Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Amagnon on February 23, 2008, 06:43:40 AM

Title: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on February 23, 2008, 06:43:40 AM
As most players are beginning to become aware of how powerful stabilizer and disruptor etch is, and investing in it - I thought Id start this thread.

I didnt want to start this earlier - because a lot of players just werent aware of the power of the warp techs, and I didnt want to hand out strategy tips.

Rivaris has raised this issue a couple of times now on the forums, so Im sure a lot have already read about it at least - so it shouldnt be new to anyone.

If stabilizers remain cheaper than disruptors, then attacks become increasingly difficult - to a point where a defensive style player can be almost immune to attack - as thorough as neb ever was.  THis was one of my main underlying bitches about neb abuse - it wasnt even neccessary - purely by thinking and using the existing game mechanics defences can be made very strong.

However, as more players begin to realize and apply stabilizer tech - then the issue will continue to grow - attacks will get too difficult to land at all - and the server becomes (rather, it remains) PVE .

I would like to see the costs reversed, so disruptors become cheaper than stabilizers.  Often to make a successful attack you need more fleetpower than the defender - so this would allow slightly more fleetpower to be brought against someone in an attack.  The change would favour the aggressive players - and they are the ones who are going to make this server interesting.

I dont believe making them the same cost is going to be enough - most players will focus on defence first, meaning stabilizers will always be ahead of disruptors.  Thats just common sense, because they are one player making attacks, versus possibly a dozen able to make attacks on them - so defence is more important than offense purely on a probability basis.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: SlayerX on February 23, 2008, 06:49:40 AM
yeah disruptors should be cheaper but that would be a risk if it becomes 2 cheap the top 20 can start hitting peeps in the top 50.

of a other option would be keep disruptors the same cost but increase the % by 1% making it 3% if that would work i dont know.

i wait and see my hands have been itching for 4 months now last good battle i had was with ftp.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Tzarkoth on February 23, 2008, 08:34:03 AM

Again, this is for SO Wars, none of us play MAIN.

I do not see any problems with Amagnon's suggestion.

And the low to mid level guys keeping their Fleet Powers low enough means they will not get attacked by the top guys anyway.

No down side to this being implemented.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on February 23, 2008, 09:30:07 AM
The percentage change sounds easiest to implement Riv - Id suggest 4% per tech level.

High end guys are not going to be able to hit low fleetpower targets who tech stabilizers - but this will make combat more interesting with more valid targets.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on February 23, 2008, 10:30:22 AM
once again, a chance wanted purely by the top end. it would benefit you most. 4% is a big difference when you are attacking people with a 100 bil power difference or even 5 bil power difference as supposed to a 1 tril power difference.

the change cant be too big, but i agree a change should be made. perhaps making them the same price, or keeping the prices the same and having disruptors 3%, 4 is too big. 

the change cant be huge

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on February 23, 2008, 11:23:02 AM
even better than a change, though, is a few players who are willing to TAKE A RISK and make an attack. im one of 3 people i know who in the top 30 that have tried to make an attack vs someone around their power in the last month or so. Zelox, Nightguard, myself. we dont NEED cheaper warp disruptors, we need players who are willing to attack.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: blakranger51 on February 23, 2008, 11:32:39 AM
Amagnon - you are as low a scum bag as lamma and nighty. The only reason you want them to be cheaper (and this is only an educated guess based on extrapolation) is because you have finally finished researching warp stabilizers and now you want the disruptors to be cheaper so that you can finish researching them in less time than it took you to finish the stabilizers. I have read all your posts and it's obvious what you're building up to, what you're planning, and how all your suggestions will help you greatly.

But again, merely a guess. I suspect it's close to the truth however.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on February 23, 2008, 12:13:37 PM
once again, a chance wanted purely by the top end. it would benefit you most.

In what way is this going to benefit me?  I sometimes wonder ...  This is extremly bad for me personally.

I suggest you click on my alliance and read what I put in there - I dont accept any unethical or selfish behaviour from my members, and I sure dont intend to set that example.

