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1  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Help me get Emi's attention guys.. on: January 06, 2012, 02:57:02 AM
I don't attack newbies. If I hit anyone all round they were experienced players. Nor do I use an alt to attack newbies. I have offered credits, and planets to new people starting out. I have given advice to several people who are now doing better then they were. I even took time to write a quick 'how to guide' for new people. I would love for the player base to grow here. It's the same ol' people, just under new names that play. I'm not here to make newbies quit.

As for, The Mechanic, everyone is entitled to there own opinion on this matter. Mines is, that I believe he is, Stressed. I have proof and that's fine for me. I won't be told otherwise. He's no newb, he had a planet up first, and knows how to play.

For people starting out, they should all receive a pm about the forum and a link to several guides. I think it would be a great start. I have seen new people ask for help on chat and they get no replies.

I'm not trying to throw anyone under the bus, but Mythknight, and Catlady have attacked newbies since day one. They would power up, raid, board, whatever, reserve there ships and go offline. I don't think that is really helping new players out.
2  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Why new player Quit the game. on: January 06, 2012, 02:42:36 AM
Wow, I mean, I have never in all my time playing seen someone, cry, whine, complain, complain more, and then more, in a game. Now I just heard that he is 'under protection'. Fury says and I quote - 'Leave him be or I will make you quit this game'. Hmph, you seem to be a bit of a hypocrite there, Fury. Quick to defend someone, but also make someone quit?

Mechanic, regardless of what you tell everyone else, I know you are really, Stressedout. You can message yourself and other people and whatever alt you want too, doesn't mean crap. You came out and admitted it to me. I show proof, and you claim it's photo shopped, now it's 'Resolution was on my account'. Get your lies together.

As for, Resolution(yourself) someone who wants you outta the game, he knows an awful lot about you. who attacks you, how they attack you, etc. I mean you guys must share everything. Must be a love hate relationship you got going on.

You took, Chickenbutt and Headhunters planet's. Their planets weren't even in the trills, yet your planets total to around 4.5Trill. You dish some out you gotta be able to take it in return. Instead you cry(yet again) on the forum about fairness and newb this, newb that. Just GTFO.
3  Space Odyssey Info Terminal / Detailed Guides and Tutorials / Guide for New Players on: December 06, 2011, 02:22:50 AM
Well, I notice a lot of people join, and then quit within a day cause they don't understand it. So here is a guide explaining some basic things, it's not the best guide and was hoping some veterans could add some input to make it pretty legit. I'll edit and add things as I can. Really busy at the moment. But with a more detailed starting guide(Looks at Borg) maybe we could get more players and keep them.

Basic Knowledge When Starting -

Swarmers - Are ships that in mass amount cause a great deal of damage.

Super Ships/Main Ships/Mission Ships - These are ships that pack a punch. We use these ships to do encounters, incursions, hidden aliens, etc. Will go into detail about this later.

Power Ships -
Emi, has implanted a new formula, therefore making most power ship designs no longer useful. Power ships are used to put you into a nebula and protect your fleets from opposing commanders.

Nebula -
Nebulas, are a 24 Hour protection from getting attacked. While in a nebula you can not attack, or do encounter and interactive missions. You may only do, mission contracts and do counter attacks.

Rankings -
Basically just tells you your current rank among all active players

Will add more later


Trying to make bank?

Few steps here.

- When first starting off, VOTE! It's a pain, but it'll help you out. Plus, you might get lucky and win 2.5k turns or 250 CP. We LOVE CP!

- Good, you voted. Now, learn to make you a ship!! There is a great ship deigning web site in the forum( link ---> <--- I'd say a starter ship should be between 5-10Mill. That is 5.000.000 - 10.000.000 =p. Also, if your first ship is 10Mill and it's time to upgrade(get a bigger ship) you'll wanna times that by 1.7 . Some people do 1.5 others do 2.0 - It just depends on your preference, and what kinda gap you want your ships to have.(Just go with 1.7 until you become a better player) Never ever stack super ships, only one per fleet.

**Note** If you buy a gold account, the only good ship lines I know are, Person who sells themself for money Ship and S7S. **Note**

- Yonkers, you can build a ship. *pats back*. Now that you have your first ship, let's kill something! Hopefully there is an incursion happening! If so, slide on thru and start killing some aliens. Why do Incursions? Simple; they pay you pretty well and give some nice items. You'll only do this temporary. As your waiting to acquire certain items. Specifically Pinpoint Probes and Multi- Something probes.
The reason these are nice because hidden aliens pay off better then incursions do. Run through the galaxy, find Hidden Aliens and kill em' all! RAWR!

