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Players losing ships on SO Main
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Topic: Players losing ships on SO Main (Read 1926 times)
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Players losing ships on SO Main
April 25, 2011, 08:23:30 AM »
I believe the reason so many people (myself included) have been losing so many ships this round is mainly due to fp order of aliens. I also notice a heck of a lot of "near" kamikazi designs. Take a look at the following:
Engaged Units
Fleet Name # of Units Attack Defence Hitpoints
Alien Alpha 1 33.112 183.136 0+ 16.632.079+
Alien Alpha 2 2.185.233 106.728+ 0+ 14.300
Alien Alpha 3 3.381.672 122.487+ 0+ 11.326
Alien Alpha 4 2.123.089 191.752+ 0+ 10.382
Clearly, everything after the first fleet is designed to be attack swarmers with a very low survival rate. This has been the case far more often than it used to be from what I can tell. What is more interesting though is that the fp of both fleets 3 and 4 should be higher than the fp of fleet 2. This leads to a disproportionate amount of damage being dealt to a player's weakest ships. This only seems to be happening with aliens. I have not noticed this in encounters or missions.
I'm getting extremely tired of losing tail ships as soon as I upgrade to a new much so that I've tried 3-fleet supership designs and 4-fleet. I have started sending decoys behind my superships to limit the amount of damage following fleets do on my lead. On the above I lost the decoy of course, but also a tail. If the fp of the aliens had been in order, I know the lowest fp fleet (fleet 2) would not have done enough damage to have killed my tail ship. Since fleets three and four have unknown accuracy, it's impossible to tell if they would have done enough damage to hurt a different ship of mine (but highly unlikely).
Edit: something I forgot to point out originally is that this can lead to not only losing a tail ship, but could easily destroy lead ships if the most powerful alien fleets are the bottom ones. Consider a situation where the 5th, 6th, and 7th fleets are the most powerful. Now, when they wrap around, the player's lead gets hit with all three of the most powerful fleets instead of just the first with some minor ones following.
Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 08:36:04 AM by Gervahlt
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Re: Players losing ships on SO Main
Reply #1 on:
April 25, 2011, 09:46:35 PM »
Same thing on PvE, I've managed to avoid losing ships to them but I'm looking at the stats on these alien ships and they are rather incredible. Is there some kind of 'boost' given to alien ships over encryption or encounter ships?
I'm running across swarmers like these all the time with incredible attack and def while still having abs and acc in the 60-70% range, at very low FP...
See this post:,7079.0.html
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