In the short term this may give the AI guys some incentive and capability of attacking myself and my alliance, so if this is purely driven by selfish reasons, why would I want that?  Also - why would the AI guys or myself go hitting players with less than 8 to 10 mil segs?  If they annoy us we might - there are a couple that have annoyed me now.

In the long term - as with all my other suggestions - it should benefit the game, individual players have more balanced choices and the game becomes a more interesting and competitive environment. 

And finally, and mainly - attacks become easier to land - so PvP opportunites increase for everyone.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on February 23, 2008, 12:19:27 PM
Amagnon - you are as low a scum bag as lamma and nighty. The only reason you want them to be cheaper (and this is only an educated guess based on extrapolation) is because you have finally finished researching warp stabilizers and now you want the disruptors to be cheaper so that you can finish researching them in less time than it took you to finish the stabilizers. I have read all your posts and it's obvious what you're building up to, what you're planning, and how all your suggestions will help you greatly.

But again, merely a guess. I suspect it's close to the truth however.

Yeah yeah - your right - I give up - its all a cunning plan to put me ahead.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Tzarkoth on February 23, 2008, 02:09:59 PM
Amagnon - you are as low a scum bag as lamma and nighty. The only reason you want them to be cheaper (and this is only an educated guess based on extrapolation) is because you have finally finished researching warp stabilizers and now you want the disruptors to be cheaper so that you can finish researching them in less time than it took you to finish the stabilizers. I have read all your posts and it's obvious what you're building up to, what you're planning, and how all your suggestions will help you greatly.

But again, merely a guess. I suspect it's close to the truth however.

Do you skip a lot of school Blackranger?

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: blakranger51 on February 23, 2008, 04:20:37 PM
Well, it is true though

I've watched his evasion continue to rise in spite of the power difference between him and me getting larger

And I am fairly certain that he didn't suggest disruptors be cheaper earlier because he wasn't finished researching stabilizers and was content because stabilizers were already cheaper.

Unfortunately, Amagnon, sarcasm does not fair well through internet travel

Do you skip a lot of school Blackranger?
And I obviously skipped less school than you because apparently you can't read...

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: SlayerX on February 23, 2008, 04:34:30 PM
i think it would be a very simple fix to this.

but then just make it warp stabs/disruptors dont get calculated in when your countering some 1.

and in addition make them both cost the same but lower the % to 1% this will make the techs cost huge ammounts to get high enough to get 2 90% passive evasion like some people are close 2 getting.

if you have the guts 2 attack some 1 you will have the guts to get the counter taken on you.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Cameron07 on February 23, 2008, 04:48:22 PM
awsome idea disruptors not counting on counters

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Tzarkoth on February 23, 2008, 10:22:51 PM
Well, it is true though

I've watched his evasion continue to rise in spite of the power difference between him and me getting larger

And I am fairly certain that he didn't suggest disruptors be cheaper earlier because he wasn't finished researching stabilizers and was content because stabilizers were already cheaper.

Unfortunately, Amagnon, sarcasm does not fair well through internet travel

Do you skip a lot of school Blackranger?
And I obviously skipped less school than you because apparently you can't read...

Actually, I was saying your educated guess wasn't very educated. :-)

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on February 24, 2008, 12:43:34 AM
Well, it is true though

I've watched his evasion continue to rise in spite of the power difference between him and me getting larger

And I am fairly certain that he didn't suggest disruptors be cheaper earlier because he wasn't finished researching stabilizers and was content because stabilizers were already cheaper.

Almost everytime I post a suggestion on the forums I reveal something - so I lose an edge that I could have maintained.  Why do I do it, I ask myself, when it not only doesnt seem appreciated or understood - but more - players like you try to twist my intent to make it seem self serving.