Sweet, your killing aliens, and making dough AKA Credits! Now use your credits, and buy a few more ships. I wouldn't go above a 50 Mil ship. It'll be pointless, because the main thing you'll he looking for in the galaxy are Bio-Experiments. These bad boys dish out CP(Command Points). They don't change up how much they give you until much higher. I think around 100Mill. O_0

Galaxy, Teching, and Stations -

- Now since your making a little bit of credits, and have a nice ship, you should hunt for CP as well while killing hidden aliens. Again, don't spend your credits just save them up. No need to buy a bigger ship then 50Mill.

Bottom right corner is the research tab, here is where you'll do all your teching.

Resources for stations is -
Space Station Cost: 9375 Carbon, 6250 Stone, 1875 Ice, 1250 Iron, 1250 Metals, 315 Gold and 190 Diamond
Mining Station Cost: 6250 Carbon, 10000 Stone, 1250 Iron and 1250 Metals

I found a nice cheap swarmer that can help you with this, below is the design.

Hull -Space: 23
Armour - Weight: 8 Hitpoint: 399
Powercore - Weight: 8 Energy: 629
Weapon - Weight: 3 Energy: 150 Attack: 64 Accuracy: 22%
Weapon (x2) - Weight: 2 Energy: 239 Attack: 27426 Accuracy: 2%

Now, it's ideal to get 7-8 space stations. No more. You'll wanna set your stations at a location that has 5 or more core ores. Must have Gold, Diamond, Ice, Metal, and Iron. All over 50k or they will probably run out before you start to replicate.

After you get your stations up and running. Rake in the credits for a day or two, maybe more. Once you content with how much you have, buy some ships. Cause it'll be time to hunt for CP to research more.

Replication is what you'll be working on next. It used to be ideal to get replication input and output to 20/20. Although now I hear it should be at 30/30(unconfirmed). It'll get costly and use up turns, but it's must.

**TIP** You may want to also tech Advanced Trade pretty high. 10 and up. Cause when it's time to put stations on 100% credits, you'll make more **TIP**

Once you have researched replication input and output to 20/20 you'll wanna start repping minerals. Now if you have 7 stations this is what you'll do.

Set 2 stations to rep Carbon.
The other 5 should be on - Diamond, Gold, Metal, Iron, and Ice. Let those minerals build up for several days. 3-4 then divide them up within all 7 stations and set it too 100% credits. Hopefully you should make more then 100 bill in 24 hours. Buy some ships with that, or let it build interest. *Note* With interest, only put 90Bill in there, or you won't make much. 90Bill with interest will make 10 Bill a day. *Note*?

After that is done, revert back to repping. Why? Because now you'll be working on Nanites. Nanites are under Mother Ship modules and will help with ship discount. Eventually ships will only be 1/4 of their original price. This is the reason you have 2 stations repping Carbon, because Carbon is required most when leveling up this module.


Defending -
I will give a power ship design for everyone to copy and use.

Hull: Space: 51
Powercore- Weight: 43 Energy: 12099
Shield - Weight: 8 Energy: 12099 Absorb: 19%

Here is an example of a powership. Powerships can be used as a "shield" to protect your fleet(s). In battle, the oppositon's largest fleet is engaged with yours. When the enemy engages your powerships (your largest fleet), he destroys it (because there is little/no hp). After the first fleet(amount of powerships that is equal to 20% or more of your power) is destroyed you will be put into a nebula, without losing any significant amount of credits/ships.?

**Note** You can keep using 10 fleets of powerships above your missions ships to protect them during this time, you just have to reserve to the needed amount to do missions, so if you have 10 bil and 5 bil, and have 10 fleets above your mission ships you would reserve 8 fleets and then have 3-4 fleets weaker than you mission ships, and so on. **Note**?

WOOT - Now you know what power ships are and how to use. Now what about Marines??

Essential to the survival of your ships, you need to have marines on them. Always 80% full at the very least. Otherwise if someone boards you, there is a high chance they will cap your ship or blow it. Either one happens, it sucks for you.

So, let's see if your fleet looks like this?

