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Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: FTP on December 05, 2007, 02:27:32 AM

Title: Neb times revised
Post by: FTP on December 05, 2007, 02:27:32 AM
Tzarie  inspired idea  :wow:

You could make a nebula takes 24 hours, and to fully restore it takes 6 hours. If some one gets into nebula again within that 6 hours. He will only get get 24-(6-time sence last neb) and then he will need to stay out of nebula for 6+(6-last time neb) hours since he got nebbed again. Which means if you selfneb directly as you leave the nebula.

First neb 24 hours, second neb 24-6= 18 and doign it again would give 12 hours etc

On wars server if you can login once a day it shouldnt be to hard to be out of nebula for 6 hours a day if you move around.

And this would give the hunters atleast a 6 hour time frame a day to killbuddy nebbers, and wont penalise others would get attacked normaly. As yes sure maybe you get hit shortly after your neb you still have atleats 18 hours neb.

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: Amagnon on December 05, 2007, 04:54:06 AM
The principal looks good.

Id advocate a 12 hour recovery time, and a 6 hour penalty though. 

So if you get nebbed within 12 hours of previously being nebbed, then the next neb is 6 hrs shorter, so down to 18 hours after having a 24 hr neb.  My reasoning for the increase in recovery time is that players can stay logged in for 6 hours, and hitting a moving target is more or less impossible (unless you have a counter - and these guys arent giving out counters).  Its extremely unlikely anyone will stay logged in for 12 hours just to avoid being attacked.

To simplify the mechanics, and make it obvious, you could split the nebula buff into 2 parts.  The first part is the nebula buff itself which means you cant be attacked and normally persists for 24 hours.  Then add another debuff that only that player can see, call it something like "Vestigal Nebula Aura" or something, this debuff always persists for 12 hours.  If you have that debuff and get nebb'd then the nebula is 6 hours shorter than the last time you were neb'd.

This seems like a fairly clean solution.

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: Tzarkoth on December 05, 2007, 04:58:19 AM
Well, self nebbing is a major problem on the wars server, and this looks as though it will solve the issue without taking anything away from the legitimate users of the Nebula mechanic.

I'd lean towards either implementing this way, or just a flat, you can only be in a Neb for 60 hours of any given 72 hour period.

Either way works .... :-)

Leave the initial Neb at 24 hours though for legitimate users.

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: jessiedog on December 05, 2007, 06:46:32 AM
ftp's idea is great. that would penalize those who buddy neb but not the people who actually get attacked. but in theory, can a nebula get to be 0 hours?

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: FTP on December 05, 2007, 10:11:36 AM
Amagnon you should not get 6 hours less neb time if you get attacked after 11 hours, I think the reduction on the nebula time should be based on the % of debuff time already past.

The reason why I didnt suggest 12 hours because getting hit within 12 hours since you came out of neb is larger then 6 hours. But maybe 12 hours waiting time with a max penalty of 6 hours would be fine.

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: jessiedog on December 05, 2007, 04:26:19 PM
im not sure how hardcore ppl would get. but if there was a max penalty of a 6 hour neb, couldn't u just neb 4 times a day?

not sure if this is too severe, but maybe once u get to 6 hours, then go to 3 hours then 1 hour than no neb.

this rule might also have effect on raiding inactives bases...

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: FTP on December 05, 2007, 05:24:49 PM
If someone keeps being nonstop in neb his neb would go like:

24-18-12-6-0  Then he has to be out of neb for an entire day.

Yes this will make them more interesting at start because afetr a few days there nebs will get shorter. Till they warp.

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: Amagnon on December 06, 2007, 01:04:34 AM
I think these ideas are developed enough to poll them.

Maybe this can be for SOWARS only if self neb is really considered a reasonable "strategy" on SO MAIN.  Self neb is certainly against the spirit of the wars server.

Ill post a poll - let me know if theres an option I missed.

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: basill on December 06, 2007, 02:00:17 AM
I would like to make it a little longer if it goes to both servers about like 24-18-12-9-6-3 and stopping at 3 hours because when you are smaller on SO you can get hit a lot of times in just a few days.

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: waylain16 on December 06, 2007, 04:29:58 AM
Yea is this being planned out for both severs or just the wars????? :2:

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: Amagnon on December 06, 2007, 06:06:10 AM
It just being discussed.  Then Emi can evaluate it.

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on December 28, 2007, 06:30:52 AM
well this all looks good BUT UNTIL SIR EMI FIXES the CP Protection it is worthless

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: FTP on December 28, 2007, 07:03:23 AM
CP protection is worthless..... aslong as you can selfneb that is way more cost effective then CP.
And above all there is no CP at SO wars  :12:

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: Amagnon on January 03, 2008, 04:17:28 AM

SOWARS is SOBORES with self nebbing - can we expidite some change here pls Emi?

Title: Re: Neb times revised
Post by: FTP on January 03, 2008, 04:54:30 AM
He said he would look into it, but so far no conclusion.