Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Seither on September 17, 2009, 05:08:41 AM

Title: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Seither on September 17, 2009, 05:08:41 AM
Ok, with the amount of free time I have in college (I know, wtf right?) I'm going to get back in the game. I miss the community, and hell, I wanna blast some noobs. And as such, Sriphoor and I are reactivating it and making it a refuge for ANY vet. Let's take this game back guys. Let's show them how this poop was done in the old days, and hammer these "its all about the individual" alliances into the oblivion they came from. Let's take back this galaxy, and refuse to give it up. This means you Spayed, Duo, Nukecow (or whatever your new name is), ABI, Truth of Mind, Nightshadow, and anyone else that's still floating around this disaster of a wreck.

We made this game what it is today, lets show them we can still play it better than they can. I see way too many no names up there in the top ten now. and the hell if there's another round with that obvious alt magnet Memoria Dedecor alliance taking the top ten by storm. I bet if all us vets team up, we can change how people play this game, we did it once before when galaxy first came out, i bet we can do it again now.

So stop complaining about how things are, and join us, and let's just fix this ourselves to the best of our ability, and kick all these noobs asses in the process.

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: ninjastrike40 on September 17, 2009, 07:41:02 AM
impressive speech  :))

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: TNTTony on September 17, 2009, 08:20:44 AM
I welcome the challenge  :19:

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Spayed on September 17, 2009, 08:26:50 AM
haha im honored that you want me :D, but considering the alliance you are dissing is the only one that works together as a team and its my alliance i think ill welcome the challenge with tony :D

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: FTP on September 17, 2009, 09:30:24 AM
Seither on warpath.... d**n  :12:

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: A^Bloody^Idiot on September 17, 2009, 05:25:47 PM
The Story is a bit twisted though :/ but nvm..
Good to see G-Unit give it another try, I tried it myself, but it didn't work, if tou managed to get ars68 back I think you will get more than just 1 or 2..

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Seither on September 18, 2009, 12:07:42 AM
haha im honored that you want me :D, but considering the alliance you are dissing is the only one that works together as a team and its my alliance i think ill welcome the challenge with tony :D

that story is all i could piece together from looking at the halls of glory, forum posts, and the current top ten, lol. its suppose to be blood boiling, not accurate. and i jsut saw all the practically the same name people, which= immediately assumed as alts. plus i figured most people will be grr at them, like normal, lol. so no offense meant spayed.

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: TNTTony on September 18, 2009, 12:28:36 AM
Yeah no probs Seither.
The game needs some fun injected into it and some "friendly banter" :D

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Spayed on September 18, 2009, 07:02:36 AM
haha yea we changed our names.

everyone is grr at us :D, problem is that we are the best that still play and we pvp and help eachother and are still the best.

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: A^Bloody^Idiot on September 20, 2009, 10:21:30 AM
Ok, with the amount of free time I have in college (I know, wtf right?) I'm going to get back in the game.

469         Seither (#1516)     2428   0      6.107.956   0   6.107.956

Don't wanna sound rude, but am I missing something here or what? :21: :sweat

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Saturn 7 on September 20, 2009, 01:32:57 PM
35             L Mighty Bosstone (#9586)     15131     4                     119.128.501

Might this be Seithers alt?

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Spayed on September 20, 2009, 11:00:20 PM
or hes just not good enough anymore

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Soppe on September 21, 2009, 11:21:45 AM
Killing g-units could be fun :D
Just like the old days :)

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Spayed on September 23, 2009, 10:00:57 AM
its not looking fun, i dont even have ships out and my cash seems to over power there alliance 10x

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: The-Joe on September 23, 2009, 01:40:56 PM
Good Luck all... you need some.

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Spayed on September 24, 2009, 12:58:37 AM
who needs luck??

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: The-Joe on September 24, 2009, 10:44:48 AM
Whoever  :))

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Spayed on September 25, 2009, 12:29:17 AM
ill take it :D, i like luck :D

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Seither on September 25, 2009, 02:18:34 AM
Ok, with the amount of free time I have in college (I know, wtf right?) I'm going to get back in the game.

469         Seither (#1516)     2428   0      6.107.956   0   6.107.956

Don't wanna sound rude, but am I missing something here or what? :21: :sweat

I'm only stocking credits atm while I sort out my ships, gotta get prepared, make sure ships are still good and everything. Only a moron goes in guns blazing without checking that his ships are still viable options. I'm gun crazy, NOT suicidal, lol. And no, Mighty Bosstone is not me, but you know him.

Give us a bit of time, we'll be back up there, we've only just reactivated, this isn't some magic overnight process, lol.

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Spayed on September 25, 2009, 05:22:18 AM
use my ships, i take on stuff 8x my lead and dont lose a ship :D

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Saturn 7 on September 25, 2009, 02:15:29 PM
Thats cos your just plain nuts Spayed!! :P

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: A^Bloody^Idiot on September 26, 2009, 04:38:00 AM
If only you guys came back 11 rounds ago :(
Then I was in there :P :))

I would if I had the chance, unfortunetly I am currently trying to revive DDD myself, and with the looks of it, it's acturly working :D
Just need to get the first or second in command back on position, and that my friend, IS a big problem which is probably not gonna be solved :(
But I hope you can understand that I can't just leave the position where I am right now, otherwise I would love to help out :)

Greetz, ABI :w00t2:

Title: Re: Lets have another go shall we?/G-unit, refuge for Vets.
Post by: Spayed on September 26, 2009, 06:01:28 AM
i offer my alts to both of you :D