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Alliance General Talk => Alliance Recrutment / Post your C.V. => Topic started by: The Blood Angle on May 22, 2006, 09:04:45 PM

Title: The Blood Angles
Post by: The Blood Angle on May 22, 2006, 09:04:45 PM
The Blood ANgles are looking for new members!  we are a group of mercs who do paying jobs for other players.   the first 3-4 will be made captains.  JOIN UP!  heres my name in game: MaliceMike (#8340)

Title: Re: The Blood Angles
Post by: Seither on May 23, 2006, 02:13:24 PM
What happened to people using their game names as their forum names? I thought that was a requirement......

Title: Re: The Blood Angles
Post by: Lammalord on May 23, 2006, 10:35:09 PM
yes i thought so to, and to what i know it still is everyone uses there game names here, didnt you notice that?

Title: Re: The Blood Angles
Post by: Seither on May 24, 2006, 01:27:22 PM
yea, except for a small few like this guy, who uses something different. And my name is wrong just because my in game name changed, but I made sure people know by adding a notice under my picture.

Title: Re: The Blood Angles
Post by: The Blood Angle on May 26, 2006, 12:40:12 PM
yea, but this has nothing to do with people joining my clan.  i hate spammers...

Title: Re: The Blood Angles
Post by: Seither on May 27, 2006, 03:55:22 AM
Actually it does, and I'm a moderator, and this isn't soam since it IS related to your post, so watch it bub. Whent eh forum was started, it was a requirement that you had to sign up with your in game name. You signed up with a different name, therefor I stated aloud the wondering about it. It's not off topic at all. And it will affect people joining your clan because your name is different. So I'll be really nice and let you off with a warnign for minor disrespect of another commander and a moderator.

Title: Re: The Blood Angles
Post by: Lammalord on June 02, 2006, 09:18:52 AM
this is so that it dosnt confuse people, most people like to know who they are talking to on the fourm...

Title: Re: The Blood Angles
Post by: Seither on June 06, 2006, 05:44:17 AM
yes, very true.