Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Space Odyssey Info Terminal => Updates => Topic started by: SirEmi on September 23, 2008, 08:12:18 AM

Title: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: SirEmi on September 23, 2008, 08:12:18 AM

SO Main:

Power restrictions on remote counter attacks do not apply anymore. A remote counter attack can be taken regardless now.
Previously, target had to be at least 50% of your power in order to hit it. Now counters go trough regardless of the defender power.

Update has been implemented to address several guerilla tactics involving power ships and mining facilities that were not included into the total power. Due to this fact, one could unload a mining facility and supply power ships to strike at a distant more powerful enemy and then lower below the counter attack requirements, preventing a retaliation attack. The update ensures that a retaliation action can be taken.

God Speed!

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Genotype on September 23, 2008, 08:22:38 AM
That's great emi. I think this will make the game more fair and balanced.

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Master ObiWan1 on September 23, 2008, 01:12:10 PM
this update does not fix anything.  the 10 -20 attack problems nor it will fix any problems i mentioned.. because these players are only using pships and kamis  and are not using any mission ships...

The way they are exploiting this is becuase even pship does not have any HP, all ships gets 1 hp that way they are just attacking 10 -15 times to reduce the Pship fleet then then kami the lead.

If you resolve the Pships 1HP to 0 HP, then no-one will be able to exploit the regular attack problems.

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Cameron07 on September 23, 2008, 03:12:15 PM
ha so jeff donates and complains and he gets something changed.. funny

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Master ObiWan1 on September 23, 2008, 04:14:53 PM
Not just jeff - Many others did complain.. and this is to stop from exploiting loop holes..

anyways if you read this change properly, this achieves nothing and you dont keep any ships after the attack..

so you can still attack 30 -40 times and expose defender's lead and then kami it...and unless the pship 1HP gets reset to 0Hp, others will keep exploiting the loop holes.

Anyways i have figured out different way to keep you away from hiting me  :12: So i wont be chasing Emi any further.. lol

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: jessiedog on September 23, 2008, 05:03:28 PM
obiwan, if someone low is killing off ur pships, then use 10 fleets of them. or give ur pships some dam accuarcy so that the little noob cant attack you. stop your dam whining and play the game.

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Cameron07 on September 23, 2008, 08:11:04 PM
ha no jess.. you dont understand.. they have used 10 fleets 12 fleets.. they just cannot hide their mains from me  :D, i just think its funny how that this attack and counter system has had problems and peoples complaints forever, just you get a couple people who * help the game survive * and kaboom.. it gets changed immediately

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: jessiedog on September 23, 2008, 08:14:49 PM
well hopefully its for the better. and since its relavant to the for the better subject, emi please check/respond to the mail i sent you regarding the future and betternessing (<- new word) of the wars server

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Master ObiWan1 on September 24, 2008, 07:21:02 AM
ha no jess.. you dont understand.. they have used 10 fleets 12 fleets.. they just cannot hide their mains from me  :D, i just think its funny how that this attack and counter system has had problems and peoples complaints forever, just you get a couple people who * help the game survive * and kaboom.. it gets changed immediately

lol, i never use more than 2-3 pship fleets. and the attack system is totally screwed becuase all pship get 1 HP regardless of the fact that there is no Armour or Special on  a ship.  anyways Cameron is not able to kill my ships and he wil never be able to do that.  :12:

I am too good for him :)

also i dont get what you are saying about "just you get a couple people who * help the game survive * and kaboom.. it gets changed immediately", i am only a gold player, but i am a good campainer, many players who were complaining about this problem in chat, i asked them to send mail to Emi.. Looks like many players did complain Which resulted in this update.

but anyways for players like you (who are trying to kill others using pship / kamis), this update wont affect you because you dont keep any ships up or dont have any mission ships to counter to. But the only question is how long can you keep continuing this kami style, I dont think for more than 2 -3 weeks, also as sson as i am strong enough to kill your stations, i will blow them and anyways stations dont give that much creds to keep killing & kami-ing big ships. Can only do that for first 4-5 weeks.

so watch out, the guys whom you hit in last 2 weeks will be onto you as soon as you get your mission ships out. thats is if you are playing after 2-3 weeks from today.

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Cameron07 on September 24, 2008, 01:11:39 PM
ha the only reason i cannot kill yours is because your mains are much bigger than mine

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Lammalord on September 24, 2008, 08:38:54 PM
sniff sniff what about sea-o?

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Cameron07 on September 25, 2008, 02:21:14 PM
Assault result

Silent Assassin(#86063)'s 690000 / 690000 (100%) Hated Syko Whackz - 9.6k are destroyed during battle.
Master ObiWan(#94840)'s 1 WormCaster Cruiser 32B are destroyed during battle.
 and he said i couldnt

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: blakranger51 on September 25, 2008, 06:17:35 PM
Cam, do you always have to be right?

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Cameron07 on September 25, 2008, 07:22:42 PM
yes  :D always

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: lostedchylde on September 26, 2008, 01:18:07 AM
and you all better remember that.

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: FTP on September 29, 2008, 09:32:11 AM
Cammie you cant kill any ship from me ^^

Not like I have any but that aint the point xD

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: Cameron07 on September 29, 2008, 10:06:48 PM
FTP(#6)'s 6 Imihirs Swarmer are destroyed during battle.
You attacked FTP(#6)'s fleet and mothership from deep space.
You destroyed FTP(#6)'s 6 ships and lost 20/20 ships

Title: Re: SO Main - Remote counter attack
Post by: FTP on September 30, 2008, 11:17:00 AM
Congrats on killing swarmers from a war server account that is not currently played by me.... so that doesnt count :P