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Alliance General Talk => Alliance Stance => Topic started by: Seither on March 21, 2006, 09:47:59 AM

Title: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on March 21, 2006, 09:47:59 AM
As of this point, G-unit is declaring no wars and is in an unspoken agreement with many alliances for an era of peace. We are in an spoken agreement with the Teufel Hunden, Aeternal_Light, Murphys law, Space Pirates, and Annihilation of Faith for varying periods. This is merely a report of what I know we have going on. Ars68 will be on later today and probably add something else. What he says is official, this is merely an informative post.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on March 21, 2006, 05:41:07 PM
As of this point, G-unit is declaring no wars and is in an unspoken agreement with many alliances for an era of peace. We are in an spoken agreement with the Teufel Hunden, Aeternal_Light, Murphys law, Space Pirates, and Annihilation of Faith for varying periods. This is merely a report of what I know we have going on. Ars68 will be on later today and probably add something else. What he says is official, this is merely an informative post.

sounds good to me  ;D I love having you as second in command luffy, with you being able to be on all the time, I can rest assured all the time-critical decisions there is someone who can be on.  lol.  then I can take care of all the big decisions to wrap it all up.  lol

basically, the only other thing is please contact us if you are a training alliance, I don't want to start any wars with any training alliances, pretty much ever.  if you are getting close to top 10 though, you aren't a noob anymore and therefore not under this agreement however. so the noobs can learn to play, and people faking being a noob through an alt will get a beat down.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: mrtimbr549 on March 21, 2006, 07:40:28 PM
Terciary Commandant MrTim concours, and fully supports

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on March 21, 2006, 08:31:05 PM
well, if the pirate agrees with the commander, who can argue with that?  lol

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on March 21, 2006, 08:46:13 PM
Lol, thus you all see one benifit of homeschool and DSL mixed together. It's so simple when you stick to the basics of what's going on.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on March 21, 2006, 10:44:04 PM
will you ally the dooms day defence then?

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on March 22, 2006, 04:15:13 AM
Trip 7 is purely a training alliance.  I am hoping new members will come and learn the basisic of the game and then move on to other alliances and some I hope will even be Teufel Hunden material. 

and will not participate in any way in wars or other actions of the Teufel Hunden.  Trip 7 will just train people in the art of the game. which means I will train them about attacking people.  So any attack made buy members of Trip 7 should be only minimal.  please do not attack the entire alliance for 1 person learning.  however, counter attacks are welcome to futher the training process.  Thank you

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on March 22, 2006, 02:38:50 PM
Talk to ars about that Lammalord, that's not my call, at least, not completely. I see no problem with it now though.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Charlemagne on March 22, 2006, 04:43:19 PM
The official liaison between the People'e Front of Judea and G_UNIT, Charlemagne, does hereby agree to this.

Hehe couldn't resist. :D

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on March 24, 2006, 10:21:06 AM
Nice Charlemagne. but who, may I ask, the hell are the People'e Front of Judea?

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Charlemagne on March 24, 2006, 04:35:35 PM
Ohhhh.... I take it you don't watch too much Monty Python then?  They are from a movie called 'Life of Brian' it's hilarious.  And Tim knows what I'm talking about :P

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on March 25, 2006, 01:29:23 PM
I'll have to watch it then, and the pythons too (I have yet to get my hands on them, they are too popular here, almost always sold out and rented out.)

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Demitrious Ducas on April 04, 2006, 06:45:37 PM
What is our stance to the Judean People's Front?

My favorite sceen is when Brian is addressing the multitudes about believing in themselves, standing up for what they know is right, and being themselves, he ends by saying "Just remember, you are ALL individuals..."

The hoard of followers all chant together , "We are all individuals!"

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: mrtimbr549 on April 04, 2006, 07:55:25 PM
Pbbbt , f**k the JPF, and the Popular Front--Splitter!
One of the best parts of the Pythons  is the fact that no matter how many times you see them you pick up something new.  It really is layered cerebral comedy built upon silliness.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on April 04, 2006, 09:52:45 PM
just a note to all leaders of other alliances:
I can't accept any truces unless you send me your truce requests.

and I'm not hunting down 50 alliances every week through a list of 200 just to forget someone. 

