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Author Topic: Seither out of hand  (Read 24871 times)
Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2007, 06:49:16 PM »

If you notice, the word I'M is IN FrONT of pettiness, meaning I'm saying I'm not petty, I don't hold grudges over stupid stuff. You, however, do seem to hold a grudge over stuff like that as YOU, not me, YOU brought it up in the first place. In the post before that, you said I had muted you on the chat because I can't "one up" you here on the forum. Holding a grudge like that would be petty. I was defending myself, not insulting anyone, so before you go twisting people's ords, make sure you read all of the post, ok?

And until emi locks this topic, it's staying open. I'm not going to give wolfy another reason to claim I'm abusing my power.

Here are the FACTS about what happened:
Emi originally ruled no cussing was to be allowed
You cussed, I warned (which you didn't see, but it was there), then you cussed again
I muted you

I was doing my job as it was defined at that time. The definition has changed, therefore the way i do my job has changed as well. I was not previously informed of the change. You, however, are trying your hardest it seems to make this some sort of grudge match, claiming i'm "out to get you" because I "can't win a fight on the forum". Try and slander me all you want, All the older players and I know I'm nothing like that, and I don't need to prove myself to the likes of you. Your petty insults don't phase me, and yes, your insults are petty. a mutrue person wouldn't have even started acting like you did, nor would they have "quit" because they weren't getting their way. my 8 year old sister acts more mature then that. I think you need to get your definition of mature checked buddy, because being an not a very nice person doesn't make you mature, just sad and pathetic.
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« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2007, 07:47:39 PM »

the thing u said seeing how u just happened to leave out the sentence before that. was i don't hold grudges unlike u wolfy. i'm not petty like that. so ty for making me reread it for u did mention my name. as for quiting over it come one any one who pays for a service and then feels that there not receiving the service they're paying for at any time will try to find another service more to there liking. to call that inmature is to show just how young u must be to not know how basic life works. get a job and pay some bills and see if u go and pay for a service and not get mad if at any point your not satisfied with them.
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Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2007, 08:40:01 PM »

You don't pay to play wolfy, you DONATE. A DONATION is not a SUBSCRIPTION, two TOTALLY DIFFERENT things.

You, apparently don't understand that difference. At NO point are you REQUIRED to pay to play Space Odyssey, therefore, you AREN'T paying to PLAY the game, you are DONATING to SUPPORT the game and it's maker. There is a HUGE difference.

And you are petty, if you have to try to get me banned all beause Imuted you and didn't let you cuss up a storm. THAT i petty, and you held enough of a grudge to post about in on the forum so you can slander me and try to get me banned. That's not only immature, but VERY petty.

I have a job wolfy, I hve to pay for my car insurance and my gas, as well as any activities I do. I get all about service and payment. It's also why I understand the difference between a donation and a subscription.
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« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2007, 10:03:17 PM »

I'm not really paying attention to this cause i trust Seither so


and good night
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« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2007, 01:49:20 AM »

i said nothing about donating but was talking about the one year gold account payment. i paid for it cuz i enjoy SO. u still make no since as to why u think that's immature. cuz at any time u think your wasting your money. the first thing that comes to mind is not to pay that money again. u know the responsible thing to do unless your rich and have money to blow. BTW drakkin started the post u just decided to single me out. i wonder why! if drakkin would have never made this post then i wouldn't have posted about the muting. it would have been done in a mail too emi. but yet i'm to blame and that was a big lie. when have i ever tried to get u banned. go try to pawn simpathy for u off on someone else. it's way too late for that now. u have a car so u pay car insurance and gas. not saying much there in the ways of paying for services. say u go into a store and buy some milk. the expiration date is still good for a week. u get home with the milk and go to drink some. then u realize it's spoiled. u go back to the store and they say sorry u must have left it in the heat so they can't refund your money. will u go back and shop there again? i paid for a gold account to enjoy all the features SO has to offer and for a kid to come up and start muting people cuz he has power when there's always worst things than that in chat isn't enjoying what SO has to offer. therefore at the time i wasn't satisfied with what i paid for. is that a simple enough explanation for ya. if not then there's no easier way of putting it.
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Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2007, 03:02:08 AM »

no, actually, you singled me out, and you'rethe one repeatidly posting. And i'm not saying donatig is immature, I'm saying claiming things should go your way BECAUSE you donate is immature. and BTW, upgrading to a gold account is a for of donation, as it is optional. You recieve more benefits for it, that's all.

and you weren't saying i that way before wolfy, so now you ARE contradicting yourself, something you claim not to. I completely get not going back to a place when they refuse to have some sort of compensation for a mistake on their part. However, quiting over something as small as not being alloedto say a few words on the chat is pretty lame and incredibly pitiful. An Emi was talking to snipe, and apparently you mentioned having me banned, because Emi wanted snipe's opinion on wither what I did was severe enough to even demod me. snipe saidEmi was laughing about the whole ordeal.

