Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => Design & Strategy Room => Topic started by: clowcadi on December 24, 2007, 02:21:11 AM

Title: Help Clow!!
Post by: clowcadi on December 24, 2007, 02:21:11 AM
Hello all this is my topic to get wips from commanders.

first delima.
As much as i did the tutorial it doesnt make me understand well how can i become better and better at this game
currently reading tutorials.. and starting completely fresh with fleets.(selling all mine becouse they dont satisfy me)

for a noob like me, how many fleets should i have
what kind of ship fleets should they be
and how many ships in each fleet i should i have to start level 1

you can use examples of fleets... just the once i can get designs from the market or w/e

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: thezerg on December 24, 2007, 10:40:00 AM
A great website, if I do say so myself, is
There are a lot of help guides for you there. I would start out with this one to learn about how to make fleets and do missions and stuff

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: jessiedog on December 24, 2007, 12:46:07 PM
you could try this also, but its not as good as thezerg's

and its more specifically for the wars server

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: thezerg on December 24, 2007, 02:09:24 PM
Wow, its like mine, in the sense that you took everything from it and posted it on a new website :P I dont mind but i dont really know why you did it

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: jessiedog on December 24, 2007, 02:50:25 PM
i did it because i hadn't seen u or most people on that site active for a very long time
i made it about a month ago
no offense zerg, seriously. the fact that i got most of my info from ur sight actually compliments u. And i sited my references  :P

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: thezerg on December 24, 2007, 04:27:43 PM
I did take it as a compliment and thank you for citing. I do pop on everyone once in awhile to check questions though

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: jessiedog on December 24, 2007, 05:11:22 PM
i posted a link for ur site on mine. and ill openly admit that urs is better  :P

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: clowcadi on December 25, 2007, 05:51:41 AM
haha well done on linking me guys.. thank you very much... now i will look for guides but think any of you can link me to a guide to make a super ship.. just with out too much examples but more theory so i can make a supper ship that would suit me?

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: clowcadi on December 25, 2007, 06:14:30 AM
and here is a basic quastion
i am planning to have 2 fleets of super ships , one ship each
i want to have a defending ship, and an attacking ship
and i am still level one. so how much am i looking for to spend on each.
... i am just too lost right now.. ppls numbers dont really add up to me

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: jessiedog on December 25, 2007, 08:34:16 AM
go to thezerg's website and read his basic design strategy. that will help you at first.
so u want an attacking ship and a defending ship? the amount u need to spend is based on how much power u have right now. the more u spend, the better defended u will be. if u go to his site it will explain basically everything, then if u still have questions post them either there or on mine and we will answer them

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: thezerg on December 25, 2007, 11:21:33 AM
You dont really need a "defense" ship. If you have to fleets of supership with 1atk/2hp ratio, they should be able to attack and defend fine. Also, to do missions, you'll want to have at the very least 2, preferablely 3-5 fleets

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: jessiedog on December 25, 2007, 12:25:50 PM
did u mean defensive or defence?
defensively designed ships work well on the wars server, not sure which u play.

to do missions and encounters no less than 4 fleets works. u usually need to destroy 50% of the enemy. the first 5 fleets always have at least that much power. since 4 fleets atk 4 fleets and your lead ships can counter another, u will almost always destroy 50%.

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: clowcadi on December 25, 2007, 06:29:20 PM
ah. 4 fleets sounds very promissing
yet i figure becouse i am level 1 right now its fine to have 2
ivwe had level 3 earlier in dooms day and i go restarted.. but other then that
thanks guys i shall check the forum out again
and no defence ship for just so? ok sounds good thanks guys

i still wonder if its ok to start with 2 fleets of 1 ship each but put alot opf money in to them
right now i am ship less and i am collecting my segments and all
untill i got a concrete desighn not spending much

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: thezerg on December 25, 2007, 07:39:55 PM
check out the other guide section and then click on starting out goals. Its how i usually start

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: basill on December 26, 2007, 02:24:43 AM
Personally for missions I don't like to have less than 3 fleets or more than 6.
The 3 is because any less and you fail to many missions even if you don't lose ships and the 6 is simply because I see no advantage useing more than that.

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: clowcadi on December 26, 2007, 04:09:50 AM
lol i got another question
to do a succesfull mission by how much times does your fleet power be above the enemies?

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: thezerg on December 26, 2007, 10:39:48 AM
It doesnt need to be above the enemy necessarily. You need to destroy a % of the fleet from 30-50%. If your fleet power is equel to or above and you have at least 3 fleets, you should win. Sometimes you wont but most of the time you will

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: clowcadi on December 26, 2007, 06:27:27 PM
hahah ive been looking at your guides and u said 2 fleets of larva... now its 3.. ill listen to you here but i think you may want to update your guide

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: thezerg on December 26, 2007, 09:39:34 PM
no, when you first start, you really can only afford 2 larva, then you can buy an overlord fleet to 3 fleets

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: clowcadi on December 26, 2007, 11:00:52 PM
alright that sounds fair thank you the zerg

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: clowcadi on December 27, 2007, 05:55:45 AM
haha i got it i finished the ship evrythign fits but i got energy left over.. what the best thing to do about the left over energy?

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: jessiedog on December 27, 2007, 11:11:43 AM
redesign the special and give that energy to it

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: basill on December 28, 2007, 12:01:47 AM
Depends on how much you have left over it may have been designed that way for price.

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: Amagnon on January 07, 2008, 04:29:09 AM
Depends on how much you have left over it may have been designed that way for price.

THis comment doesnt make any sense at all.  All the energy and space on a ship should be utilized - youve already paid for it.

Put it into the special or weapon as Jessie suggested.

You need 10 fleets of ships, you can certainly start with 3 or 4 and successfully do missions - but ultimately you must have 10 mission ships.  When you launch a new lead ensure its cost lies between 25% to 50% more than your previous most powerul ship.

With a properly structured fleet and well designed ships you can do any mission thats less than 3 times the fleet power of your leading ship - as your a beginner, Id suggest dont tackle missions or encounters with more than double the fleet power of your lead. 

If you often lose ships following those instructions then your ship design or fleet set up is very poor and needs to be adjusted.

Theres always a remote chance of losing a ship to a rare type of enemy spawn - high defence swarmers or tinymen can both cause unexpected losses of ships.  Its better to budget for the losses and attack the higher encounters rather than play ultra conservatively.

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: basill on January 08, 2008, 12:10:08 AM
I said that about the left over energy because some designers make it a little off to make it hard for someone to reverse engineer it, I see no real point in it but it does happen and depending on how much off it is it can be more creds to use it all than to just let it go.

Title: Re: Help Clow!!
Post by: Amagnon on January 08, 2008, 02:18:04 PM
If youve already paid for the energy how can it cost credits to actually use it?

Energy costs 0.4125 credits per energy (ignoring the constant value) - system costs are independent of the energy consumed - so your comment still doesnt make sense.

A special or weapon costs from 1 to 9 credits - just put the extra energy there.