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on May 04, 2006, 04:29:40 PM

because of increased hostility towards G_Unit members and allies, G_Unit is now at war with:

Space Balls
Eternal Darkness

if you do not wish to engage G_Unit, you better not be in these alliances.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: fat monkey13 on May 05, 2006, 10:17:19 AM
do g-unit wars affect the connection as well

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on May 05, 2006, 10:44:08 AM
not a whole lot.  because you are primarily a training group, I don't think it will.  I just hope others also see this distinction.  training alliances should try to remain truced with everyone, so noobs can learn in peace.  just don't be using it as a cover to get to an an easy top spot, as that will never happen  :P

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: PierLuc on May 06, 2006, 06:22:35 PM
wth ??? :confused:

war with us ?(dreads)

and....why ?

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on May 06, 2006, 11:16:11 PM
because of increased hostility towards G_Unit members and allies,

I believe that should say it all, really.  one day I get on with a message from Law, saying how you are attacking his alliance, and his asking for help.  and so I accepted.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Ricu on May 07, 2006, 07:15:42 AM

because of increased hostility towards G_Unit members and allies, G_Unit is now at war with:

Space Balls
Eternal Darkness

if you do not wish to engage G_Unit, you better not be in these alliances.

may i remind you ars that zyggy attaked me first .. i msg him that i will not counter because he had lost everythig he sent , i didnt lost a sigle thing , after that Ronald got some scanings from Ducas , eventualy Ducas attaked him , later Ducas attaked me , and if you say we increased hostility towards your alliance after we stayed down from your attaks , id say this is a war your gang started. + we havent ataked The Connection , we have nothing with them even if they are your second alliance , its an alliace for training we respect that you teach newbies.

and of course just for other to know you/your teammade sayed ( second in command  ) "As of this point, G-unit is declaring no wars and is in an unspoken agreement with many alliances for an era of peace..." . Should i take it that SpaceBalls were not in those many alliances you talked about ? Last roud i attaked luffy and afther a chat i apolagiesed to him , this round kinda the same with zyggy .. even thou the war with Ducas made me some extra income from selling his fleets ...

*This post had the porpuse to tell everyone that G_UNIT peacefull declarations were bull.... *cough*

So ... still whanna do this ?

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on May 08, 2006, 05:43:38 PM
oh really?  then were did all my ships go THAT GOT BOARDED BY YOU YOURSELF!!!  where did all the other ships go that my fellow alliance members had?  especially Luffy, if I remember right, he got attacked SEVERAL times in just 24 hours.  those ships didn't just up and walk away.  this is after MANY attacks, I wasn't even refferring to that incident.  also, if Murphy's Law stops their war with Dreadlord, then we will back down as well.  not until then. 

also, that is what I meant, I am not and WILL not ever require our training alliances to help us in a war.  in the future, it may come to G_Unit needing a second alliance for actual members, tehn that will be different, but not yet.

also, this brings an interesting point, emi, in the galaxy, it would help TREMENDOUSLY a permanent truce bringing together fellow alliances.  because it sounds like the alliance members guarding together doesn't count with fellow truced alliances.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Ricu on May 08, 2006, 06:03:29 PM
oh really?  then were did all my ships go THAT GOT BOARDED BY YOU YOURSELF!!!  where did all the other ships go that my fellow alliance members had?  especially Luffy, if I remember right, he got attacked SEVERAL times in just 24 hours.  those ships didn't just up and walk away.  this is after MANY attacks, I wasn't even refferring to that incident.  also, if Murphy's Law stops their war with Dreadlord, then we will back down as well.  not until then.

hmm... yes i got them , also got 2 of ducas and many more ... but this was AFTER you guys scouted Ronald and me , scouting wasnt even that much of a biggy , the attacks on Ronald started the war... and if you started a war aint i have the right to attack how i choose and when i choose in the timeplay of that war ? of course i boarded him , and sold the ships i captured and even made a profit from the war with u guys.. its been peace now for a while .. neither Luffy and ducas attaked me , even thou i couted them sever times ... but hey , i do have this rght , right ? it is a war and in a war there is no fair way or wrong way , there is only fight to the end , but We started as a peacefull allaince and even now we would accept your truce , lets not say surrender.this could go on monts for now.

