Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Space Odyssey Info Terminal => Updates => Topic started by: SirEmi on December 13, 2007, 02:18:02 AM

Title: The Incursion Project
Post by: SirEmi on December 13, 2007, 02:18:02 AM
We have been testing the Incursion Project, and it seems to be working fine now.

This is the project data:,3359.0.html

Testing is here:,3375.0.html

I'll post more information about how it works tomorrow.

God Speed!

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 3:00 PM
Post by: al3xazz on December 13, 2007, 02:14:16 PM
ive tested it out some :D

heres my suggestions :

give players the ability to sell and use items by category
increase the holding capacity of warehouse by the factor of 100

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 3:00 PM
Post by: jessiedog on December 13, 2007, 02:22:59 PM
when will the wars server be updated?

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 3:00 PM
Post by: SirEmi on December 13, 2007, 02:58:46 PM
Still need to run some checks, the update will be made at 4:00 PM

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 4:00 PM
Post by: SirEmi on December 13, 2007, 03:21:28 PM
Update complete. This si the Incursion info for everyone:

- To go to Incursion system, click the Check Details next to News when Incursion is in progress
- Warning: PvP in incursion is very possible

- Incursion will  happen at random times trough the day, and each incursion can last from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
- Each Incursion will have a boss, Alien Queen etc. and the waves are the Incursion phases that will lead to the final boss wave.
- There will be a total of 12 hours of Incursion each day.
- When an Incursion is in progress, the first line of the News will persist with this news: Incursion in progress... Details
- Clicking on details takes you to a page where Incursion is explained, and a button will enable you to use the Warp Gate provided by the Council to assist in the system defense against Incursion.
- When the next wave spawns, there will be low level as well as mid and high level alien fleets to fight.
- Once in the Incursion area, a timer will display ETA for next wave. This will ensure that everyone will know when the next wave will come and because of the 3 seconds delay in attacks if there are more commanders in Incursion all will have a chance to attack the alien fleets.
- ETA will be every 7 minutes. This will give time for the other commanders to secure the position and eliminate the competition if at all possible as the competition can and will use the Warp Gate to return to Incursion area if they warp away.
- Rewards will depend on alien fleet power fought, but with a very high random effect, with even small fleets droping nice loots.
- News will also update in the event of a very high or extremely high loot drop
- the Incursion star system will be random
- the aliens will make Incursion in system that has no station present
- the building of station during Incursion will not be possible
- system fleets won't have any effect during Incursion but will not be deploy-able during Incursion. If there are system fleets present when Incursion starts, they will retreat to the commanding mothership.

- Evasive maneuvers, when you take a lot of damage and enter the nebula that is negated in Incursion, the mothership AI will enter evasive maneuvers and can not be attacked for 1 minute to give the victim time to resupply / counter / get away.
- The alien waves will appear in the Full System scan / Full assault room like blinking red alien fleets. Clicking them will open up the war screen to attack them.
- basically the whole Incursion battle will happen in the Full System scan / Full assault room. In the star system you will see the Incursion wormhole, clicking on it takes you to Full System scan.

Other updates:

- there is also a mouse over update over items to make them display properties without having to click on them in Mission contracts and Incursion loot. Make sure you hit F5 on the browser for them to work.

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 4:00 PM
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on December 13, 2007, 03:39:28 PM
Update complete. This si the Incursion info for everyone:

- To go to Incursion system, click the Check Details next to News when Incursion is in progress
- Warning: PvP in incursion is very possible

- Incursion will  happen at random times trough the day, and each incursion can last from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
- Each Incursion will have a boss, Alien Queen etc. and the waves are the Incursion phases that will lead to the final boss wave.
- There will be a total of 12 hours of Incursion each day.
- When an Incursion is in progress, the first line of the News will persist with this news: Incursion in progress... Details
- Clicking on details takes you to a page where Incursion is explained, and a button will enable you to use the Warp Gate provided by the Council to assist in the system defense against Incursion.
- When the next wave spawns, there will be low level as well as mid and high level alien fleets to fight.
- Once in the Incursion area, a timer will display ETA for next wave. This will ensure that everyone will know when the next wave will come and because of the 3 seconds delay in attacks if there are more commanders in Incursion all will have a chance to attack the alien fleets.
- ETA will be every 7 minutes. This will give time for the other commanders to secure the position and eliminate the competition if at all possible as the competition can and will use the Warp Gate to return to Incursion area if they warp away.
- Rewards will depend on alien fleet power fought, but with a very high random effect, with even small fleets droping nice loots.
- News will also update in the event of a very high or extremely high loot drop
- the Incursion star system will be random
- the aliens will make Incursion in system that has no station present
- the building of station during Incursion will not be possible
- system fleets won't have any effect during Incursion but will not be deploy-able during Incursion. If there are system fleets present when Incursion starts, they will retreat to the commanding mothership.

