Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Lammalord on March 19, 2010, 11:47:49 PM

Title: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 19, 2010, 11:47:49 PM
No, Spayed this isn't about you so stop smiling.

But seriously, I have, in fact, been keeping up with all the updates on this game and noticed that Emi has, as of late, been on a "making it fair for the little guy" trend.

Updates like the 200-80% rule - now I know this has been there for a while now but way back when all you had to do was BUY smaller ships to attack lower players, you never had to reserve your big ones and pay that fee to dish out an attack.

Reserved ships = Money power - annoying as hell for players like me who like to migrate up and down the ranks, knowing the 50 bil to kill a guy at 1 bil power is a speck compared to the hundreds of trillion in ships i have reserved.

The Covert Ops - designed so that even the big guys gotta watch what they do, simply because even some tiny guy they pick on can get lucky on a Covert Ops and take out a top ten player -or at least hurt them.

the Salvages - we all know people hate getting blowing back to square one, this was made to at least give the little guy a little pity in the form of cash back from their ships...

But there's always been the one loophole to all this - the Tiny Man ships, now I'm posting this cause for all these years Sea-O (the version i like..)  for its first time has some old players come in and throw up Tiny Men ships.  I couldn't help to notices that with something like 200 Trillion he had only 200 billion power from his ships.  In other words, this guy had enough cash to buy upwards of 20-30 trillion power worth of mission ships - yet he was down at 400 billion (200 bil base) power, untouchable from anyone in the range and able to destroy anyone from 200 bil power to about 2 trillion power - just by hitting "attack" no boarding necessary, them poor ships he sends in against are simply screwed.

Talk about unfair against the Little guy?  Previous updates, things such as the 200-80% rule the ships = money power update, - were to prevent big players from attacking small once, but they're pointless!  if anything these updates slowed PvP to a sudden halt. Oh, and these problems were easily counter-able, powerships?  Marines? the combination of both?  for example this one players on sea-o had a fleet of powerships followed by 3 mission ships (fully marined) no matter how much money I had, or how i tried, (boarder ships, marine items, removing the weapon to use bigger ships with more marines, kamis)  it was impossible for me to kill even one of his mission ships, even if I had 20 trillion power and he had 200 bil.

Yet then it struck me?  What is the only thing to kill this guy? what is the king of unfair?  the best ships to use to slaughter a guy 1% my power?  Tiny Ships.  - and bam! 200 trillion later into tiny man i was able to not only take out the powerships but wipe both his leads that were impossible to kill just moments before.  Now - after doing that I was almost ashamed of my actions, have I really stooped down so low to use the inherently unfair ship the tiny man?  I did.  and quite frankly, I regret doing it.  This ship should never be used, or if anything be deformed so bad its style becomes useless.

A fix could be easy on these, for example, if the cost/space ratio is over 5,000:1 the power per ship ratio would be raised to 1.5 power per credit cost of ship.

Why 5,000:1?  We know A mission ship has an average around 165:1-175:1, being that all missions are designed with 99.9% of the power on the ships hull.... 5,000 is going WAY overboard, but its just enough to keep the kami from getting effected or the swarmers which range anywhere from 1,000:1 to 2,000:1.  But a Tiny Many?  The one I have is 10,000,000:1 yah - just a little bit over huh?

Why 1.5x?  cause this is right around the average power/credit ratio of a supership.  Meaning, instead of a 1,530,145 Tiny's (40 mil design - costing a total of 61 trillion) giving - 16,305,226,323 power (like they do now) they would give 97,599,992,796,000 power (the power of a mission ship costing 61 trillion)

this edit would ruin the tiny man, cause really - they are useless when you shove them against ships costing the same as them.  they have NO marines and that pretty little defense only lasts soo long....  How do i know?  that update that forces ships to revert to cost of your ships in missions, to prevent getting Tiny man raped, you can get thrown against tiny men and take them down without even breaking a sweat.. you may have to board them to win, but they won't stand a chance.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 20, 2010, 12:05:23 AM
Honestly, i dont like it.  I have always been the one fighting for "the little guy" but this update sounds like a load of crap to me...  for a few reasons.

1) If you put out 10 fleets of pships, done deal.  your mission ships are safe no matter what the attacker has......  simple as that
2) Tinies are really only used at REALLY high levels, because you need a TON of money to use them.  At the point in the game where you might actually get attacked with tinies, you will be making enough money from your planet, and will have line maxed, to the point where it would only set you back a day or two anyway.  So i say just leave tinies alone.  If you have enough money and enough hate to want to use them against sombody, i say go for it...  It will cost you money anyway....