So .. as you sayed .. we still are at war and attaking in the future with no preatention would not upset noone then.

and Murphy law vs Dreadlords ? i think jeff is kinda kicking even your guys not to say murphy law....and as i heard it from wizard on the chat DDD is now agresive to your bounch as well , at least Wizard.. you think you can handle 3 alliances on your head ? and im talking about al you down under top 10 , Ducas and Luffy can take care of themselfes for now , and maybe for days weeks months to come.

ive tryed to put some sense in some of your members to call it truce there is no point in fighting. some of them understood some not , still you are their leader.

and i will remind you the fleets i captured were made should i say fairly .. a war is a war , there are no rulles in a war. and untill you call it truce who knows what dastardly deeds we Spaceballers might do ...

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: deathStar1337 on May 08, 2006, 06:51:15 PM
When you declared war with Dreadlords we had been at truce with Murphy's Law for at least a day and we are still truced with them.
There was nothing in our aliance forum to say that we were ever at war with Murphy's Law.
Maybe one person atatcked a Murphy's Law member but the whole aliance didnt, and as i said we are at truce with them.

                                                  :21: death  :21:

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on May 08, 2006, 07:33:08 PM
deathStar1337, don't talk for jeff, ok? I saw the battle reports myself, there were at least 3 of your members names on that list, if not more, after I saw three I said ok, I'll message ars and we'll go. I'M the one who told G-unit we are at war with Dreadlords, ars just informed everyone up here. As for our war against you guys Ricu, not a clue how it happened, I sure as hell didn't order it. I get on one day with a message sayign we're at war with SpaceBalls from I think ducas, and then one from Murphy saying he wants to know if we are going to back him up in the war, I told him yes.

I'm all for trucing with you guys Ricu, but Ducas, well, he's still a bit ticked I think, he did get hit pretty bad. As for peace with the dreadlords, hell no.

And I said two things at the beginning of this round: A) We are trying to prove we are trust worthy as allies after the War_Knight Scandel and B) We're trying to be peaceful. Note the trying to be part. I never said we would be with everyone or for all of this round. We haven't made any major problems, and we have many allies again, so if we're at war with you, you did something to deserve it.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: deathStar1337 on May 08, 2006, 07:49:36 PM
I said :
When you declared war with Dreadlords we had been at truce with Murphy's Law for at least a day and we are still truced with them. Fact
There was nothing in our aliance forum to say that we were ever at war with Murphy's Law.
Maybe one person atatcked a Murphy's Law member but the whole aliance didnt, and as i said we are at truce with them

I was stateing that we are TRUCED with them and that there was never any evidence of a war in the aliance forum on our end. Also please tell me where i was speaking for jeff??? 

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Demitrious Ducas on May 08, 2006, 08:08:23 PM
I'm not ticked off about anything... war is war. I've no intention of supporting peace or a truce with Space Balls, as I intend to test everyone one of them that comes into my range, if they are worthy they can stay at the top, or at the top too high for me to reach with powerships fine, otherwise... go back down and develop new tatics and ships.

Ricu... saying "it has been peace for a while now" when you know well enough you attacked my System Command Fleets 36 times, wiping them from 2 different systems in the last 24 hours, doesn't sound like you want peace. The excuse that you were mining doesn't hold weight since you were really just hunting encounters, and we both know that mining would have taken far too many turns away for the # of systems and encounters you and I have visted in the last 24 hours....

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on May 08, 2006, 11:56:22 PM
We were responding to the info we recieved, you may have truced with them, but they wanted us to help with that war, I got on and said yes, and according to Murphy, you truced a day AFTER we declared war on you. I can't believe anything you claim to be or not to be on your alliance board/forum because I can't see them, and I saw the report bud, three people from your alliance. And you speak for jeff when you say we declared war when you were truced with them and all that jazz. It's his job as commanderof Dreadlords, not yours, to tell us this stuff. You aren't an officially recognized second in command as I've seen no announcements, so your word=diddly squat.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on May 09, 2006, 06:49:18 PM
death, tell murphy to post here the war is over.  not you.  also, space balls has been launching attacks EVEN BEFORE THAT.  I just turned a blind eye to it until now.  this has been coming for a LOOONG time.  also, if you remember, we have had to survive attacks from ALL other major alliances at the same time.  I know how to play very well now, even make top 10 easy.  just be thankful I have a Real Life that leaves me with precious few fleeting moments on-line for most of the time, and with only dial-up as well.  or I WOULD be up there beating ships out fo service as we speak.  if only I could find a worthy apprentice...  :) 

