Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: tilo on February 03, 2009, 03:45:41 PM

Title: Great game
Post by: tilo on February 03, 2009, 03:45:41 PM
I play space odyssey since 3 weeks and wanted to say

  Thank you, SirEmi

you created a great game.

I read alot of critics and wishes in the forum, here are my positive highligths:

- good story, not too complex,
- nice interface (ok, sometime confusing, but in general a B),
- great ship design,
- great ship components design. There are many options and ways,
- additional options like swarmer bonus, ship modules, cp, ...,
- the concept with workers, secret starbase, minig and planets,
- the number of turns is good, enough for a day, but not too many.
- the battle system is ok (there is space for improvements)

I tried the german interface, and ... switched to english. Maybe a new translation would be
of help.

I assume that the lack of documentation is intended.

I dislike the donation system. Gold account is great. But I immediatedly switched to a new account after
receiving the 65 billions for the gold account. The additional benefits (access to the ship database, more turn storage, 20% discount for ships, ...) are fine.

Again, thank you for the fine game.

Title: Re: Great game
Post by: SirEmi on February 04, 2009, 01:12:11 PM
You are very welcome  :)

I will be adding new Interactive Missions and PvP incentives soon.

God Speed!

Title: Re: Great game
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on February 04, 2009, 08:21:58 PM
You are very welcome  :)

I will be adding new Interactive Missions and PvP incentives soon.

God Speed!
Mum pvp incentives better make them worth it...

Title: Re: Great game
Post by: ars68 on February 08, 2009, 01:21:20 PM
meh, honestly, the reason why space o even caught my attention to begin with, and why I've personally stuck around so long (tho obviously not nearly as much as I used to) is the ship design system.

usually these days to 'make' something is really just to have component a mounted on vehicle b with the side option of c.  the only 'options' you get are what item to stick with another item.  you don't actually 'create' anything.

spaceo is the first, and so far even after all these years, the ONLY game, that has taken it a step forward and just give you the rules of what will happen when you design something, and leave everything else up to you.  if you build it big, it will need big resources.  build it small, you can build more of them.  the larger the ship, the more expensive it is.

and to that point, my only regret, is that there isn't more done with it.  sure you use the ships you make, and fight against other people's creations, but beyond building the ships themselves the actual differences you see amount to a different looking pic in the fleet screen, and varying text in battle reports.

anyways, that's my thoughts on spaceo