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 20, 2010, 12:19:54 AM
Honestly, i dont like it.  I have always been the one fighting for "the little guy" but this update sounds like a load of crap to me...  for a few reasons.

1) If you put out 10 fleets of pships, done deal.  your mission ships are safe no matter what the attacker has......  simple as that

the fear for tinys and 10 fleets of p ships have killed pvp anyways.  And if you think 10 fleets of pships is safe you truly are skillless in the art of battle on this game.

Honestly, i dont like it.  I have always been the one fighting for "the little guy" but this update sounds like a load of crap to me...  for a few reasons.

2) Tinies are really only used at REALLY high levels, because you need a TON of money to use them.  At the point in the game where you might actually get attacked with tinies, you will be making enough money from your planet, and will have line maxed, to the point where it would only set you back a day or two anyway.  So i say just leave tinies alone.  If you have enough money and enough hate to want to use them against sombody, i say go for it...  It will cost you money anyway....

exactly you need a TON OF MONEY to use them, aka I could be first place, with say 280 billion power when everyone else has 3 bil to 500 mil and IF I WANTED i could drop down and tiny man EVERY PERSON from rank 5 to rank 15.  is this still fair?  of course not!

and cost me more money anyways?  of course it would!  i may spend 10 tril to buy them and wipe you out.  but you also have to know a single gold transport can give me all 10 tril back, but your entire fleet?  I  may take you a bit more time.  with the big guy attacking the little guy its ALWAYS been about the time to rebuild, not the value of it.  It will take you 1-2 days to get back, and me, 15 minutes.  and oh wait...  i can do it again, and again and again.... how long would you be able to keep up?

Really, how is this fix hurting you?  it's removing the tiny man problem from the game once and for all, emi's already done a similar fix to missions, why not finally finish the job?

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 20, 2010, 12:43:47 AM
well, most of the top players are going to HATE it...

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 20, 2010, 12:44:58 AM
well, most of the top players are going to HATE it...

why would they hate it? because they won't be able to cheat the little guy by tiny man raping their ass?  god, tell them to grow some balls and do a real attack with real ships, show some skills other than cloaning a ship everyone else uses and hitting "attack"

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Jan`go Vhett on March 20, 2010, 12:55:18 AM
well, most of the top players are going to HATE it...

why would they hate it? because they won't be able to cheat the little guy by tiny man raping their ass?  god, tell them to grow some balls and do a real attack with real ships, show some skills other than cloaning a ship everyone else uses and hitting "attack"

Lol agreed, wholeheartedly.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Cameron07 on March 20, 2010, 01:03:08 AM
the only way anyone close to the top can attack now is using tinies because of all of emi's new updates... its the only way for certain guys

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 20, 2010, 01:08:50 AM
if attacking is that pathetic I can come back just to teach these darn noobs how to do it right.  without tinies.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 20, 2010, 01:09:47 AM
It is true...  take kyle right now for instance...  the only way he could attack somebody even one rank below him is by using tinies.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 20, 2010, 01:13:40 AM
It is true...  take kyle right now for instance...  the only way he could attack somebody even one rank below him is by using tinies.

yes, somehow with the use of planets he's able to grow really big really fast.  Well then, let him - let him be alone on his sim-ride to be first to max again.  It doesn't mean just because he knows how to get first with 50$ (at least) and a planet or two the 9 players below him have the suffer from Tiny Man attacks.

if he gets that far above he deserved boredom...

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Borg! on March 20, 2010, 01:15:42 AM
IF spayed can't smile at this post can I. Also The tinies I use arn't cloned if it makes you feel any better.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Cameron07 on March 20, 2010, 01:18:05 AM
if emi wouldnt make all these noob friendly restrictions you wouldn't have to tiny people to attack

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 20, 2010, 01:22:19 AM
IF spayed can't smile at this post can I. Also The tinies I use arn't cloned if it makes you feel any better.

lol borg, I really blew a fuse when I saw you using tinys....  pissed me off someone would even dare bring those to sea-o :p  if i had seen anything else i would of though "oh he helped me" and left you alone.. but oh no, tinys.. tinys!!! I had to blow them all up :p

if emi wouldnt make all these noob friendly restrictions you wouldn't have to tiny people to attack

can you make a list of them? maybe we could convince emi to remove at least some of them to make it more PvP friendly... have him chat with me about it - if anyone knows about PvP it would be me :p 

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Borg! on March 20, 2010, 01:31:37 AM
If it makes you feel any better. I didn't attack anyone with them.....