lol.  jk.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on May 10, 2006, 02:33:04 PM
This is what happens when an alliance has a member in the top ten and the alliance as a whole isn't used to top ten members, they think it makes everyone else start the wars, not them, and they think they run the galaxy and if they say something, it is automatically true.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on May 12, 2006, 06:55:31 PM
the DDD will have to side with G-unit on the was with the Dreadlords

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Demitrious Ducas on May 16, 2006, 12:45:11 PM
I'm starting to think DDD and Lamma want to hog all ther glory in the war with Dreadlords... He is always taking down jeff!

Thanks, but when is it MY turn to pin the tail on the ass... I mean donkey?  :P

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on May 16, 2006, 12:46:00 PM
lol, nice ducas.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: lonewolv100 on May 20, 2006, 12:03:50 AM
G unit sucks... :rip2:

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ronald on May 20, 2006, 06:27:35 AM

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on May 21, 2006, 01:30:33 AM
lonewolv100, I know for a fact that you are basing that opinion on the fact that I reported you for violating ToS after I told you to stop as it was a violation of ToS, and you refused. And ronald, spaceballs sucks even more, so there! :P

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Chronos on May 21, 2006, 01:35:50 AM
You all suck for undisclosed and completely made-up reasons. So, there!... Again!  :harhar:

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on May 21, 2006, 01:44:15 AM
lol, chronos.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Ricu on May 21, 2006, 05:18:32 AM
here here  :cheers:

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on May 21, 2006, 04:28:34 PM
im taking all the glory against the Dreadlords hay there a gold mine i mean jeff that is with all my boarding ive takens soooo much from him you cant even count  anymore hes helpeed me alot lol

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on May 22, 2006, 01:33:03 PM
lol, sounds great lammalord, but people, quit being offtopic in our alliance stance thread! We aren't throwing a party at the moment, so quit lingering in here! It's been well over a year since our last party, lol! (taking details from a mission contract involving a party hosted by g-unit)

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on June 04, 2006, 08:53:56 PM
okay then back to the topic

Gunit Sucks  :harhar:

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on June 06, 2006, 05:16:27 AM
oh, whatever. At least we don't attack people who want the round to end.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Ricu on June 06, 2006, 06:57:43 AM
 :)) your acting liek kids now ...

can i join you   :P

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on June 06, 2006, 07:08:06 AM
lol feel free. we're acting like immature teenagers though, because we have in the gutter jokes as well, lol.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on July 30, 2006, 08:08:27 PM
ok, I'm actually posting in this thread, so you all must already know something is seriously up, just from seeing I posted something in this thread... LOL.

anyway, this is a message someone has given my alliance: (out of goodwill alone, I shall take out their name)


2006-07-29 17:29:24
Hostile Actions

Hello, I have received messages from enzosis that nightguard has been attacking him. Tell nightguard to stop or things will start to become extremely violent. I promise never to attack anyone in G-Unit as long as they don't attack us. I am sorry that I have taken all of my rage out on you. You seem to be a very nice guy, but you must make sure that peace between us is maintained. Tell your alliance members that I will attack them all and not stop until they are completely wiped out, if any type of attack occurs again.


ok... there are some SERIOUS prblems with this message, and I don't just mean that because maintaned was spelt wrong.

Hello, I have received messages from enzosis
1:  this is about attacks against enzosis, so why he is not delivering this message? at the very least he could try to speak for himself, but as far as I know, this is the only message sent.

that nightguard has been attacking him
2: my alliance and this alliance are truced, last I checked. attacked HOW?  if you mean bounty, how can you expect my alliance members to know who all is in your alliance if I DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT PERSON.

