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Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Cameron07 on February 27, 2008, 01:37:07 AM

Title: Neb prob on main
Post by: Cameron07 on February 27, 2008, 01:37:07 AM
Okay so diminishing counters works some, but not always since you dont constantly attack people, and buddy nebbing is still going on, so why not make all alliance members truced with each other, so no same alliance attacking and maybe a restriction on galaxy attacks, say 600% your power.. that sounds reasonable to me?

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: Mobius13 on February 27, 2008, 04:35:32 PM
people could still hit with alts, or leave the alliance temporarily and join again.

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: waylain16 on February 27, 2008, 05:17:09 PM
its still a good idea

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: AFB on February 27, 2008, 06:05:52 PM
Yeah, it will be  pain in the a$$ to get in and out of alliance every time.

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: the broken on February 27, 2008, 06:08:30 PM
if you leave an allaince you have to wait something like 12 hours to join another allaince and 24-36 hours to rejoin the same allaince, not so good to keep jumping out all the time then

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: blakranger51 on February 27, 2008, 06:48:11 PM
No broken because a fun part of the game is to quickly change alliances and pull fast ones on people, especially near the end of the game. And especially DDAY.
But yeah the automatic alliance truce thing sounds good, and so does the galaxy attack limit.

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: jessiedog on February 27, 2008, 07:14:15 PM
maybe just lift stuff like that on dday then?
but the others do sound good

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: Cameron07 on February 29, 2008, 02:25:14 AM
yeah.. dday dont count for crap..

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: Lightseeker_Eu on February 29, 2008, 02:38:16 AM
The only valid solution to get rid of main+alts attacks on same target and self neb is one that I already suggested to emi, to make attacks range somewhere between 75% and 250% of players' wealth, not power; it would also give a more fair fighting chance for people who enjoy pvp

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: Cameron07 on February 29, 2008, 02:48:31 AM
sounds good to me..

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: lostedchylde on February 29, 2008, 11:25:46 AM
The only valid solution to get rid of main+alts attacks on same target and self neb is one that I already suggested to emi, to make attacks range somewhere between 75% and 250% of players' wealth, not power; it would also give a more fair fighting chance for people who enjoy pvp
wait, what? 250%?? no sweet effen all way!!! are you mad?!? geezzzzus wept people. just leave things alone!! havent you seen enuff of what happens fixin things that arent broke? must we invite debacle after debacle?

Title: Re: Neb prob on main
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on February 29, 2008, 12:42:41 PM
You can already make your self truced with your own alliance. Just send your alliance truces method. I know this does not fix this alliance member buddy nebing but I just thought I would let you know that you can do it.