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 20, 2010, 01:33:51 AM
If it makes you feel any better. I didn't attack anyone with them.....

I know, that sort of pissed me off cause I spent the last week boarding brooke every day and failing, you could have killed him. matter of fact with a few mains you could of killed everyone (like i did)  pissed me off your so pathetic you couldn't even do that. 

It seems everyone's always been a coward of attacking.  where's the fun in that?

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Borg! on March 20, 2010, 01:45:52 AM
I find it more fun having tinies and waiting for people to attack thinking you have powerships. i find it more of a blow when people 0 themselves.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 20, 2010, 01:46:22 AM
that is quite fun

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 20, 2010, 06:35:27 AM
tinies are part of the game lammy.. and i have never simmed it to maxed.. every round i help out alliance members. 0'ing people giving planets helping out with encounters... setting meself back weeks...

remove tinies and really everyone will put up 13 fleets of powers. never marine, never leave counters. no pvp. game ruined. hell ill leave.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: clouthour on March 20, 2010, 11:15:48 AM
well personally i think tinies are bad if u r the top ranked guy trying to attack someone who has 1000x less power than you but i wont deny that using tinies is a strategy and if u don't like them then come up with a strategy to counter them. i am against tinies and would like something to be done about them but i dont want them to disappear compeletely, thats just unfair on the players that can get ahead of everyone else

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 20, 2010, 02:42:16 PM
tinies are part of the game lammy.. and i have never simmed it to maxed.. every round i help out alliance members. 0'ing people giving planets helping out with encounters... setting meself back weeks...

remove tinies and really everyone will put up 13 fleets of powers. never marine, never leave counters. no pvp. game ruined. hell ill leave.

well then spayed, i guess you'd have to put in the effort to really learn to fight huh?  or are you still no good at that?

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 20, 2010, 07:24:52 PM
the fact that he doesnt know how to fight isnt the problem.....  the problem is the fact that he is too high power to attack anybody with normal ships

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Jan`go Vhett on March 20, 2010, 07:42:15 PM
Not really.
Believe me it is fairly easy to lower your base power.
Then you can buy regular ships to attack someone.
Tinies are an unnecessary part of the game.
Seriously if you can't figure out how to hit someone smaller than you without using tinies you have no business doing pvp to begin with.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 20, 2010, 07:52:32 PM
have you seen the rankings?  kyle is at least 10x more powerfull than the number 2 ranked person....  it is pretty hard to drop that much without using tinies...  and i know he will argue this himself too

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on March 20, 2010, 08:36:40 PM
have you seen the rankings?  kyle is at least 10x more powerfull than the number 2 ranked person....  it is pretty hard to drop that much without using tinies...  and i know he will argue this himself too
Yes but that is not the source of the issue. The only reason he is that big is due to him winning $100 bucks several times thus allowing him to bypass anyone who cant donate an equivalent amount.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Jan`go Vhett on March 20, 2010, 08:45:21 PM
have you seen the rankings?  kyle is at least 10x more powerfull than the number 2 ranked person....  it is pretty hard to drop that much without using tinies...  and i know he will argue this himself too

Actually it is pretty easy.
Dump all your segs into your planet, reserve or sell all your ships, announce free raids in chat, once you have an insignificant number of workers, buy ships around the power you want and use 1 wt hulls with a 51 marine marine component to reserve your extra creds.

Your base power will be next to nothing and you will be able to move up and down the rankings as you see fit.
Believe me this works.
I have done it many time on Wars.
Even after being maxed you could do this, so whatever power he is now does not prevent this from being possible.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 20, 2010, 08:47:26 PM

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on March 20, 2010, 08:52:24 PM
have you seen the rankings?  kyle is at least 10x more powerfull than the number 2 ranked person....  it is pretty hard to drop that much without using tinies...  and i know he will argue this himself too

Actually it is pretty easy.
Dump all your segs into your planet, reserve or sell all your ships, announce free raids in chat, once you have an insignificant number of workers, buy ships around the power you want and use 1 wt hulls with a 51 marine marine component to reserve your extra creds.

