Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => Report Abuse => Topic started by: LAW on May 04, 2006, 07:18:45 AM

Title: HACKED !!!!
Post by: LAW on May 04, 2006, 07:18:45 AM
Second time an alliance has been destroyed and an account crippled. The person responsible last time should have been named,banned and ISP blocked, maybe this time??? A clear breach of TOS last time and now its happenned again......

Unidentified Commander


Posts: 1

     to law
« on: Today at 19:50:23 » Quote 

he it is

Access Login successful. Access granted. 2006-05-05 10:34:46
Credits Action Credits Remaining
BioFarm Trade +71.943.750 96.116.184
 2006-05-05 09:50:18
Segments Action Segments Remaining
Extend +858 5.174
 2006-05-05 09:50:18
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Stash Withdraw -24.172.434 0
 2006-05-05 09:50:08
Credits Action Credits Remaining
Stash Withdraw +24.172.434 24.172.434
 2006-05-05 09:50:08
Access Login successful. Access granted. 2006-05-05 09:49:34
Access Login successful. Access granted. 2006-05-05 09:45:20
Access Login successful. Access granted. 2006-05-05 07:44:55
Regular Commander Power Lost Remaining
razgriz2(#7369) 1.200.000 11.333.521
 2006-05-04 23:13:03
Segments Action Segments Remaining
Attack -480 4.316
 2006-05-04 23:13:02
Regular Commander Power Lost Remaining
razgriz2(#7369) 1.332.500 12.533.521
 2006-05-04 23:12:52
Segments Action Segments Remaining
Attack -533 4.796
 2006-05-04 23:12:52
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
Eragon(#507) 49.190 13.819.863
 2006-05-04 21:40:35
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -96.984 10.679.063
 2006-05-04 21:40:35
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -4.821.989 530.954.598
 2006-05-04 21:40:35
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
Eragon(#507) 44.077 13.829.383
 2006-05-04 21:40:31
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -86.904 10.776.047
 2006-05-04 21:40:31
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -4.320.779 535.776.587
 2006-05-04 21:40:31
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
Eragon(#507) 13.809 13.861.032
 2006-05-04 21:40:27
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -27.225 10.862.951
 2006-05-04 21:40:27
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -1.353.627 540.097.366
 2006-05-04 21:40:27
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
Eragon(#507) 30.547 13.847.349
 2006-05-04 21:40:24
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -60.227 10.890.176
 2006-05-04 21:40:24
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -2.994.450 541.450.993
 2006-05-04 21:40:24
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
Eragon(#507) 11.130 13.867.879
 2006-05-04 21:40:20
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -21.945 10.950.403
 2006-05-04 21:40:20
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -1.091.073 544.445.443
 2006-05-04 21:40:20
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
ShAd0wS(#9968) 47.672 13.835.673
 2006-05-04 21:24:23
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -90.816 10.593.412
 2006-05-04 21:24:23
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -4.676.368 545.484.617
 2006-05-04 21:24:23
Type Details Date/Time
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
ShAd0wS(#9968) 31.017 13.855.430
 2006-05-04 21:24:20
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -59.088 10.684.228
 2006-05-04 21:24:20
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -3.042.620 550.160.985
 2006-05-04 21:24:20
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
ShAd0wS(#9968) 16.969 13.871.175
 2006-05-04 21:24:16
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -32.327 10.743.316
 2006-05-04 21:24:16
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -1.664.605 553.203.605
 2006-05-04 21:24:16
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
ShAd0wS(#9968) 34.143 13.857.415
 2006-05-04 21:24:12
Stash Action Stash Remaining
Raid -65.044 10.775.643
 2006-05-04 21:24:12
Workers Action Workers Remaining
Raid -3.349.305 554.868.210
 2006-05-04 21:24:12
Raid Commander Power Lost Remaining
ShAd0wS(#9968) 57.481 13.839.825

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Xerox on May 04, 2006, 07:23:15 AM
thats right if you know whoit is then givehim or her up please

and also if you where a member of the 501st then rejoin again please orif you wish join us anyway

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Seither on May 04, 2006, 01:59:22 PM
I see names missing from raids, which is making this list look fake, wither it is or not. ALL logs of attacks should have a name of the attacker or who you attacked.

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Xerox on May 05, 2006, 03:43:45 AM
that it theirs no attacker

ands if you dont belive me or law ask sir emi wot happenmd my account was hacked and destroyed my allience deleted andmy cash gone all my turns and all the rest

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Seither on May 05, 2006, 07:04:09 AM
I just said it was suspicious. Not that you weren't hacked. It is possible you were hacked, but the odds of it happening again are slim, and last time our hacker sold the guy's ships, not made attacks against no-one. Hence my suspicion. Now, since Sir Emi will be looking into it already, should he find it true, then alright, but until then I refuse to believe it.

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Lammalord on May 08, 2006, 08:30:50 AM
this is what the 4th case of someone being hacked... this is getting rediuclus emi try making to code more complex or something so that people cant hack... this is really sad

and odds are its the same person this is what? the 5th or 6th time someone has hacked an account and destoyed and alliance?? and now there getting into dangerous teritory destoying sacred alliances like Murphys law

and for xerox... its ok i have no need to rejoin, apperently you have Rivius to teach ppl how to play...

there are others alliances out there that need my help

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Chronos on May 12, 2006, 02:16:00 AM
... It could just be a weak password.

Peoples, use good passwords, 'kay?  :/

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: CTPEJIOK on May 12, 2006, 07:28:43 AM
For those who can't remeber hard passwords like HoPwwwwaAds723Dh.

Use for password phrase like "MonkeyEatBanana" or "GoAwayFromMe" it's easy to remember and hard to guess.

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: FTP on May 12, 2006, 08:10:19 AM
Or: YouWontGuessThis

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Charlemagne on May 12, 2006, 07:02:14 PM
Perhaps "password" would be sufficiently sneaky to fool them.   :))

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Lammalord on May 12, 2006, 07:06:13 PM
if i was trying to gess som1's passoword oddly that would be the FIRST thing i would gess

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Seither on May 15, 2006, 01:50:51 PM
Lamma, try 2nd case, and they're not hacking the game, they're getting the person's accounts. And those attacks might be from the galaxy, since that doesn't give names. So you might have had someoone put all your ships out there and destroy them that way. But the odds of actually being "hacked" are slim, though it looks like you got screwed over. hacking isn't as simple as you people try to make it seem.

Title: Re: HACKED !!!!
Post by: Midnight44 on July 22, 2006, 03:51:57 AM
I would guess 123456 as a pass...