Tell nightguard to stop or things will start to become extremely violent
3: this is saying to tell nightguard to stop attacking... WHY CAN YOU NOT TELL MIGHTGUARD YOURSELF?  maybe it is because you were explaining your counter against nightguard... except instead of nightguard, you hit duke instead? maybe you already ran out of counters?

I promise never to attack anyone in G-Unit as long as they don't attack us
4: don't make promises no one can keep.  it is almost impossible to completely stop all attacks whatsoever, ESPECIALLY with the bounty system the way it is. and especially when you already most likely generated more counters yourself then what nightguard did.  again, I don't know.

I am sorry that I have taken all of my rage out on you.
5: again, why bring duke into this when it was nightguard?

You seem to be a very nice guy, but you must make sure that peace between us is maintained
6: again, WHY are you sending this to duke, if nightgaurd is the one who did it?

Tell your alliance members that I will attack them all and not stop until they are completely wiped out, if any type of attack occurs again.
7: for your information, we have done quite well being attacked non-stop by up to 3-4 major alliances at the same time...  this almost makes me want to tell my alliance members TO attack you, just to get your head back where it belongs.  barring cheating and DDay, there is NO way whatsoever to bring an entire alliance down like youd escribed, so you are going to be warring against us for a pretty long time.

that would be it... except:
8: ok, maybe it is because you are his alliance leader, I could understand why you sent it instead.  but why would you not send it to me, either?  that's like telling a grunt (no offense, duke) in ana rmy to stop, while trying to leave the commanding officer totally unaware of the situation.  it ISN'T going to happen like that.

9: upon hearing of this Nightguard HIMSELF has messaged you back, tryign to explain that HE DID NOT KNOW, and that he will stop attacking your alliance members, as long as he knows they are in your alliance.  so far, NO REPLY WHATSOEVER.

if you know what I'm talking about, then I hope this makes it CRYSTAL clear.  a message, and actions like this, will help START wars, NOT prevent them.  almost the only actual worthwhile thing in this entire message that helped whatsoever to duke... was the part about telling his alliance.  and that was it.  so WHY did you not simply message either me, or nightguard, and save all this confusion?  in fact, WHY have you not talked to or responded to the person WHO ACTUALLY DID THE OFFENSE and going so far as to REFUSING to do so?  last I checked, the people in question are a secondary alliance, I hope the leader of the main alliance sees this as well, and sees my frustration as well, and considers it carefully, as I would not want someone who did something like this as a leader of one of my alliance's unless there were other reasons involved. ESPECIALLY a training alliance.



hmm...  planet G_Unit...  I like that :)  where all the parties are.  once a year.  lol

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on August 01, 2006, 04:23:26 AM
ars I have been led to beleive that midnight in not playing for a few days.  I have been lead to believe that he has someone baby sitting his account.  now that you mentiond that I remember him saying something about take a holiday.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: FTP on August 01, 2006, 06:04:12 AM
I have not seen midnight on msn for a few days indeed.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on August 01, 2006, 11:19:03 AM
well, that post was made before I messaged you the first time, but now that it is cleared up, yes, I will (and already have) removed it.  it has served it's purpose, and so it is gone.  (that way I'm not double posting either  :)) )

anyway, as I said, everything is cleared up now.  no, I had no idea you were on vacation, part of the reason why I messaged light as well, to make sure nothing like that WAS what was happening.  I can't blame you now, especially when luffy had that same problem before, someone babysitting his account starts trying to cause wars and such.

hmmm...  planet peace :)  I might keep that one in mind  :D

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Midnight44 on August 09, 2006, 04:08:32 AM
Glad to hear ars. You seem to be a nice guy.  :19:

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on September 04, 2006, 10:08:59 PM
portion of chatroom dialogue recorded on alliance board:


wes-ulchia(#22576): gunit is a bunch of lames
thezerg(#33603): why do you hate gunit so much?
wes-ulchia(#22576): **** g-unit
wes-ulchia(#22576): wes-ulchia(#22576) made a successful attack and ars68(#1432) lost 52.062.750 fleet power.
Is it just me or is he just acting like a real phat.


AND: (including quite possibly 50+ attacks on me alone)

cbilcliff (#4203):
2006-09-03 12:29:08

wes-ulchia(#22576) attacked your from deep space.
wes-ulchia(#22576) destroyed 0 of your ships and lost 19170 ships.
wes-ulchia(#22576)s attack failed.
wes-ulchia(#22576) fleet was no match for your forces.

