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General Talk => SO Help => Topic started by: Kalam on August 29, 2012, 11:16:50 PM

Title: Should I keep my items?
Post by: Kalam on August 29, 2012, 11:16:50 PM
I keep receiving items like hack cards, chests, and other un-namable items. I've just been selling them all. Is there any reason I should keep them? And how do I collect resources from a captured chest?

Sorry for the noob questions, but I can't find answers in other topics (I've only read about a third of them). Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Should I keep my items?
Post by: Saturn 7 on August 30, 2012, 02:09:59 PM
Sell everything to start with.  Items worth keeping for later are the scan and detection probes, though you will only need a few hundred detection probes. These will be needed to find hidden aliens once you get to a certain power... I usually prefer starting when i'm in the 100's of bill fp ships (they work before then, its just the payout isnt good from low levels)
Later items to keep will be the HP, attack, marines and warp items  only start keeping these when they are more than 10% bonus. Turns use when you need them (that should be nearly all the time). Workers use.. put them in mothership, convert them to marines or later save them for a planet if you go that route. Resources keep, use when required they will be added to your resource supply.  Segs will be needed for later in the round, but selling low value ones is better to start with.

Title: Re: Should I keep my items?
Post by: Kalam on August 30, 2012, 05:31:00 PM
Thank you. I took a screenshot for future reference.

When I have more questions should I post a new topic, or just expand on this one?

Title: Re: Should I keep my items?
Post by: Saturn 7 on August 30, 2012, 06:05:15 PM
You can keep this one going unless topic completely different.