Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Cameron07 on January 19, 2009, 08:43:35 PM

Title: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on January 19, 2009, 08:43:35 PM
Pvp salvage anyone? couple months ago it was supposed to be here in a few weeks... deadlines a little bit past due.. need something new on wars and main

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: TNTTony on January 20, 2009, 07:21:27 AM
I agree...he usually update a few things every round...even if its minor...but this round its a no show

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on January 21, 2009, 01:15:53 PM
come on emi.. you can post on the book topic.. i think this is pretty important... something to do with the game.. i mean really.. pvp updates have been promised for a while.. lets see them

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Seither on January 21, 2009, 04:58:45 PM
i emailed him telling him i needed his attention, try doing the same is my suggestion, it would be nice if he let us know what was going on with this MIA update.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on January 21, 2009, 08:28:52 PM
nah bump that.. too lazy for that.. but we have been promised the fleet commander update and the pvp salvage update for a long long time

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Seither on January 22, 2009, 04:15:24 AM
we've also been promised the council to try to balance a single alliance/person from totally controlling the game. It would be nice to see all of these things implemented, so many updates were suppose to be done that never did.

Hopefully he'll give us a reply on whats going on with the pvp and commander update soon.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Spayed on January 22, 2009, 09:34:52 PM
all alliances have the same chance in the game...

any updates would be nice, i dun care what they are

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Seither on January 22, 2009, 11:48:09 PM
yes, the council was jsut suppose to give the game more flare, as it was a group of twenty players who would vote and would have an army to attack a player to weaken him adding more challenge and variation to the game. the way the council was originally planned was amazing.

But yes, any updates would be nice really.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: SirEmi on January 23, 2009, 01:28:55 AM
Yes I am working on this very needed update.

There are balancing issues like how much % of the destroyed fleets should be salvageable.
I was thinking 5% - 20% of the real cost of the fleets destroyed in pvp will be salvageable in random items depending on rarity ofc.

For SO Wars especially this is very sensitive, so there will probably be only resource items and very rarely some other stuff for Wars.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on January 23, 2009, 02:36:19 AM
ah good.. thats a needed update bad.. wars is about dead and main has turned practically to pve server

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: waylain16 on January 23, 2009, 03:14:31 AM
ah good.. thats a needed update bad.. wars is about dead and main has turned practically to pve server

Should be IS

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on January 23, 2009, 12:41:48 PM
that'll work too...

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: TNTTony on January 24, 2009, 08:50:36 PM
Well...emi, if you are just balancing it then can you atleast put it on the test server, so we can have some fun  :19:

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: deezee66 on January 29, 2009, 04:30:33 PM
wow Emi actually replied :surprise:

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on January 29, 2009, 04:57:51 PM
yah but thats all... still nothing.. gah...
and this nuts is needed hardcore...
all those missions should max out at the same as the regular missions... at least if not more.. hell you do a super nova and get 25k segs spend 5 turns
you do an interactive supernova and get what 13k segs max? and spend like 5x the turns.. its all a jip on you to give us less turns and make us spend more turns... black hole interactive should at least max out at 450 turns
people post ur thoughts shat.. get active on the forums

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Seither on January 30, 2009, 07:14:14 AM
yes, the maxes of ALL missions should max out equally, it makes no sense having one mission type max at X but another at Y.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Spayed on January 30, 2009, 07:49:21 AM
i may not get much support here but at the interactives take more turns then they probably should have higher max lvls

but they should definetly be atleast equal

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: TNTTony on January 30, 2009, 08:05:03 AM
What emi really need is more staff to make changes and additions. He can't put space o, sea o and hacker all on his shoulders. I mean having the interactive mission max equally shouldn't be too hard right?

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Seither on January 30, 2009, 10:28:35 AM
What emi really need is more staff to make changes and additions. He can't put space o, sea o and hacker all on his shoulders. I mean having the interactive mission max equally shouldn't be too hard right?

We've suggested he bring some people onboard before, but he seems reluctant to do so. not sure why though.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on January 30, 2009, 02:40:35 PM
well the best thing we can do is get a crapload of people to post here.. so just keep it up.. maybe he will see it.. things need some change round these here parts

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: waylain16 on January 31, 2009, 03:24:35 AM
What emi really need is more staff to make changes and additions. He can't put space o, sea o and hacker all on his shoulders. I mean having the interactive mission max equally shouldn't be too hard right?

We've suggested he bring some people onboard before, but he seems reluctant to do so. not sure why though.

