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Space Odyssey Info Terminal => F.A.Q. => Topic started by: ahydra on February 26, 2009, 12:01:44 PM

Title: Specials - defence bonus adds to HP?
Post by: ahydra on February 26, 2009, 12:01:44 PM
Could someone advise as to how the "defence bonus" on specials and computers work? Do they add directly to HP eg 10% bonus on 1M hp = 1.1M hp, or does it only add to actual "defence" eg 1M hp + 1000 defence + 10% bonus = 1M hp but 1100 defence (which I read somewhere is actually 5500, one defence point can take 5 damage)


 :confused: ahydra

Title: Re: Specials - defence bonus adds to HP?
Post by: Chronos on February 26, 2009, 04:00:25 PM
The defence bonus is a percentage modifier to your defence. I.e. if you have 1.000 defence and an effective bonus of +10%, then your ship has the equivalent of 1.100 defence. H.P. is unaffected.

The way defence works is that it is added up across the entire fleet, multiplied by 5, and then applied directly to the total damage the fleet sustains. If the enemy's fleet does not do enough damage to overcome your fleet's sum total defence, then you do not loose any ships. If the damage is greater than the defence, then the remainder is applied to your individual ships like normal.

This all happens after applying your fleet's shields, of course.

Title: Re: Specials - defence bonus adds to HP?
Post by: ahydra on February 27, 2009, 07:53:14 PM
Thanks for the help. Having just lost a very expensive ship because several fleets of small ships picked at it over the course of the battle, I'm including defence on my next design :)


Title: Re: Specials - defence bonus adds to HP?
Post by: waylain16 on February 28, 2009, 12:14:20 AM
Defense is pretty pricy
It is better to put more attack and hp
To resist the attack
Than to add defense points

Defense really comes into play on the smaller ships
Not your supers

Title: Re: Specials - defence bonus adds to HP?
Post by: ahydra on March 20, 2009, 08:58:46 AM
It seems I still don't quite know how the defence is meant to work. I just attacked a fleet of about 500k ships each with just under 50k attack. My ship has over 300k defence which, I thought, meant that any attacks with a firepower less than about 1.5M wouldn't do ANY damage, right? I took 2G damage in total (also seems a bit high due to shield - but they did have a "+" for upgrades). As it happens my ship survived, but I'd like a clarification on where I'm going wrong here. Is it that all ships' attacks in one fleet are considered one unit, and it's only then that defence is looked at (so if the total firepower had ben <1.5M I wouldn't have taken any damage)?

That makes sense from a "real life" point of view but if that is right, I need a lot more defence -.-


Title: Re: Specials - defence bonus adds to HP?
Post by: Chronos on March 20, 2009, 08:54:17 PM
Yes, all damage is totaled together and modified by accuracy before it is compared to anything on the defending ship.

The defence attribute is not applied to each opposing ship, but rather to each opposing fleet that it is attacked by.

Title: Re: Specials - defence bonus adds to HP?
Post by: ahydra on March 21, 2009, 09:36:59 AM
argh. so I need more like 500M defence not 1.5M :)

thanks for the clarification.

Title: Re: Specials - defence bonus adds to HP?
Post by: Chronos on March 21, 2009, 10:46:36 PM
Remember, 250 ships with 2.0M defence act pretty much the same as 1 ship with 500M defence, as long as they're in the same fleet. It is the total amount that matters, not the amount per ship, unlike with HP.