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Space Odyssey Info Terminal => Updates => Topic started by: SirEmi on June 21, 2006, 01:41:52 PM

Title: Galaxy star search / Navigation
Post by: SirEmi on June 21, 2006, 01:41:52 PM

- Added a search for star name in the system view. This will make specific star navigation easyer, and it is a precursor for missions that will require jumping to specific locations, to destroy Reavers / Aliens / fleets, or carry goods, etc.

Next, the fleet logs to view a fleet history from it's birth to it's destruction, to track fleets progress, and notice any iregularity on the fleets part, is in progress...

Title: Re: Galaxy star search / Navigation
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on June 22, 2006, 08:27:16 AM
will be glad to see it

Title: Re: Galaxy star search / Navigation
Post by: Seither on June 22, 2006, 09:32:50 AM
kinda confused on the fleet logs thing, but ok.

Title: Re: Galaxy star search / Navigation
Post by: zephyrblade on June 22, 2006, 09:21:40 PM
Could this be because of my whining?  :))  :confused:

Title: Re: Galaxy star search / Navigation
Post by: Seither on June 23, 2006, 06:56:27 PM
highly possible. Sir Emi adds stuff he sees people requesting, or that seems like it is needed.

Title: Re: Galaxy star search / Navigation
Post by: FOO on June 25, 2006, 12:53:48 PM
 :12: :12: :12:
All of these updates are good, to an extent. It would be better if the system scan actually worked, even if it only said " Encounter Nearby" or some such thing.

Title: Re: Galaxy star search / Navigation
Post by: deathStar1337 on June 25, 2006, 06:40:44 PM
the system scan does work or atleast it did once. I had a fleet in at a star and when i clicked on it, it said something like "gold transport located". so i think you have to have fleets at stars for it to work, i oculd be wrong

Title: Re: Galaxy star search / Navigation
Post by: Seither on June 29, 2006, 03:26:58 AM
it works, but it is not always accurate, just like anything in real life. He can't make it easy to find stuff you guys, or it'd be no fun to play.