(+3355 Exp)

in response, I have decided to see just how 'phat' G_Unit has really become...  I don't know what alliance wes is in right now...  but they can be sure very soon their alliance will start receiving some attacks of their own.  let us see just how weak you really thought me and G_Unit to really be.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: FTP on September 05, 2006, 05:29:29 AM
Wes is in skumdump I think.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 05, 2006, 08:14:51 AM
i will shoot you if you think that bastard is in my allaince, i dont need another war..

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: FTP on September 05, 2006, 08:42:38 AM
Srry Lamma, I will correct my fault.

200             L wes-ulchia (#22576)     9682     0                     30.789.464

He is in The Blood Angels
  The Blood Angels are are an elite group of people.We are ruthless,vicious. We are not a peaceful alliance if u stand in are way u will be destroyed.we will attack if provoked or unprovoked.Attacking one of us is not a good decison we will strike back with everything we have. Please do not underestimate us we are a force to not be fucked wit.

any one wishing to join send a request. but u must be ready to attack if need be newbies welcome we shall look over u

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: bigbroni on September 05, 2006, 03:53:05 PM
the bloody angles (or what was thier name) are a group of poor sucks trying to get up in ranking with the methodic of a street gang ... well maybe I should fund a police force ... is that legal?

w/r bb

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on September 05, 2006, 08:41:46 PM
thank you for your help.  somehow I scouted top 20 to top 300-400 almost and never seen him once, don't ask how I managed to do that, anyway, looks like it's time for war.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Demitrious Ducas on September 11, 2006, 08:21:49 PM
The hit heard round the Galaxy

Assault result

wes-ulchia(#22576)'s 1 Blood Raven are destroyed during battle.
You boarded wes-ulchia(#22576)'s fleet and mothership.
You destroyed wes-ulchia(#22576)'s 1 ships and lost 0/4 ships.

Incoming transmision!
Thank you for your help commander, you have been awarded 40,128,000,000 credits and 100,000 experience bouns.
wes-ulchia(#22576) lost more power than you during battle.
(+3500 Exp)

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 12, 2006, 06:34:15 PM
nice hit ducas.

Update: G-unit is now at war with the following alliances: Dreadlords, Salonikowo, Flying Monkeys, Murphys law, U.M.S., Space Balls, and Revival of Shadows. Anything you hear different is a lue unless confirmed by me. Thank you, that is all.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 12, 2006, 10:23:16 PM
wow, alot of war, enjoy

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Hellsword on September 13, 2006, 01:55:10 PM
were at war :s... well ya coulda told me... oh well ill give my people instructions to kill any G Unit near them :)

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 13, 2006, 03:41:31 PM
I told you by posting it here. That's what this board is for.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Nightguard on September 14, 2006, 07:09:25 AM
Monkey does not speak for all of G-Unit so ignore any posts by him until confirmed by Ars.He has not been playing & so is out of touch with both the game & our alliance.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Hellsword on September 14, 2006, 12:20:10 PM
well monkey is 2nd in command atm, so unless ars says different were at war. Ars has probly a day to get back to me b4 i spend my cash upgradin so have a low enough base to whack you again nightguard, so he has till then to say something. Right now i will tell my peopel to stop hitting G Unit, howeverIn 24 hours if i havent heard from ars then it will be war again.


Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 14, 2006, 01:24:29 PM
Apparently, in 24 hours, odds are I will no longer be a member of G-Unit, so looks like I'll be looking for an alliance to be joining.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 14, 2006, 04:54:18 PM
As there is a chance that I will no longer be a part of G-unit in 21 hours and 30 mins, all wars are hereby post poned until further notice by ars68 or me. No one else declaring or permanently canceling these wars are valid claims unless suggested otherwise by ars68 or myself, that is all.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Smee on September 15, 2006, 03:29:55 AM
weird ?? lol


hope all goes well ^^ :12:

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 15, 2006, 11:54:02 AM
The following wars are back on: Spaceballs, Salonikowo, and Dreadlords. The following wars are added: Skum Dump (by popular request). All others are canceled.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 15, 2006, 07:24:17 PM
by pouplar request?!?!?.. i hate you...

whats so "fun" about attacking people who kick your ass everytime, do you LIKE to die? man call off the war on Skums Dump.. im not playing around with Gunit at all, i really dont want a war with you.. and i wont hold back on this one.. ill make sure my money randomly goes to help more people alot, to make sure that gunit dosnt get far if the war even starts

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Hellsword on September 16, 2006, 12:53:11 AM
lamma you cant pay lower people to attack others... which means yo ucant fund your peopel to help kill g unit...