The fact is, I made a mistake dude, GET OVER IT! If you had a problem with how I was acting, rather then cuss me out after the mute, try talking to me calmly, saying I don't get why we can't say crap, and I would have explained that emi doesn't allowed that kind of language. You then could have gone to emi and said, hey, why aren't we allowed to say crap on the chat? He could have gone and said, oh, you are, why do you ask? and then I could have simply been informed and this whole thing stayed in proportion, rather then drakken post about it (and this IS directed at both of you) and then you trying to slander me continously by trying to make it sound like I was out for revenge over something extremely petty.

And my age doesn't matter wolfy, i'm a moderator, and part of the Space Odyssey Team. If I say something, you SHOULD liste to me. Think of the military, if your commanding officer is 24 and your 35, does that mean you can just disrespect them and not listen to them? No, you can't. I'm not saying you have to agree with me, but try acting a litte more civil and talking things out, rather then cussing up a storm when you don't get your way.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I respect you as a player and a commander, but the way you act needs to change. You show no respect for anyoneelse, merely because you've made the top ten. Yes, that does allow you to talk some trash, but it doesn't allow you to treat people like poop, the way you HAVE been. And it hasn't been just me, I have been watching the way you act towards others. You just seem to havea special spot reserved for me. I honestly don't know what your problem with me is, thi started shortly after you joined, when i was defending you against people ccusing you of cheating and donating, and you went off on me. Whateve your problem with me is, I dn't care. Being a Spae Odyssey Team member and long time player, much longer then you, by the way, I DO deserve some respect.

From now on, anytime you cuss at me, insult me, or anything else obsene and vulgar, I'm ignoring your entire post and acting as if it is not there. I will reply t others and that's it. i'm tired of having this same conversation with you over and over. Apparently it's just not sinking in, or you don't want it to. Whatever the reason, that's how it's going to be.
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« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2007, 03:07:57 AM »

blah blah blah

my eyes are soar from reading lol

E come on bud lets lock this thread

Smee 12

edited to fix a typo

so blah blah blah lol
« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 03:10:31 AM by Smee » Report to moderator   Logged

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« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2007, 12:37:51 PM »

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« Reply #38 on: February 09, 2007, 04:11:11 PM »

give me some proof on that. oh that's right it's all lies. there for no proof. i've never even talked to snipe before. so for snipe to try and say i wanted u banned is a cowardly thing to do. must have been snipes thoughts but without the guts to put his name on it. i've already proven u started it with me in this forum so come on. u singled me out. i didn't even know seither was u until u posted on this post saying it was u. the fight between us started in the market changes post. u never defended me and i don't need no one to defend me. all this was cuz u muted one of my alliance members for saying that. he caught me on msn and i had to go to chat and say the same thing to make a point. it's not that u were doing your job. it's that u were muting people for little things while the big things go by unmuted every day. i know u will come back and say the little things need to be stopped too before they grow. ignoring the post about the big things never getting muted. it's your way of doing things. reply to half my post making u seem right and ignore the other half that would make your post wrong. as for the military example. 24 and 35 ain't 17. u can't even vote yet. skip my post all u want but u already know from the past as long as your posting about me then u will see a post by me in retaliation. so to shut me up is simple. u have to shut up! lets look at this in SO terms. all my attacks here were counters within 24 hours of peoples attacks on me or my alliance. an attack on me or my alliance deserves no respect from me and won't have my respect again until proven to be trusted again.
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Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2007, 06:45:27 PM »

wolfy, I never singled you out. In that thread, I clearly stated that the market was being abused by people high up and that until some sort of system could be mad eto prevent it, Emi's restritions were a step in the right direction. YOU took it as an attack on you.

And wolfy, 17 may not be 24 , but the situation is exactly the same. I am ranked as your superior by being a part of the SO team.

And if you look back, every fight here on the forum has been started by you retailiating to posts, mos tof which have nothing to do with you. And wolfy, I didn't ignore the big things that happened in the chat. I never saw them happened, and they were never reported, so how am I suppose to know who did it and what happened? It's like saying that the police should automatically know who did what in a crime. Without evidence, they, nor I, can do anything about it.

I have never attacked you without being attacked by you first. And for your information,  did defend you, it happened when you first reached the #1 position, a bunch of people were claiming you cheated and were a donator. But whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. The fact of the matter is, I was doing my job as it was originally defined, meaning no cussing allowed. Whatever your intentions were, you cannot deny that you cussed repeatidly, despite a warning.

I have now been informed of a change in policy, and therefore am following those new rules.

You may not respect me as a commander, but it's time you respect me as an authorty figure, as there I am your superior there. I'm not asking you to like me, or even agree with anything I say. I'm asking you to stop coming into any thread I post and slandering me and trying to over rule my authority by claiming everything I say is a lie. If you want to be able to do that, talk to emi about becoming a moderator yourself.

And for your information, just because someone can't vote doesn't mean anything. It shows nothing except that the government does not view them as an adult because of age. It says nothing about who they are or what hey can and can't do.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 06:50:10 PM by Monkey D. Luffy » Report to moderator   Logged

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