Your comments are just slanderous - theres no point arguing with you.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: zephyrblade on February 24, 2008, 01:17:29 AM
Blak, you are entitled to your opinion, but please try not to repetitively slander.  :19:

Anyway, in a frivolous attempt to get back on topic:
From what I can understand, I think that this would be a good idea, because (As others have said) the agressors need to be favoured for it to be real WAR server.  :)

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on February 24, 2008, 09:49:19 PM
amagnon, you presume we are complete idiots. you have given away nothing the average player (top 60) does not already know.

riv, i think you're on to something, can you plz explain in more detail.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: SlayerX on February 25, 2008, 05:22:28 PM
amagnon, you presume we are complete idiots. you have given away nothing the average player (top 60) does not already know.

riv, i think you're on to something, can you plz explain in more detail.

well if you want.

atm the warp techs are to powerfull the techs atm are made for rounds that get ended by d-day.

there are a few problems

1. warp stabs are cheaper then disruptors
2. both give 2%
3. we grow slowly in power so it take about 20 years 2 max out so every 1 can tech stabs for 2 months and you will never attack him since he will always be at 95% warp
4. people just power up on counter 2 insane lvl because of it even if you were 10fp and the guy your attacking has 3tril fp you would still have 95% warp
5. if emi were to change it 2 99% warp the server will be death with in 7 days with the current counter sytem wich is imo with current setup will destroy pvp for any 1 not teching stabs.
6. base option always try 2 warp

ok here is what i think should be done and if your giong to post i post this for my self so i can zero you all then dont even bother to respond.

1. you make disruptors and stabs cost the same.

2. you both lower them to +1% warp away or +1% disruption this way you need tech lvl 95 and not lvl 45 2 get to 95% warp evasion on some 1 with no disruptors and you make the cost go up by big amount at lvl 40 so new players can tech up disruption ezyer.

3. you can change the warpevasion to 99% but only if warpstabs and warpdisruptors arent calculated into the warp evasion when your giong to counter so if your at the same fleet power as the guy you want to counter the evasion change will be 1%. so basicly the new tech stabs to abuse the -6 hours on counter on every attack will be nailed in the ass. you do the attack you take the counter you dont hide away at 95% tech when the guy that wants 2 counter you is at 50% your FP and you warp 15 times. basicly its a 24hour neb that will last until emi pulls the plug.

this will also help new players that come up 2 players that have been playing for a few month and have lvl 20 stabs that attack them but they cant counter and leave the server afther 2 weeks because they know they cant do anything to grow.

4. you take out the always try 2 warp option but leave the 10% or lower it to 5%. this way people dont warp on every single damm attack improving pvp by 50% already because most warp are because of that always warp option.

so with all these change put in the wars server will be a Warzone with a few tweaks here and there from emi ofc

basicly you can run to lvl 40 stabs you can go above that but the cost will be higher emi can pick by how much.

now you can post here and say removing warpstabs and disruptors on a counter is unfair but if you had the balls 2 attack some 1 and you get destroyed on the counter you should not have attacked in the first place.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on February 25, 2008, 06:16:48 PM
i like it all
and i mean that. i think it covers all areas and all problems. thanks for posting in detail

10% bigger instead of 5% would be my preference. definately take away the always try, i argued that for a while.

id also like to hear what other people have to say, i might have missed something.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: the broken on February 25, 2008, 07:00:55 PM
now you can post here and say removing warpstabs and disruptors on a counter is unfair but if you had the balls 2 attack some 1 and you get destroyed on the counter you should not have attacked in the first place.

i total agree with this, if you are peacefull then it wont affect you but if you are an agressive player who knows he cant be counter attacked then this will make him/her think twice before attacking and would bring back proper defensive fleets again not hide behind warp tech

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: the broken on February 26, 2008, 05:18:01 PM

now you can post here and say removing warpstabs and disruptors on a counter is unfair but if you had the balls 2 attack some 1 and you get destroyed on the counter you should not have attacked in the first place.

If someone attacks you successfully, but you cant land a successful attack on them "because they warped away" (boo fkn hoo) - why do you think you deserve a counter.  I say remove counters entirely.  PvP is about attacks - too bad for the losers.