Your base power will be next to nothing and you will be able to move up and down the rankings as you see fit.
Believe me this works.
I have done it many time on Wars.
Even after being maxed you could do this, so whatever power he is now does not prevent this from being possible.
Reserving ships does not help anymore Jan' Go Vheet remember the update that makes you keep their power or are reserve ships counter as galaxy power?

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Jan`go Vhett on March 20, 2010, 08:56:36 PM
Actually, now that I looked it up, its pointless reserving them cause then they count as credit power, but the basic idea remains the same.
Anyways if he wants to pvp then he shouldn't shoot so far ahead of everyone.
Obviously he has the ability to go that high so he should be able to hold back if he wants to pvp.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Borg! on March 20, 2010, 09:11:13 PM
well now you can turn workers into credits by simply making them marines then selling the ship.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 20, 2010, 11:20:41 PM
meh lamma you seem to have missed the point that money is a big contributing factor in pvp..

i use tinies alot now. its just all thats possible. but i certainly know how 2 pvp without them..

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: V on March 21, 2010, 12:40:34 AM
bah. blah. be. bo. boo. does the COMPLAINING EVER STOP?!?!?!??! f**k mehn! Emi should just delete this forum somtimes!

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 21, 2010, 02:49:06 AM
well if the points stated, remove the tiny with the update but also remove the "reserved ships count as credit power" update too - that way high players still have that "shrinking option" but at the same time low players still have some way to protect themselves without using 12 fleet of powership.

Fair enough?

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 21, 2010, 03:59:54 AM
nah cause then everyone will still complain about bigger players being able to power down

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 21, 2010, 05:05:38 AM
nah cause then everyone will still complain about bigger players being able to power down

at least marines and powerships can defend against that.

give them a choice, what would they rather?

Spayed powering down and hitting them or Spayed powering down and tiny man raping them?

I'd pick the first one, cause a few fleets of powerships and marines can make it hard for even you to do damage.

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 21, 2010, 05:21:54 AM
the new pvp salvage update gives them a more then reasonable chance :d

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 21, 2010, 05:19:20 PM
I noticed, holy crap, I LOVE the profit part of salvage!!! not so much the other guy getting a crap load back.. but the profit of PVP now is a lot better...  that was, I have to admit, a pretty good update, just maybe lower the defenders salvage to under 50% or something and it would be so much better :)

emi's got to find a way to turn this game into all PVP, to expand it more...  if it was majority of a PVP game this game could become hell of fun again... you know less money from the galaxy, from planets, mining ect. somehow put majority of the money in PVP - then he'd need to expand the game more... thousands of players, maybe several galaxies, (warp gates, say 500 turns to hop galaxies) and somehow make it so that PVP is profitable but doesn't ruin the other player...  mmm  what if you made missions give rewards based on power-credit ratio?  something so that if you use p ships you get less or next to no reward...  this makes it so that more power-credit effective ships (ie swarmers) would become the most effective in battle... but then we got them tiny men still mmm

sorry for just thinking out loud :p  I know games like AE have thousands of players and is designed so that most the profit is in PVP, you cant get first being a simmer in that game, its just not possible...  if only somehow emi were to get enough players and a big enough galaxy and a way to make it so the best way to grow is to galaxy hunt and PVP...  (even make is so that you can only see the ranking of your galaxy, ie you'd have to hop galaxies to see other players or attack them... so you could be "top ten" on another galaxy...  - but halls of glory is only the top ten of all galaxies...  wow I'm daydreaming now :p

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: TNTTony on March 21, 2010, 07:07:29 PM
I noticed, holy crap, I LOVE the profit part of salvage!!! not so much the other guy getting a crap load back.. but the profit of PVP now is a lot better...  that was, I have to admit, a pretty good update, just maybe lower the defenders salvage to under 50% or something and it would be so much better :)

emi's got to find a way to turn this game into all PVP, to expand it more...  if it was majority of a PVP game this game could become hell of fun again... you know less money from the galaxy, from planets, mining ect. somehow put majority of the money in PVP - then he'd need to expand the game more... thousands of players, maybe several galaxies, (warp gates, say 500 turns to hop galaxies) and somehow make it so that PVP is profitable but doesn't ruin the other player...  mmm  what if you made missions give rewards based on power-credit ratio?  something so that if you use p ships you get less or next to no reward...  this makes it so that more power-credit effective ships (ie swarmers) would become the most effective in battle... but then we got them tiny men still mmm

sorry for just thinking out loud :p  I know games like AE have thousands of players and is designed so that most the profit is in PVP, you cant get first being a simmer in that game, its just not possible...  if only somehow emi were to get enough players and a big enough galaxy and a way to make it so the best way to grow is to galaxy hunt and PVP...  (even make is so that you can only see the ranking of your galaxy, ie you'd have to hop galaxies to see other players or attack them... so you could be "top ten" on another galaxy...  - but halls of glory is only the top ten of all galaxies...  wow I'm daydreaming now :p

wow! Lamma actually made a suggestion without insulting anyone  :19:

