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General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: jessiedog on March 07, 2008, 07:57:42 PM

Title: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: jessiedog on March 07, 2008, 07:57:42 PM
The fleets close into transporter range...
jessiedog(#3475)'s fleet USS † Unmanned † is sending a boarding party to Xyy (#Xyy)'s fleet XXXYYYXXX
The boarding party killed 5.931.204.014.492 enemy marines and suffered 1.901.532.333.438 casualties.
Boarding party failed.

this fleet had many ships in one fleet. shouldn't at least some of the fleet have died?
i mean each ship cant hold 5.9 tril marines...

think of it this way:

if u board a fleet that has 5 ships. u kill all the marines on four of the ships, but 1 ship still has marines, shouldn't those 4 ships with no marines be captured or killed?

this is kinda like defense, on specials, except with marines.
in other words, if u have a fleet of 10 ships. each fleet has 100 health. i deal 900 damage to them, 9 should die right? well none do, because one is left.

this is something that is not realistic, untactcial, and in my opinion should be changed.
of course the person who i attacked will disagree  :P

Title: Re: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: lostedchylde on March 07, 2008, 10:35:52 PM
nope cause all the "ships" have "some" marines left on them.

Title: Re: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: FTP on March 08, 2008, 05:30:25 AM
You your marines are morons and spread out equally over all the ships  :12:

Title: Re: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: jessiedog on March 08, 2008, 10:45:09 AM
 :ranting2: :wallbash:

Title: Re: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: Mobius13 on March 08, 2008, 12:31:21 PM
:ranting2: :wallbash:

Translation: Im p'd off  :19:

Title: Re: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: Tzarkoth on March 08, 2008, 07:42:57 PM

You know, Jessie might be onto something here.

If 10,000 ships can each hold 1,000,000 marines each MAX ... You can attack/board/defend with 10 Billion Marines MAX.

If in combat 5000 of your ships get destroyed, then your MAX marines drops down to 5 Billion.

The other 5 Billion marines have no ship they can possibly fit on and should immediately be killed/spaced.

So marine recalculation should occur after the fleets engage but prior to boarding.

Depending on fleet set up and who you are fighting this may or may not make any difference.

The various set ups include Fully Marined Super Ships, Fully marined Swarmers, Partially Marined Supers and Partially Marined Swarmers.

This change would only effect Fully Marined Swarmers.

Title: Re: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: jessiedog on March 08, 2008, 09:58:32 PM
and more important fully marines superswarmers. they are a lot harder to take out cuz they have absorb and are usually filled with marines.

Title: Re: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: lostedchylde on March 08, 2008, 10:18:43 PM
you people tryin to crash the server?

Title: Re: Boarding Swarmer Fleets
Post by: Drackin on March 20, 2008, 02:04:53 AM
keep in mind that if its going to be realistic then the boarding and the killing is happening all at once. the marines from the ships that died are already on enemy ships trying to take over.