Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Alliance General Talk => Alliance Recrutment / Post your C.V. => Topic started by: Lammalord on March 21, 2006, 10:50:46 PM

Title: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on March 21, 2006, 10:50:46 PM
I think its Time for the DDD to regin once again..

i will be reccuiting again, as i have sussfully turned the last allaince i started into a top allaince.. i think im going to try to bring the DDD back.. if anyone would like to join, you have to have a somewhat decent power and play often..

may the DDD reign once more!

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Seither on March 22, 2006, 02:41:30 PM
Yes, if you are joining them, make sure you've got the right name, there are some similar alliances names to thiers, so be careful.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on March 22, 2006, 08:47:18 PM
yes theres 2 the first one isnt the right one it would be the second one on the list i belive

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Seither on March 24, 2006, 10:27:06 AM
Just make sure the last word isn't defenders or attackers. You should be safe then.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on April 24, 2006, 02:09:56 PM
i still have a few spots left.. congrates to Taco and C0bra for graduateing into the main alliance...

were soon to be back in full fource ill still be recuitiong in this alliance but when wizard is back in full force we may never know what may happen...  so get in while you still have the chance...

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on May 21, 2006, 04:29:30 PM
welp im about full got like 2 spaces left in the training allaince and 4 in the main

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Seither on May 22, 2006, 01:35:04 PM
Just go find some n00bs and throw them in. You might get lucky and get another Ducas like we did.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on May 22, 2006, 10:29:23 PM
i think Taco will go far.. if he keeps his cool has a bit of a problem with attacking alot of people hes attacked Gunit and spaceballs.. if he slows down on attacks and stops them against our allies he could go far, only problem is if he keeps it up at this rate he may start an unwanted war :(

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Seither on May 23, 2006, 02:12:46 PM
see, you need to disipline him. Attack him, knock him off his high horse. He'll either learn or quit.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on May 23, 2006, 10:35:50 PM
lol that or ocuppie him with something else.. ill teach him the maket that aught to keep him busy :p

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Seither on May 24, 2006, 01:26:21 PM
lol, for a bit anyway. I just get annoyed with that stupid 45 minute wait! I wish Sir Emi would change it so you don't have to wait so long if you bid on something. A total reset is so annoying, make it add like, 10 minutes with 45 minutes the max it can go.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on May 25, 2006, 06:46:39 PM
10 min if noone bids on it and they respawn faster to (like every 30 seconds or every min) but if you get chalanged in something then it turn to 45.. ya

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Seither on May 27, 2006, 03:58:48 AM
That, and the fact that I rarely make more money then I spend makes it very worthless to me. I only manage a 5% gain at max usually, unless CHOAM is feeling pity for me and decides not to rip me off.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: WolfPack on June 20, 2006, 05:26:47 AM
I would like to join your newbie training allinace.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: WolfPack on June 23, 2006, 09:21:43 PM
I sit here for 3 days and yet get no response for you...Does any one still read these f**k**g forums or is every one alts in this pathic-ass game????

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: charmuska on June 24, 2006, 01:16:24 AM
1) This will be said to you very soon if not the language...and that doesn't mean use * for the vowels.

2) If this game is so pathic (sic), why do you play it?

3) It would be really weird if everyone was an alt.  How lonely that one person would be.

4) Not everyone is on forums every day, especially on those streches where it dies down for a few days.

5) Edit a post, don't double post.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on June 28, 2006, 12:44:46 AM
like i said on space odyssey... i was having problems with my internet and was diconnected for about two weeks i am just now getting back on and selttled in sorry for the long wait...

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Cargill on July 04, 2006, 03:10:00 AM
Is this clan still looking for recruits?  I'm sick of getting I disagree kicked while I try to build up a fleet and would like a bit of support and guidance for this game.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on July 04, 2006, 10:15:27 PM
yes this *allaince* is still taking reccuits, you just need to join the Dooms Day Defence, and make sure that its Defence and not Defenders (ones training and once expert players) .. i would be the second DDD on the list of allainces.. and i am always taking in new ppl

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on August 17, 2006, 04:04:09 AM
the training allaince has 6 open spots, and the ddd needs some new good players, if anyone is intrested in filling a spot send a reqeust to join Dooms Day Defence, ill let anyone who wants to join in

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Fire_Ice on September 09, 2006, 10:50:10 PM
hey lamma can i join??
i guess im a avg shipbuilder and im willing to play

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on September 11, 2006, 12:23:47 AM
sure.. i got a few spots left still...

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on November 22, 2006, 12:05:23 AM
like the DDD live again!!! ha ha!

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Remfer on November 25, 2006, 04:49:37 PM
lamma...are you still leader of scum's dump?  if so...why did you not accept my truce request?   :2: i thought we were buds?


Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: zephyrblade on November 27, 2006, 03:45:19 AM
Lammeh, PLEASE let me come back. O:
I was still waiting for Wo'W to come back.

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: Lammalord on December 07, 2006, 05:50:15 PM
dont think he will...

Title: Re: Dooms Day Defence REC.
Post by: lostedchylde on January 14, 2007, 09:07:59 PM
 And yet - He did! :wow: