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Author Topic: Q&A - From Old Forum Posts  (Read 5377 times)
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« on: June 18, 2008, 11:18:36 PM »

Since old posts are going to be deleted I thought instead of just bumping old post that I'd go through them find questions and answers and put them in once place for easy reading. I would appreciate help completing this list. Heres my list so far:

Q:How can I lower the cost of a design below 1000 credits?.

A: 100 credits cost means that the cost is really in the negative (of cost is <1, cost will equal 1000)

Q: Special vs Armor:       

A: For swarmers armor is better as armor is cheaper on low HP, when you're gonna design larger ships with more HP and Def, don't use armor anymore make 1 special with all stats (hp/def/def %)

Q: Several Fleets or one fleet?

A: Several fleets has + and -, a big + is that when you get attack you will most likely only use a small amount of youre total fleet power. Whilst if you had it all in one you coul lose everything in one shot. Downfall to this is that every fleet is weaker then if you had it all in 1 fleet. Especialy with defence. As an eye on missions you should mostly have atleast 3 strongfleets. And its youre choice if you want more, but remember never there will be more then 10 fleets in a battle.

Swarmers vs Motherships:  The swarm bonus i think i see now does have a big effect, but which is better to have 1 high attack/def ship low numbers or many ships.  im thinking in terms of power loss.                   With swarmers you lose much more often power, but with 1 big ship when you lose you lose it all. Mostly its best to first start with swarmers and when you grow stronger start using more and more very strong ships. Then you'll ships always have a backup of swarmers

Q: How do you figure out ship power

A: Its based on the Size of a ship AKA its hull size and its base attack/defense/hp. Each space in the ship is worth 1.5 power then you take its ATT/DEF/HP and add them together and divide by 100. Add the teo numbers together and you have its power.
Well, in the battle, it is not only one formula, but several, that modify the base atributes of your fleets.

Q: How does combat work?

A: I will try to describe them for you...

X is attacker Y is defender:

C - crew level bonus
A - attack (all weapons)
AC - accuracy (0-1)
AB - accuracy bonus from computers
ASP - accuracy siege penalty (-0.1 reg, -0.3 board -0.3 raid, -0.8 ambushed)
ACP - accuracy multiple shots penalty (between -0.6 and -1 depending on the shot, at first shot is 0 )
S - shield abs
D - defense
DB - defence bonus from specials
SM - swarm bonus
N - numbers

TA - total fleet attack
TD - total defense

TA = (A + C + SM) * (AC+AB-ASP-ACP) * N
TD = (D + C + SM) * (D * (1+DB) ) * N

When we have X stats and Y stats, then comes the battle, and shields absorbsion, defense to determine damage done and received, other formulas lol... ok, hope this helps...

Answer Have been brought to you buy


Edit: Still need to fix grammar errors
« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 11:22:28 PM by Kenquinn » Report to moderator   Logged
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