One word

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Chronos on January 31, 2009, 02:02:16 PM
That is awfully presumptuous of you, waylain16.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Seither on February 01, 2009, 01:23:43 AM
That is awfully presumptuous of you, waylain16.

I agree. My guess is more along the lines of the code itself and how he is writing it than greed. Emi never stuck me as the greedy type.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: waylain16 on February 01, 2009, 01:50:16 AM
People have suggested in the past that he limit access and help with coding for a small fee
but he always shrugs it off and says that he is thinking about it
The code cant be all that secretive
The amount is daunting no doubt
It would be awesome if he had one or two more coders
Maybe it is he is protective
Doesn't want anyone getting mad and deleting half the database

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Saturn 7 on February 01, 2009, 10:03:00 AM
It all takes time. If Emi released an update that wasn't thoroughly checked, balanced and debugged I'd imagine quite a few of you would be the first to post complaints blaming Emi for releasing a bad update.
As for bringing other people on board to help with programing etc with the game, Think of it as Emi's cyber child, You'd be protective and wouldn't want to allow someone you've never met before babysit your pride and joy!
A recent event in the forums has probably made Emi more wary of giving people access to sensitive parts of his business.
I know people are getting a bit impatient for some changes, as this round on main has had no real updates since the last round, but the best things are supposed to come to people that are prepared to wait..... I hope thats the case!!

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on February 01, 2009, 01:04:44 PM
umm emi always releases updates that arent checked through...

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: waylain16 on February 01, 2009, 01:42:34 PM
Some proof of work is always better than no proof of work

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: TNTTony on February 02, 2009, 07:39:56 AM
It all takes time. If Emi released an update that wasn't thoroughly checked, balanced and debugged I'd imagine quite a few of you would be the first to post complaints blaming Emi for releasing a bad update.
As for bringing other people on board to help with programing etc with the game, Think of it as Emi's cyber child, You'd be protective and wouldn't want to allow someone you've never met before babysit your pride and joy!
A recent event in the forums has probably made Emi more wary of giving people access to sensitive parts of his business.
I know people are getting a bit impatient for some changes, as this round on main has had no real updates since the last round, but the best things are supposed to come to people that are prepared to wait..... I hope thats the case!!

Yeah I see where you are coming from. I probably would be protective of it and probably wouldn't trust people online.

Emi, usually put things onto the test server if he need things to be balanced though...

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Seither on February 02, 2009, 03:24:08 PM
It all takes time. If Emi released an update that wasn't thoroughly checked, balanced and debugged I'd imagine quite a few of you would be the first to post complaints blaming Emi for releasing a bad update.
As for bringing other people on board to help with programing etc with the game, Think of it as Emi's cyber child, You'd be protective and wouldn't want to allow someone you've never met before babysit your pride and joy!
A recent event in the forums has probably made Emi more wary of giving people access to sensitive parts of his business.
I know people are getting a bit impatient for some changes, as this round on main has had no real updates since the last round, but the best things are supposed to come to people that are prepared to wait..... I hope thats the case!!

coding=different than moderating/forum work

Coding=requires knowledge OF the language, and assuming emi would pay someone to help him, if they delete half the code, emi can take legal action and many other things against said person. Its probably more just, no one who will do the coding cheap/wants to do it himself.

and TNT, balancing is different than testing for bugs.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Saturn 7 on February 02, 2009, 05:38:07 PM
Difficult to take legal action in a global internet game if people involved are from different countries!
I hope that something will be ready for the next round on main, so there's still a few weeks left till then.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Cameron07 on February 02, 2009, 06:10:49 PM
hmm some of these arent hard updates though.. like making interactives give at least the same max reward as regular encounters...

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: Seither on February 03, 2009, 06:26:11 AM
Difficult to take legal action in a global internet game if people involved are from different countries!
I hope that something will be ready for the next round on main, so there's still a few weeks left till then.

No, when taking legal action, its either your country or the country of who you are taking action against that the case is done in. usually not too hard to do legal actions that way, happens everyday. It would just take up more of emi's time, but not that hard to screen qualified people for someone with good references.

Title: Re: Updates
Post by: SirEmi on February 06, 2009, 02:22:28 PM
I will be adding a few more Interactive Missions, and taking a look at the rewards maximums again.

If you want to help, please finish your missions. If you want to create a mission or check on your missions:

Mission Creator Tutorial:

Can't promise they will be increased, but I am looking into them for more balance.

Thank you.