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 22, 2010, 12:15:07 AM
heh i like our little game where i know everyone :D

emi did ramdomise it so the defender salvage is between 30 and 70%

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 22, 2010, 04:27:02 AM
heh i like our little game where i know everyone :D

emi did ramdomise it so the defender salvage is between 30 and 70%

i guess that isn't too bad, just make the odds of getting more than 50 a bit harder....  you know a "you got lucky" kinda thing :p

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 22, 2010, 07:05:56 AM
nah i like it that they get it back. means they will come outa nebs and generally more fun :D

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 23, 2010, 01:00:39 AM
i agree with lamma.  i think if this game became mostly pvp it would be a hell of a lot of fun....  honestly i kinda liked most of what he said in that post...

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: clouthour on March 23, 2010, 11:54:39 AM
i agree with lamma.  i think if this game became mostly pvp it would be a hell of a lot of fun....  honestly i kinda liked most of what he said in that post...

meh considering the previou posts about u i think u wont enjoy it that much :P

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 23, 2010, 01:39:27 PM
nonsence...  I like pvp, and I have been educated a lot about the game since I last made an extremely argumentative post.  :P

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: clouthour on March 23, 2010, 02:44:26 PM
nonsence...  I like pvp, and I have been educated a lot about the game since I last made an extremely argumentative post.  :P

u'll still get ur ass kicked :P

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Grondavor on March 23, 2010, 03:02:45 PM
i dont know....  If any of the vets come for me, yes, i will get owned.  But I think i could get by alright, and it would be a ton of fun

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on March 23, 2010, 04:20:16 PM
i dont know....  If any of the vets come for me, yes, i will get owned.  But I think i could get by alright, and it would be a ton of fun
You wants Kenquinn to come and kill you? Kenquinn is not a vet :12:

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Lammalord on March 23, 2010, 09:18:51 PM
i dont know....  If any of the vets come for me, yes, i will get owned.  But I think i could get by alright, and it would be a ton of fun
You wants Kenquinn to come and kill you? Kenquinn is not a vet :12:

you must really suck wow, i thought you would at least been a vet by now...

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on March 23, 2010, 09:34:10 PM
i dont know....  If any of the vets come for me, yes, i will get owned.  But I think i could get by alright, and it would be a ton of fun
You wants Kenquinn to come and kill you? Kenquinn is not a vet :12:

you must really suck wow, i thought you would at least been a vet by now...
Meh for all I know I am I never asked someone before

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 24, 2010, 05:14:49 AM
ken your just crazy, we cant classify you as anything else

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on March 24, 2010, 12:19:14 PM
ken your just crazy, we cant classify you as anything else
Yes you can break out your thesaurus....

Main Entry:    crazy
Part of Speech:    adjective
Definition:    mentally strange
Synonyms:    ape, barmy, bats in the belfry, batty, berserk, bonkers*, cracked, crazed, cuckoo, daft, delirious, demented, deranged, dingy*, dippy, erratic, flaky, flipped, flipped out, freaked out, fruity, idiotic, insane, kooky, lunatic, mad, mad as a March hare, mad as a hatter, maniacal, mental*, moonstruck, nuts, nutty, nutty as fruitcake, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, out of one's tree, out to lunch, potty, psycho, round the bend, schizo, screw loose, screwball, screwy, silly, touched*, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged, unzipped, wacky

See lots of other things you can classify me as and thats just from one definition of crazy

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 25, 2010, 01:19:20 AM
nope crazy is the only word i shall use to describe you :D

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Saturn 7 on March 25, 2010, 03:57:57 PM
I would say more nutty as a fruit cake, but that wouldn't give that justice in view of the amount of nuts in a fruit cake..... more like nutty as a walnut cake! :)

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: Spayed on March 26, 2010, 12:13:10 AM
mmm walnut

Title: Re: Rant, Tiny Man Ships
Post by: clouthour on March 26, 2010, 03:21:23 PM
mmm walnut

mmm cake