My Fleet               Attacker!

Power Ship     -  Attackers Main A
Power Ship     -  Attackers Main B
Main A           -  Attackers Main C
Main B
Main C
Main D
Fluff(Empty ship to take damage)

The purpose of fluff fleets are to take damage of ships that haven't had a turn to attack or board you. Say if had only 4 mains out and the attacker has 8 mains. 4 outta those mains will board you again. Basically attacking you twice in one blow.
4  General Talk / General Discussion / The Mechanic is... on: December 02, 2011, 05:15:11 PM
Lol. I only did this to prove a point. Also, we all know Resolution is Stressedout's alt as well.

The Mechanic(#149434)
2011-11-23 01:37:48
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey

Let me let you in on a secret.
I am marlboro man.
Do you really think that I would stabe you in the back for highlandknight????

He has already ****ed me off to no end when he kicked me out for no real good reason.

The Mechanic(#149434)
2011-11-23 01:44:42
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey

Well I am also stressedout.

5  General Talk / Report Abuse / Re: Highlandknight on: November 29, 2011, 10:07:29 PM
Yes, highland I attacked, Mythknight. Although it has nothing to do with your blatant abuse of TOS. When you attacked me with Mythknight, you can not hit me again for 24 hours on another account controlled by you. The only exception would be that it was a counter. You drained my credits, which is "softening" my account then attacked with your main. It's clear abuse, there is no excuse.

Another thing, is that these accounts are always "family" account. You have used, Catlady multiple times to attack players, myself included. It's obvious you think you can break TOS and get away with it and say it's a 'family' account.

I have never seen someone reported for breaking TOS more then you have, it's really ridiculous.

Emi, please do something about this. This person has been reported numerous times for alt abuse. What I have is clear proof of abuse.
6  General Talk / Report Abuse / Highlandknight on: November 29, 2011, 04:55:26 PM
Okay, now Emi, if you let this slide, it's clear HK can do whatever without repercussion. Both accounts are his, and he admits to it. It's a clear violation of TOS, to attack me with Mythknight, boarding me repeatedly, then using his main to scout me, then issues a bounty. Granted, I lost pships and 2 5 bill boarders, but none the less, it is clearly against TOS. He used his account to soften my account by draining the credits. So, going by what you said in a PM below, HK violated TOS. Those are all full on attacks, no counters.

Type    Mode    Commander    Power Lost    Remaining Power    Date/Time
Attack ON you    Bounty Hunter - Board
Full Report    highlandknight(#103445)    3.125.871.223    15.987.786    2011-11-29 13:11:55
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Regular
Full Report    highlandknight(#103445)    0    3.141.858.875    2011-11-29 12:28:32
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Board
Full Report    Mythknight(#145743)    0    186.341.996    2011-11-29 07:43:41
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Regular
Full Report    Mythknight(#145743)    0    186.341.996    2011-11-29 07:41:54
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Board
Full Report    Mythknight(#145743)    0    186.978.824    2011-11-29 07:38:26
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Board
Full Report    Mythknight(#145743)    0    187.044.824    2011-11-29 07:36:58
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Board
Full Report    Mythknight(#145743)    0    187.667.793    2011-11-29 07:35:51
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Raid
Full Report    Mythknight(#145743)    0    187.667.793    2011-11-29 07:35:30
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Raid
Full Report    Mythknight(#145743)    228.338    187.666.982    2011-11-29 07:35:15
Attack ON you    Remote Attack - Scout
Full Report    Mythknight(#145743)    0    187.895.320    2011-11-29 07:35:01

2011-11-29 08:17:05
Re: highlandknight abuse


catlady(#103118) is his daughter's account. He is allowed to use the counters on that account, but he is not allowed to use it to soften or coordinate attacks on your mothership, station, etc.

Please let me know if he uses the catlady and his main account to attack a station or your mothership.

Thank you,

Sir Emi
7  General Talk / Report Abuse / Re: More Alt Abuse on: November 29, 2011, 04:35:47 PM
Wouldn't that be coordinating an attack?

2011-11-29 08:17:05
Re: highlandknight abuse


catlady(#103118) is his daughter's account. He is allowed to use the counters on that account, but he is not allowed to use it to soften or coordinate attacks on your mothership, station, etc.

Please let me know if he uses the catlady and his main account to attack a station or your mothership.

