:09:55 PM »

full of...
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