If they warp away then your fleetpower is too high, and your disruptors suck - dont pretend that you didnt make those choices.  Im ranked 16 in fleetpower, but I have a much higher economy than the player ranked 3rd - the fact that I could crush him is self evident.

how can you keep up research the of dissrutors compared to Stabilizers, it would be useless to try, they are like scanners, no one but a limited few even attempt to, its the same with war tech, the defender has way to much of an advantage, if you cant land a successfull counter attack how can you land a successfull attack anyway, isnt that then as bad as self nebbing, the person will grow way quicker than someone who is always being attacked. if everyone does this it will also kill pvp i believe because if person a cant be attacked but person b can it will be better for person b to do the same and never be attacked also, that means person a and b will never be attacked so they wont kill eachother, and a lot of the top commanders will go down this route, why not it is the best, person c who research distrupters can keep up and will be continually attacked. thats how i see it anyway  :6:

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: blakranger51 on February 26, 2008, 05:44:00 PM
I agree with Slayer, great idea.

Amagnon you're so full of it, it's completely obvious that you're still trying to manipulate things to give at least yourself a major advantage over other players.

EDIT Amagnon removed the post that this was responding to because he saw how right I was and now regrets trying to manipulate the game in his favor. He promises to try harder in the future.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on February 26, 2008, 07:36:47 PM
honestly amagnon, ive kept myself under control until now, but just shut the hell up and stop trying to change the game to help yourself. and just so you know, everyone knows that the player ranked 3 shouldn't be so dont try to use that to prove your point.

rivaris' idea fills in all holes, why cant u be happy with that, u want to benefit YOURSELF.

you are still mad about people being able to raise their power on counters? maybe if Chrys hadn't reserved and lowered her power then the difference between her and Zelox wouldn't have been so great. She used that much power to attack him...

You keep saying that im too noobish and too small to understand what this does for the game. this is a WARS Server, DEAL WITH IT! if you really want me to side with you, which im sure you wouldn't give a rat's @$$ for, then explain it. otherwise dont bring up the subject of removing counters completely again.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on February 27, 2008, 10:16:09 AM
Jessie and Blackranger - your comments are nasty and uneccessary.

I can see I raised this too early - Ill wait, someone else will be bringing this subject up again and requesting a change in the future.  I removed the post you flamed - it had info that I dont feel like sharing anymore.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on February 27, 2008, 02:48:21 PM
it had info and suggestions that i didn't like either.

bring up this topic when u feel it is necessary, but i really dont like spending more time on the forums than in the game

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: SlayerX on February 27, 2008, 05:24:47 PM
i have no idea what the ecom of the third ranked on the warserver has to do with this in the first place.

you can also say tech more disruptors why would i want to do that for the cost of lvl 20 disruptors i can get lvl 60 stabs ( just a little edit i said 40 but i think its more around 60)

i would basicly be happy with piont 1 and 2.

then you can choise wich road you want to go into disruptors or warpstabs.

anyways when your ready you will bring in your ideas why mine would not work or be unfair when every 1 is at 95% evasion.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on February 27, 2008, 07:11:41 PM
disruptors are 2X the cost of stabilizers, not 3X
i agreed with your ideas riv, im waiting for other ppl to do the same

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on March 03, 2008, 03:53:46 AM
i have no idea what the ecom of the third ranked on the warserver has to do with this in the first place.

Thats very clear Riv - it has everything to do with it - but its not ringing any bells with you.

Regarding your suggestions - dropping warp tech to 1% is a huge penalty for those who have invested heavily in it.  Anyhow - it doesnt matter what the costs are, so long as stabilizers arent too cheap compared to disruptors - then players will balance it out.

Theres no reason for a soft cap on stabilizers or disruptors - they are incremental already.

Removing warp tech from counters is ludicrous.  Warp tech is the only pure PvP tech available, so your going to remove it from 50% of the combat because you want to play a PVE game? 

