Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: SuperXD on September 01, 2010, 05:57:10 PM

Title: The top 20
Post by: SuperXD on September 01, 2010, 05:57:10 PM
xact location for the jump, between 80%-200% of your mothership power. Remote attacks will negate space station bonuses, while segments / raids loot is lower then in full assault battles. Attacks are 5 turns.
Ranking   A   T   User   Mothership   Ships   B   N   C   Status   Mothership Power
1         L Grizz Hunter (#6)   204771   32         D      9.223.372.036.854.775.808
2         MasterJohn2 (#46911)   284779   31         D   ONLINE   9.223.372.036.854.775.808
3         L zynx (#170)   39516   107497574108         D   ONLINE   1.883.729.891.598.686.976
4         L highlandknight (#103445)   110112   9998295296         D   ONLINE   11.988.846.125.720.812
5         Purple Bastard (#133784)   7571   424725590         D   ONLINE   7.401.747.276.411.754
6         L Saturn 7 (#98593)   41782   1990959368         D   ONLINE   4.354.806.711.197.059
7         Fester (#98882)   23410   8608300400         D   ONLINE   2.972.951.107.397.739
8         Lavis (#133510)   4587   17575330014         D   ONLINE   1.004.457.574.433.107
9         tonydac (#126434)   26959   25200000         D   ONLINE   438.452.842.990.195
10         CHICKEN ON A CHAIN (#89173)   851   20000101         D      348.076.894.250.106
Ranking near SuperXD
Ranking   A   T   User   Mothership   Ships   B   N   C   Status   Mothership Power
22         pirate55 (#102749)   10143   1157350         D   ONLINE   21.102.841.880.826
19         firefighter6080 (#129259)   30170   1000000         D   ONLINE   17.412.951.736.142
20          SuperXD (#13467)   11785   24000002         D   ONLINE   12.492.134.370.545
8         Gilgamesh` (#90389)   32587   11         D   ONLINE   4.497.741.442.172
26         Enki01 (#122607)   43744   10000000         D   ONLINE   1.914.526.147.459
9         kp7card (#115777)   11899   0         D      831.938.856.916
6         TNTTony (#90397)   1146   0         D      735.965.022.851
21         emy (#55346)   53511   20000         D   ONLINE   368.206.663.790
27         jimmyconn (#86393)   27569   800015         D   ONLINE   144.813.130.181
12         mrcoolcs (#37749)   37950   0         D      139.779.545.510

Title: Re: The top 20
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on September 01, 2010, 05:58:00 PM
You need to post at what time before the boom you snapped that...

Title: Re: The top 20
Post by: SuperXD on September 01, 2010, 05:58:56 PM
01 second

Title: Re: The top 20
Post by: Pirate55 on September 01, 2010, 05:59:28 PM
11th.... i almost made highland extremely unhappy haha... which was kinda my goal.

Title: Re: The top 20
Post by: forumemy on September 01, 2010, 06:01:23 PM
i sneezed and pressed the wrong button i shouldve had 10 tril power :(

emy :12:

Title: Re: The top 20
Post by: SuperXD on September 01, 2010, 06:02:37 PM
lol emy=fail