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Feedback Terminal => "Bugs" and Problems => Topic started by: SlayerX on November 21, 2007, 07:49:04 PM

Title: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: SlayerX on November 21, 2007, 07:49:04 PM
i been in the same sector for around more then a day now and i noticed that the missions were still the same.
so no new missions were spawned i tought it were a couple of missions each hour so i rather have emi check on it then find a empty galaxy.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: Tzarkoth on November 22, 2007, 12:48:10 AM
Doesn't look like Encryptions are respawning at their old rate/if at all.

Encryption mission should be the same as it was, otherwise there's a whole new set of problems added to the game.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: Amagnon on November 22, 2007, 12:59:49 AM
Missions dont seem to be respawning.

With the missions multiplyer implemented a slight reduction in respawn rate of missions is sensible (to maintain the same mission availability as previously).

However - if its been intentionally reduced - then its been reduced far too much - the number of available missions is almost nil.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: FTP on November 22, 2007, 02:18:56 AM
Remember they spawn at the rate they are done as for every mission done a new will appear if since the update people grind less then the spawnrate will be less.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: SlayerX on November 22, 2007, 12:07:49 PM
then we got a problem when i could bring my self to grind missions i could ezly make 50k+ segs thats a 1000 missions for me alone.

now you can do 15 missions a day using the new multi.

so lets see the gal in wars is around 1000 stars big so when i grind my segs i gave every star 1 new mission

lets say we have 30 active grinders thats 30 missions a star

now with the new multi thats 0.45 new missions per star.
so infact the servers will be almost missionless al the time.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: FTP on November 22, 2007, 12:59:25 PM
No it means the missions keep were they are and are not relocated.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: SlayerX on November 22, 2007, 01:02:45 PM
k so i guess they all respawn as a 800+ encryption when i clear the entire sector

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: FTP on November 22, 2007, 01:31:39 PM
For every person there will spawn as much encrypts as his level his high. So a level 100 player (enc lvl) there will be a lvl 100,99,98......3,2,1

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: Tzarkoth on November 23, 2007, 12:11:53 AM
Still, there is definately less missions in the Galaxy since the Multi-Missions upgrade ... or was yesterday .. Will chk later on today to see if it has changed ... Might have been a glitch with the server upgrades, so possibly will fix itself over the weekend.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: basill on November 23, 2007, 01:48:35 AM
I haven't noticed it being lower but I don't do all of them with the multi so maybe that is why.

Also I like the fact that you have another way for strategy now because you have to decide on how many of what kind of rewards you want to concentrate on now or you run out of turns way to fast.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: Tzarkoth on November 23, 2007, 02:47:35 AM
Yeah, the added strategy is good.

Looks like Missions are respawning correctly now. Was prolly to do with the Server upgrades and restarting the Database servers.

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: SlayerX on November 23, 2007, 11:05:59 AM
aye probarly im finding big missions again now aswell

Title: Re: might just be me but i rather have emi check missions not respawning?
Post by: SirEmi on November 23, 2007, 09:52:02 PM
Probably had something to do with the timing on the new server, prob an hour or two difference. The encounters should be fine now, just checked them out.

The multiplier on SO Wars, if used by many it will make missions move slower in the Galaxy, that is correct, but the total mission numbers will always be in an ascending state (if I have 100 encryption, then I spawned about 100 missions 1..100 encryption that will always be there), e.g. I do one mission here, it spawns in another star with different item reward...