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Smee on September 16, 2006, 01:45:30 AM
lol ahhaha lamma ^^


Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 16, 2006, 03:21:19 AM
but you can pay for attacks.. :).. all i have to do is get my members to do a susessful attack then i can pay them for it.. :)

or well, they can make me ships to.. but that takes longer beacuse my account dosnt upgrade everyday..

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Soppe on September 16, 2006, 05:27:35 AM
theyr already at war... u gonna pay em for going into war? :P

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 16, 2006, 01:41:06 PM
well i never paid them against UEA.. :).. but i will with Gunit..

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 12:15:09 PM
The alliance wanted this war lamma, not me. I was against it, but even I can't stand against all of G-unit sadly....that and ars overruled me (I hate that little loophole, second in command, head of peace and war efforts, and I can be overruled by our leader in the peace and war department.)

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 07:19:07 PM
well then, i will countiue to attack Gunit members with my account, and officaly tell my members to assult any Gunit members in range...

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 07:37:28 PM
you do that, I'll continue to say this to my alliance "You idiots! Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid idiots!" Jk, but like I said, not my idea.

*2.5k posts, yay!*

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 08:28:15 PM
ya well, i never actally told my members to assult the UEA members lol.. there were always on a counter policy, you just need to wait tell i put them into offensive, if there counters were that deadly...

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 20, 2006, 07:52:17 AM
their counters have hit only pships. I took myself out by attacking a guy who had at least 10B worth of tinyman ships, and then had several people I had attacked earlier wack me with counters, after I had successfully 0red myself. Skum Dump had nothing to do with it. In fact, I can't even SEE one of you guys.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 20, 2006, 08:51:52 AM
were all to far up the food chain for you lol

no siphoor lost a mission ship :p

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on September 20, 2006, 12:10:00 PM
no, I checked, he didn't, he lost on OLD mission ship, one he doesn't use anymore. He plays a bit differently then others, so you never know anymore.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on September 24, 2006, 09:50:20 PM
just tell me when Gunit admits defeat to Skums Dump, and mabey we can work out a truse :)

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on October 03, 2006, 01:13:44 PM
lamma, maybe you should check your guy's attack history before going all like that.  as far as I can tell, you don't have to tell your skum dump members to go all out on G_Unit, because for a really long time Skum Dump members HAVE been attacking G_Unit seemingly all out.  so your point is?  I mean come on, one or 2 attacks, maybe I can let them slide, but your 'training alliance' has rogues, traitors and war mongers all rolled up into one alliance.

edit: and if you find this is an insult, lamma, it is only because it is the truth.  maybe you should check to see what your alliance members are really doing...  especially before letting them in, if you don't want to have wars.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Lammalord on October 03, 2006, 10:47:26 PM
its not a training allaince.. its the real thing.. just with me leading it, hay i been lead long enought time to test my skills as a leader

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on October 10, 2006, 01:25:11 AM
Yay, well, you really should check who you let kinda makes you look bad if your guys just do whatever.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: ars68 on October 11, 2006, 11:34:59 AM
well, it's official now... if you still have a problem with G_Unit... it's your own fault.

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: duke2004x on October 11, 2006, 05:50:29 PM
Well it all dosent matter now, the G-unit era has come to an end :(

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: mrtimbr549 on October 11, 2006, 07:16:12 PM
As far as I know Ars is still in charge of G-Unit.  Theyre still around.... :12:

Title: Re: G-Unit's Stance
Post by: Seither on October 11, 2006, 08:33:04 PM
around, yes, living, barely. G-unit is a shadow of it's formal self. Odds are it'll be dead by the end of this round, if not the end of the month.