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General Talk => SO Help => Topic started by: Jeffesmi on January 01, 2010, 01:02:26 AM

Title: Shields
Post by: Jeffesmi on January 01, 2010, 01:02:26 AM
Hello again,

I read through the post on building ships and it was helpful.  One thing I'm not clear on is the shields.  Is the ABS value of the shield, a percentage of incoming attack absorbed, percentage of total ?hitpoints? that are absorbed before the shields collapse, or something else?  The reason I ask is that from the charts, it look like using 2 * 22ABS shields is MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE than 1 * 44ABS shields... actually well over 3,000,000 to 1.  I guess my question is how are multiple shields calculated?



Title: Re: Shields
Post by: Jan`go Vhett on January 01, 2010, 01:29:09 AM
Not many people have figured out how shields stack and fewer have been willing to share.
I have one the works for 4 different abs. percentages:
Abs Calculator (

I think you also were asking about how shields apply?
If so then it absorbs incoming damage.
Say you have 80% shields (this is the maximum abs btw) and someone attacks you with a ship with 100 attack.
They would only do 20 damage as 80% of it was absorbed.

Title: Re: Shields
Post by: FTP on January 01, 2010, 09:15:38 AM
And you can always stack a few shields on a ship and go to the edit/view ship tab and look up your ship there, it will tell you what your ABS is.