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General Talk => Design & Strategy Room => Topic started by: duckyreborn on May 24, 2009, 04:56:14 PM

Title: Good Design 1 bil ship?
Post by: duckyreborn on May 24, 2009, 04:56:14 PM

Is this a decent ship? it is my first design

Attack                  Hitpoints
 242.011.614      489.407.565   
Attack accuracy Absorb Power
 42 %                    39%

x3 1st 9 3 1372499 ACU Bonus: +13%   DEF Bonus: 0%

1st wt6060401 price 10 en2424155124

15x 1st wt8 price2 abs+20% en16366

1st wt8 price1.000 en1613194758 Hitpoints: +483957000

1st wt8 price3 en806597379  Attack: 241992604  ACU: 20% 

Title: Re: Good Design 1 bil ship?
Post by: Saturn 7 on May 24, 2009, 05:07:21 PM
I'd get the accuracy and Shields a bit higher, I'd boost the ACU on the weapon a bit more and a few more Computers.
well worth sacrificing some energy off HP and/or weapons, but thats just my personal preference. Overall though not a bad start to designing.

Title: Re: Good Design 1 bil ship?
Post by: blakranger51 on May 24, 2009, 05:13:26 PM
Not a bad first attempt!
Here's a 1.2 bil ship I made to compare:

Attack: 379.991.223
Accuracy: 92%
Absorb: 69%

Considering that my bonuses are maxed, your ship has comparable strength.

Changes that I might make on yours:
Set the weapon accuracy to 55% - this is the most efficient accuracy for a weapon to use (you will get less attack but the increased accuracy will make up for it)

Use a shield setup like:
2x 28%
3x 29%
2x 30%
1x 31%
1x 32%
1x 33%

And a computer setup like:
1x 13%
3x 14%
2x 15%
2x 16%
1x 17%
1x 18%

If you need the specs for the shields and comps, here is a list of them! (,5127.0.html)

Title: Re: Good Design 1 bil ship?
Post by: plug on June 03, 2009, 06:23:48 AM
My 330 Million design has the following characteristics :

115,055,219 Attacks
101,996,049 HP
74 % Acu
47% Abs

I don't see why I can't improve on the above if the budget is 1 Bil.