- Evasive maneuvers, when you take a lot of damage and enter the nebula that is negated in Incursion, the mothership AI will enter evasive maneuvers and can not be attacked for 1 minute to give the victim time to resupply / counter / get away.
- The alien waves will appear in the Full System scan / Full assault room like blinking red alien fleets. Clicking them will open up the war screen to attack them.
- basically the whole Incursion battle will happen in the Full System scan / Full assault room. In the star system you will see the Incursion wormhole, clicking on it takes you to Full System scan.

Other updates:

- there is also a mouse over update over items to make them display properties without having to click on them in Mission contracts and Incursion loot. Make sure you hit F5 on the browser for them to work.

Could you add the Roll Over items stats to the market?

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 4:00 PM
Post by: SirEmi on December 13, 2007, 03:54:55 PM

Could you add the Roll Over items stats to the market?

yeas we will add them shortly

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 4:00 PM
Post by: deezee66 on December 13, 2007, 08:35:34 PM
dont do it people, someone ten times more powerful then you can kill all your ships even after they neb you and that just plain sucks  :4:

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 4:00 PM
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on December 13, 2007, 08:51:49 PM
dont do it people, someone ten times more powerful then you can kill all your ships even after they neb you and that just plain sucks  :4:
That was me and if you had stopped coming back in to the system you would not of lost any ships since I only had a 5% chance of you not jumping away. Also if you had read the disclaimer before jumping to the incursion you would have noticed that nebs don't work in the incursion system.

Also Sir Emi I'm getting billions of market goods from Incursions how in the heck are we to get rid of them CHOAM will only but 500k to 1 Mill at a time?

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 4:00 PM
Post by: baltic on December 14, 2007, 07:39:21 AM
yea what am i gonna do with my 286 bil papers? :P

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 4:00 PM
Post by: FTP on December 14, 2007, 08:43:14 AM
yeah 1 incursion: You have 34.646.476.661.488 of 1.760.000 total quantity your cargo bay can hold. ( 1968549810% full )

Title: Re: The Incursion Project - Scheduled Update 13 Dec 4:00 PM
Post by: SirEmi on December 14, 2007, 12:13:47 PM
- While the trade goods idea was interesting, it's going to be changed from aliens giving x trade goods worth x credits to:
"You found Alien parts and alloy worth x credits" and then the items list.

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: FTP on December 14, 2007, 12:54:50 PM
Thanks, atm I just have to force sell all items, to get my creds. And because everyone gets so much market items market is uselss because we all ry to sell our stuff to choam :P

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: SirEmi on December 14, 2007, 09:44:34 PM
- the Incursion has the possibility of droping all items, except that the more useful items are more rare then in encryption contracts...
- in encryption contracts the quantity is lower then in Incursion, as you know, but the chance of finding more useful items is greater

In conclusion encryption and Incursion should even each other out, giving the commander the choice of how he wishes to advance, Incursion offering more PvP, while the encryption contracts more PvE.

God Speed!

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: AFB on December 15, 2007, 06:55:07 AM
Is it on SO Wras now? Cos I haven't seen a single incursion yet . :2:

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: FTP on December 15, 2007, 07:42:10 AM
Only on main I think.

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on December 15, 2007, 03:00:18 PM
Is it on SO Wras now? Cos I haven't seen a single incursion yet . :2:
I believe its for SOMain only.

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: jessiedog on December 15, 2007, 03:04:46 PM
on the original post in 'add-ons,' it seemed that it would be put on both servers just on so main first. and if it isn't, then all the suggestions in that topic were by people that only play on the wars server.

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: FTP on December 15, 2007, 03:30:21 PM
If you read Emi's posts well you will see he would test it on the main server first.

Be happy he didnt released it on the war server yet.

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: jessiedog on December 15, 2007, 03:59:16 PM
thanks for the clarification ftp. would you happen to know a date for the wars server?

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: FTP on December 15, 2007, 04:36:08 PM
It will probably happen when everything runs smoothly on the main server.

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: Amagnon on December 16, 2007, 12:21:22 AM
I think waiting a while before adding this to Wars is a very good idea.  The server has not yet adjusted to the mission multiplyer change - it will take another week or two for even the top end to stabilise - then the lower end of the ladder is still adjusting.

Id be happy to wait two or three weeks for the incursion project - also if theres any issues that occur due to the way nebula and PvP is handled, then those issues may have been resolved.  I dont want to see players knocked out of wars due to some technical problem.

Title: Re: The Incursion Project
Post by: Seither on December 16, 2007, 08:14:13 AM
Amagon, the reason he added it to main first, is people with the most time/most of the older players play main more than wars, so we'll fully test the feature out trying to find something that's wrong with it. You shoulda seen us tearing through galaxy finding it's glitches and bugs. Quite helarious.

But good job emi, seems like a pretty sound update.

Now if only we could get SO Classic going >_> Wars is nice, but i still miss the days of old, when entire rounds were made or broken by a few strategic moves. Those were SO's true golden days.