Thank you,

Sir Emi

8  General Talk / Report Abuse / Re: More Alt Abuse on: November 24, 2011, 01:10:44 AM
well first off everyone has a alt. and everyone uses there alt. the tos says you can use your alt to attack a player and then use your main on them. 2 any account that has a counter on said you can attack. in the case you posted about catlady. well even if it were me on her account. not saying it was. but if it were it was a counter so that is not a tos broken rule. so keep crying becouse you used a alt to find some of 30 stations all over the board with you alt. alt abuse... good day

Okay, let me break it down for you, Highlandknight, since you have an obvious medical condition that stops you from reading or comprehending a sentence.

Step 1 -
the tos says you can use your alt to attack a player and then use your main on them.
- Now, let's look back on the rules. Looky here, I found it.

As TOS says - You do _not_ use your accounts to help one single account.   - Meaning, using an alt to attack, scout, whatever, is thereby helping out your main. By Clarkie using an alt to scout my stations, he was able to see my Station set up. HELPING one single account. Clear and obvious breach of TOS.

Step 2 - No one is talking about having alt's you sloth. I'm saying people use alts and abuse the game. Which is not fair. I've seen you chat countless times about how Space Pirates are cheating, yada, yada, yada. Broski you do the exact same. -So I label you as a hypocrite.

Step 3 - The point I'm saying about Cat Lady is that you use his/her account to attack people. I've been attacked by both of those accounts within a 24hour period. This isn't the first time you have been called out on it.
9  General Talk / Report Abuse / More Alt Abuse on: November 23, 2011, 07:06:24 PM
Okay, my problem with this, is that, Clarkie(Chocolate) used an alt to scout my Stations to see there HP and then came in with his main an attacked my stations. Under the "Terms and Service" it cleary states - 1) You do _not_ use your accounts to help one single account.   

2) You do _not_ use your multiple accounts to attack one single target.Your accounts may _not_ help each other in any way. You have to play each account as a single entity to ensure the fair play as opposed to your fellow commanders.

If it was fair play, I wouldn't care, it's the fact someone has to cheat in order to kill my station. I attacked all their stations last night, fair and square. Did not use an alt. I would like something to be done in this case. It may be minor abuse, but it isn't allowed.  I will add, that Mythyknight is Highland's alt account.

        (I) The maximum amounts of accounts per person
   You may have multiple accounts only on those circumstances:
   You do _not_ use your accounts to help one single account.
   You may _not_ finance a lower power account with a higher power one in orther to do damage to lower people using the higher account resources
   You do _not_ use your multiple accounts to attack one single target.Your accounts may _not_ help each other in any way. You have to play each account as a single entity to ensure the fair play as opposed to your fellow commanders.

Chocolate Death!!(#107013)
Structure(s) under attack in system ZDE-490
2011-11-23 17:12:08
Chocolate Death!!(#107013)
Structure(s) under attack in system URE-334
2011-11-23 17:11:00
Chocolate Death!!(#107013)
Structure(s) under attack in system XIE-284
2011-11-23 17:10:09
Chocolate Death!!(#107013)
Attack in system XIE-284
2011-11-23 17:10:09
Chocolate Death!!(#107013)
Structure(s) under attack in system PZD-873
2011-11-23 17:09:09

Chocolate Death!!(#107013)
Attack in system PZD-873
2011-11-23 17:09:09
golden boii(#149733)
Structure(s) under attack in system PZD-873
2011-11-23 17:06:02
golden boii(#149733)
Attack in system PZD-873
2011-11-23 17:06:02
Mythknight(#145743) (online)
Structure(s) under attack in system RMR-722
2011-11-23 13:41:09


On a whole other note. I believe that although they might not be the same person, that highlandknight(#103445) uses catlady(#103118) to attack people. Now if it is true, I have been attacked by both of them within a 24hour time frame. Personally, I would like to see you check into this. It's been said many of times that it's him and to no avail nothing has been done.

Can you actually try and do something about these problems?


That's just lucky right? HK logs on, coverts me, and then catlady moments later? Dude, emi can you do something about this CLEAR abuse??

From    Subject    Date/Time    All
2011-11-23 20:12:04
2011-11-23 20:11:55
highlandknight(#103445) (online)
2011-11-23 20:10:37
2011-11-23 20:10:21
2011-11-23 19:33:49
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