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Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Amagnon on December 06, 2007, 01:30:18 AM

Title: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: Amagnon on December 06, 2007, 01:30:18 AM
Nebula is a critical mechanic, however in its current form it can be exploited to allow a player to be immune to attack by remaining permanently in nebula.  I dont feel this is in the spirit of SO WARS and would like to see a change implemented.

The first three options work like this;

If you get neb'd, then you get a debuff that lasts for the stated recovery time.  If you get neb'd before your recovery time has elapsed then your next nebula is shorter by the stated 6 hours.

The recovery time can be fixed, or accumulative.  Fixed is fairly self explainatory - but the accumulative means that your recovery time is 6hrs the first time yur neb'd and dont recover - but if you get neb'd again without recovering, then the recovery time is increased by 6 hours to 12 hrs and so on.

For the first 3 options there is also a question of whether you will allow neb times to be reduced to zero - I suggest a 6 hour minumum.

I think the "pool" of nebula hours is fairly self explainatory also - basically if you get neb'd for 24 hours, then your pool is down to 24 hrs, but during that time your pool will regenerate some hours - three different options.  With 18 hr regeneration you can effectively stay in neb for a maximum of 4 days straight before your pool gets lower than 24 hrs - then your neb's will be 18hrs maximum for the following days. 

For 12 hour regen you can stay in neb for 3 days straight at most, and if youve run out your pool then you can stay in neb a max of 12 hrs in 24.  For 6 hrs of regen you can stay in neb a max of 2 days straight, then your next neb is 12 hrs, then your down to 6hrs of neb per 24 hour period.

I suggest that if these pools are below 6 hours and the player is hit, that the neb time is still 6 hours.

This poll is mainly for SOWARS - if you play only SOMAIN and wish to vote you may of course, but please post a message with what you voted for and that you play only SO MAIN.

THis poll has developed from quite a lot of discussion between a few players, and while I did contribute, these ideas are not solely mine.  Tzarkoth, FTP, Jessie and others contributed to the development of these ideas.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: basill on December 06, 2007, 02:06:43 AM
I didn't actually vote because none of the options show how I would like to see it.

I would like to make it this way if it goes to both servers 24-18-12-9-6-3 and stopping at 3 hours because when you are smaller on SO you can get hit a lot of times in just a few days.

I think that would work out fairly well on both servers and yes I do play on both.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: Amagnon on December 06, 2007, 02:34:59 AM
I should have added - if you like the idea of a change but have an alternative idea, please post it.  I will endeavor to capture it in the poll.

However, if you want a change - please also vote for an option that most closely represents your idea.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: FTP on December 06, 2007, 03:08:47 PM
I still like my idea better dont know what you have against it though:

Amagnon you should not get 6 hours less neb time if you get attacked after 11 hours, I think the reduction on the nebula time should be based on the % of debuff time already past.

The reason why I didnt suggest 12 hours because getting hit within 12 hours since you came out of neb is larger then 6 hours. But maybe 12 hours waiting time with a max penalty of 6 hours would be fine.

Thats from the other topic, I think the penalty in hours should be based on the % of the debuff you already have past.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: basill on December 07, 2007, 01:17:32 AM
Ok I went ahead and voted the first option it seems closest to what I would like to see.

woot corporal what I need about 10k more posts to catch luffy :yawn: hi :))

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: Amagnon on December 07, 2007, 01:36:03 AM
I still like my idea better dont know what you have against it though:

Amagnon you should not get 6 hours less neb time if you get attacked after 11 hours, I think the reduction on the nebula time should be based on the % of debuff time already past.

The reason why I didnt suggest 12 hours because getting hit within 12 hours since you came out of neb is larger then 6 hours. But maybe 12 hours waiting time with a max penalty of 6 hours would be fine.

Thats from the other topic, I think the penalty in hours should be based on the % of the debuff you already have past.

Sorry FTP - that one slipped by me.  I added it to the poll as option 3, I didnt reset the poll though.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: FTP on December 07, 2007, 02:29:01 AM
Woo it has one vote already and I know from whom  :))

Will try and see if I can talk to Sir Emi to speed this up  :12:

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: TheMerchant on December 07, 2007, 11:42:54 PM
Players have a pool of 48hrs worth of neb, it regenerates 18 hours every 24 hrs or
 Players have a pool of 48hrs worth of neb, it regenerates 12 hours every 24 hrs

i like these.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: Amagnon on December 08, 2007, 12:02:15 AM
Well - only 10 votes so far, but 90% in favour of some change to the neb mechanic.

I voted for;

Players have a pool of 48hrs worth of neb, it regenerates 12 hours every 24 hrs.  My second choice would be FTP's suggestion. 

I like the pool better though because the length of neb is not effected by the first, or even the second events - it only starts to bite after several times in a row - so its less likely to cause problems for players who have just seen a lot of combat in a short period.  It will however have a major impact on self neb, reducing them to 12 hours only per day.

For the pool ones, I really meant regen to accumulate each hour - so they probably arent worded the best.

18hr regen is 45mins every hour
12hr regen is 30mins very hour
6hr regen is 15mins every hour

And I like a 6hr minimum - 6hr neb isnt exploitable, but offers some chance for a heavily attacked player to log in. 

Allowing zero hrs of neb would break the game.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: jessiedog on December 08, 2007, 08:27:38 AM
i would have voted differently but i didn't understand that one.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: FTP on December 08, 2007, 09:18:02 AM
6 hours just mean you have to renneb yourself every 6 hours again.

I mean for SO wars with the high difficulty to attack others and warping changes I doubt someone would get so much anyways. Staying in neb 6 hours during you sleep is enough to keep of most attacks.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: Amagnon on December 08, 2007, 10:35:04 AM
You seriously think any sane person is going to log in and self neb every 6 hrs .. ?

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: Tzarkoth on December 08, 2007, 12:41:57 PM
And no sane person would start a land war in Asia ....

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: FTP on December 08, 2007, 03:23:58 PM
I dont think a sane person plays a WAR server to selfneb :P

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: Amagnon on December 15, 2007, 02:36:08 AM

80% want diminishing returns.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: FTP on December 15, 2007, 06:47:06 AM
Ok will forward it to Sir Emi.

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: lostedchylde on December 15, 2007, 08:07:49 PM
what the heck, counters cut right through a nebula, thats ALL i care about. :))

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: al3xazz on December 27, 2007, 08:13:47 AM
i dont have anything against neb mechanics getting changed as long as its not a stupid change- especially if we speak about main (idk the situation on WARS) server- having a diminishing neb time is ok as long as its not a min 6hrs- it should be at least 12 hrs

dont forget that most players have jobs and if they can be attacked every 6hrs its quite easy to completely anihilate them-12hrs would help a bit since it would give more time to login and take appropriate actions :)

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: VictoRy on January 03, 2008, 09:37:03 AM
my vote 4

> Players have a pool of 48hrs worth of neb, it regenerates 18 hours every 24 hrs

i think that 6 hour more then enough 4 find any nebber and try get our segs  :19:

Title: Re: Diminishing returns from nebula
Post by: SirEmi on January 06, 2008, 11:01:23 PM
I am monitoring this and working on a system to reduce the self-neb abuse.
Any new suggestions are welcome.

God Speed!