Warp tech isnt free - its expensive in turns and Cp - those that have invested in it have sacrificed advances in other areas.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: SlayerX on March 03, 2008, 04:16:34 AM
if you say so, you have no idea what i have been teching.

ok then only change the cost and refund the extra stuff you had to put in the prev lvls.

i already know if emi were to do that the next time i log on my disruptor tech will jump 30lvls for free.

o and give me 1-2 weeks and i will have the same lvl as stabs as you.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on March 03, 2008, 11:30:30 AM
Warp tech isnt free - its expensive in turns and Cp - those that have invested in it have sacrificed advances in other areas.

thats not neccessarily true. my guess is that some most likely donated lots of $$$.

and yea the warp stabs/disruptors will eventually even out because of cost, but that doesn't mean a change would be pointless. riv's ideas are still held the highest in my mind

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on March 07, 2008, 12:34:24 AM
To equalise the costs of warp tech how about just dropping stabilizers to 1%, disruptors are double the cost - so that makes them equal - it also makes it harder to achieve high levels of evade.  Thats a fair change, and its basically what I proposed initally anyhow.

Of course Blackmoron will somehow twist it so that Im getting some unfathomable personal benefit for losing half my warp evade.

Personally, I would also increase disruptor tech from 2% to 3% - WARS is about attacks, but no-one has attacked me in - god knows - about 5 months.

If I was attacked, then in one counter attack I could convince them they wanted a counter attack system change too - Im sure I could make a counter attack an extremely convincing argument.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Tzarkoth on March 07, 2008, 01:20:57 AM


We certainly, absolutely, positively, extra-specially, far and away without a shadow of a doubt need to implement a change to Stabilisers and Disrupters.

I wholeheartedly concur with Amagnon's assessment of this facet of the game.

Half the Effect of Stabilisers and double the effect of Disrupters.

This should be implemented yesterday. :-)

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on March 07, 2008, 01:54:25 PM
actually ive reconsidered. think of it this way:

if 2 commanders spend all of their turns on research, one spends all his turns on stabilizers, the other all on disruptors. if dirsuptors are upped and stabilizers downed, then the player with disruptors will have no chance of ever warping. i actually think it is fine now. amagnon has clearly been researching some major disruptors recently, you must see what i mean.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on March 08, 2008, 10:49:43 AM
amagnon has clearly been researching some major disruptors recently, you must see what i mean.

This IS a joke right?

ANyhow - just in case your actually out of your mind, as you seem to be often these days Ill set the record straight for you.

As I repeatedly said in the forums (and I might go and look for my posts actually) I have been leaving the middle order guys alone - because I wanted players to exceed 10 mil segs and get into the top game.

This changed recently when guys like Jessie and Black started flaming me - so I just said - screw it, Im going to hammer everyone. 

I had high level disruptors while I was in AI - because we had high fleetpower, so I needed them them to PvP at all - Ive since added more levels.

Just because I wasnt hitting you, doesnt mean to say I couldnt - but now, frankly you asked for it.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on March 08, 2008, 11:08:54 AM
yes i did. if i flame u, come for me.

but people like whitelightercarl didn't ask for it

he never did anything to u
had 4 mil segs
doesn't have gold account

yet u attack him

thats y i came for u
i knew i would lose segs and ships and a lot basically, but i needed to try something.

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: Amagnon on March 08, 2008, 11:54:20 AM
even better than a change, though, is a few players who are willing to TAKE A RISK and make an attack. im one of 3 people i know who in the top 30 that have tried to make an attack vs someone around their power in the last month or so. Zelox, Nightguard, myself. we dont NEED cheaper warp disruptors, we need players who are willing to attack.

u guys wine too much. the counter system and attack systems all work perfectly fine. if you know how to attack then you would. stop complaining. if u want to attack someone, do it. emi, please say that

honestly amagnon, ive kept myself under control until now, but just shut the hell up and stop trying to change the game to help yourself.

You keep saying that im too noobish and too small to understand what this does for the game. this is a WARS Server, DEAL WITH IT!

Title: Re: Stabilizers vs Disruptors
Post by: jessiedog on March 08, 2008, 12:07:44 PM
lol i thought that might be why u countered so hard  :P

but i dont think thats the reason. the reason was my defense wasn't good enough.

seriously amagnon, take it out on me, not people like carl.

and please reply to my in game mails, they might help u understand my reasoning.