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General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: blakranger51 on June 11, 2009, 01:00:39 AM

Title: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: blakranger51 on June 11, 2009, 01:00:39 AM
To whom it may concern:
I hereby declare that unless a solution is found soon for the maxing of players on WARS server, and the accounts that they fed are reset and the damages caused by them reimbursed, I will retire from SpaceO forever. It is absolutely unfair and dishonest for maxed players to engage in combat, and for maxed players to feed other accounts. The accounts that have received credits from the maxed/maxable players have gained a very unfair advantage over players that have not received illegal aid from maxed players. This needs to be resolved quickly and fairly. Unless it is, I am through with this game.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: TNTTony on June 11, 2009, 02:36:39 AM
Its a shame that it has reached this point where another vet may quit over SO. Whitecarl maxed on 19 May (or atleast thats what is on the forums) its been nearly a month and nothing has been done.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: jessiedog on June 11, 2009, 02:28:07 PM
agreed. and if u are directing this towards me, i have not atacked since maxed nor given out credits since maxed.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: Comatose on June 11, 2009, 03:15:06 PM
Blakranger51, it was a good time having you in SO. I don't want you to leave, and I hope a solution everyone can agree on occurs. Good luck out there mate.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: blakranger51 on June 12, 2009, 12:44:02 AM
agreed. and if u are directing this towards me, i have not atacked since maxed nor given out credits since maxed.

It's everyone who has maxed as far as I know. While the feeding you did might not be against the letter of the ToS, it certainly is against the honest spirit of the game, and you knew d**n well that it was.
Something needs to be done NOW because WARS has already lost most of its purpose at this point, because people have already maxed (victory for them) and now other people are riding their handouts to a higher rank than they deserve.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on June 12, 2009, 12:50:16 AM
Increase Max Power
Increase Max Workers/Credits/Colonists
Increase Max Comp/Ship Size
Increase Max Energy for Components
Add New Items for Encryprts and Aliens Rabbits Encrypt level is like 18k and he gets 1 bill items while getting at least 20 to 60x that in credits/workers.....

Remove credits/ships gain for the Max Price Ship Glitch....

Would that make you guys happy?
From the Bugs and Problems Forum...

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: jessiedog on June 12, 2009, 09:53:16 AM
agreed. and if u are directing this towards me, i have not atacked since maxed nor given out credits since maxed.

It's everyone who has maxed as far as I know. While the feeding you did might not be against the letter of the ToS, it certainly is against the honest spirit of the game, and you knew d**n well that it was.
Something needs to be done NOW because WARS has already lost most of its purpose at this point, because people have already maxed (victory for them) and now other people are riding their handouts to a higher rank than they deserve.

i have not attacked...

and i d**n well knew it wasn't against tos. i wanted to give my guys a fighting chance against people who hve fed their alts or have played their alts for longer than most of the AoF guys have been around. blak maybe if u actually played... u whined that langyo or someone was ahead of u in the rankings, but then u played it like a PVE server. u didn't even try to attack him. u had 5X better tech and much more PVP experience. yet you sat there and complained.

darky, langyo, captain and gotcha have all been attacked either by cam or giantterd. cam is maxed, giantterd receieved over 200 quad creds from cam. so basically they were all attacked by a maxed player. if you want to know what that feels like, i would gladly offer to show you. then maybe you could ask ted or pi for some credits, and because they want to help an alliance m8 and friend, they would probably let you have some.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: Cameron07 on June 12, 2009, 12:59:30 PM
200Q? no way.. and i didnt feed giantterd.. check it out...   you feed them and they rank up... they should fight for their spots.. not let them be givin to them.. so im making them fight for it

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: jessiedog on June 12, 2009, 06:19:12 PM
cam... i checked giantterd myself. 200 quad credits. you still have that tiny fleet reserved

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: Cameron07 on June 12, 2009, 06:35:30 PM
hmm maybe i do have that much then.. but i didnt feed him...

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: jessiedog on June 12, 2009, 11:13:33 PM
yes you did.

capturing system fleets.

already gotcha lieing once...

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: blakranger51 on June 13, 2009, 01:07:30 AM
You're a funny one to talk about alliance mates and friends jess. You've made a lot of people unhappy and you basically ruined the already dead WARS server. Great job!

The reason I'm complaining, Jess, is because all I want to do is max and end my go at the server, but you and your stupid BS is preventing that from happening very quickly. So, in layman's terms, so that your minuscule brain can comprehend it: cut the bull, lets end this server. You know that what you did was very wrong and unfair. Don't do it anymore, and don't even begin to try to defend your actions. It's not fair to anyone who has been playing on the WARS server.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: Cameron07 on June 13, 2009, 03:02:09 AM
i know giantterd captured system fleets.. he wasnt fed from my account though.. gah listen dumbo

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: Nightguard on June 13, 2009, 10:51:00 AM
Hi everyone.I know i'm not playing wars as much anymore but most times i log on my mothership & my planet have been attacked by Kratos (#4703) who has been maxed during these attacks.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: Comatose on June 13, 2009, 11:19:46 AM
Cam and Kratos go into negative fleet power by buying too many maxed ships, and then they can attack for 0% warp..

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: jessiedog on June 13, 2009, 04:06:00 PM
blak. final time im gonna say this. i gave my m8s 20 quad to split amongst themselves. its not against tos. u got attacked once by darky. and now ur saying u wont max? i must have thought u were better than that when i asked u to join pof. blak, at ur current rate, even if u werent attacked, u wont max for at least 2 more months, without being fed. the guys i gave credits wont max for 5 months minimum. stop your whining. this is a wars server. if u cant take being attacked go play PVE.

what i did was not wrong, i never said it was nor will i.

on the contrary to destroying the already dead wars server, i disagree. i gave them credits to put up a fight with PoF to try to bring some action to the server. u hadn't been attacked in probably 6 months, therefore, my actions revived the server and the point of the server - to attack.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: blakranger51 on June 13, 2009, 05:01:18 PM
No, your actions killed the server. I have no reason to attack them because they'll just go back to you or each other for credits. I never said I wouldn't max, I just said that I wouldn't do it as quickly with them attacking me.

God, it infuriates me to read your post. You know, when you were in PoF, I thought you were an OK guy. Now I see I was completely wrong; you're the worst kind of person. You're self-centered (obviously, because you seem to have the notion that this topic is entirely pointed at you), you have no sense of fairness or honor, and you're an a-hole. I cannot stand you. You deserve nothing but a ban; I only wish I could give it to you.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: Qualopec on June 13, 2009, 05:35:04 PM
Would you to both shut up the server was dead long before jess gave anyone creds its been dead for along time now just no one would admit it, there is more important things that you could be discussing besides who killed the wars server.

also could a mod lock this topic i think its been discussed enough and is just turning into these two arguing.

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: Chronos on June 13, 2009, 05:39:41 PM
This really isn't the way that moderators should be talking to each other publicly...

Title: Re: WARS server & possible goodbye
Post by: jessiedog on June 13, 2009, 06:47:08 PM
topic locked