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Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Amagnon on November 06, 2007, 10:45:18 AM

Title: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: Amagnon on November 06, 2007, 10:45:18 AM
Theres a few people who are always in neb on SOWARS.  Clearly they are not losing any segs to attacks, but I could land attacks on them easily and take segs - if they werent in neb all the time.

*Emi* - can you please sort this issue out.  Its real clear who they are - but Im not going to list names.

Using an alt - or a friend to neb you so you cant get attacked .. well, if its not against the rules it should be.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: SlayerX on November 06, 2007, 06:49:00 PM
i agree its the Sowars server not the Soneb server.

o well i will just keep my eye out 1 day they will log on 10min to late and it will be tolate  :4:

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: VictoRy on November 07, 2007, 02:49:49 AM
poor amagnon >.<

wanna some segs? xD

i'm use nebuladrop  since march 2006, its part of game strategy, as reserv fleet or minefields.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: Amagnon on December 02, 2007, 02:45:23 AM
I consider self neb, or buddy neb to be an exploit. 

Using an exploit isnt a strategy - its cheating.

Nebula is there to allow people who have been attacked be an enemy player time to log in and rebuild their defences after an attack - not to allow players to become permanently invulnerable to attack.

The segs I could get isnt the issue - the issue is that we are getting players in the top 10 on the SOWARS server who have no business being there because they lack the skills to defend their position, they are just getting a free ride - they are sure not worthy of the respect of the other players who have battled their way to the top.

What is also clear is that the first time they arent protected by neb there is a long list of annoyed players who will jump on the opportunity to reduce their fleets to ash - however, the system can be exploited permanently - there is no reason to expect such an opportunity will arise .. unless something is changed.

Neb could be based off the total credit cost of your fleet - not the fleet power - that would make self neb too expensive to exploit - but it would still function to protect players from multiple damaging attacks.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on December 02, 2007, 05:36:56 AM
But would disallow to use of powerships.

Although on SO WARS it might not be such a bad suggestion.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: basill on December 02, 2007, 11:34:30 PM
On the war server pships are pretty much useless anymore anyhow so it might be a good ideal to base on costs

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: jessiedog on December 03, 2007, 04:41:54 PM
pships are still used, and just because most players do not use them, doesn't mean we can change the game. (although i dont use them)

we all know who buddy nebs, why dont we just ask emi to do something about it?

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on December 03, 2007, 06:14:42 PM
Because we need to come up with a suggestion so that Emi can do something about it. For war server powerships are not that usefull so this could solve the problems there.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: jessiedog on December 03, 2007, 06:28:02 PM
but pships are part of the game

i dont really mind if they are rendered useless, but they are one of the 3 main designs in the game. that would be like taking away swarmers.

i still think that the people we know who buddy neb should just be dealt with

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on December 03, 2007, 08:31:02 PM
Buddy nebbing aint illegal, it aint a crime Emi said himself so everyone can keep whining they wont be punished.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: jessiedog on December 03, 2007, 09:18:40 PM

ill keep my whining to myself then :baby:

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: Tzarkoth on December 03, 2007, 11:10:26 PM
I'm against the idea of basing Nebula on total cost of Fleets. Why? It would make defending next to impossible ... and I'm not going to explain it either ... I've said too much already. :-)

No income while Neb'd, can't do Missions while Neb'd. (Well first mission you do cancels Neb) This is all that needs to be added to the game to stop the Buddy Neb'ing.

I'm sure there was another thread where we arrived at the same conclusion.

PS: pship use is the sign of an inexperienced player, or a player with bad teachers. :-)

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: basill on December 03, 2007, 11:47:24 PM
The biggest problem with any change to nebs is not penalizeing someone who just got nebbed because of an attack that isn't a buddy neb, yes it can be an irritant but I see no way to stop it without screwing all the people who don't buddy neb, I for one never use a neb unless some other player has put me there to stop my income because of that would screw me from resupplying while in the neb which is the whole point of them.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: Amagnon on December 04, 2007, 03:41:09 AM
If you just made it the first mission you do cancels neb it wont really solve it - most attacks occur when the defending player is offline - so while they are online and active they are fairly safe, then they can log and neb again.

I think of all the solutions proposed so far that preventing people from doing missions during neb, and immediately after neb is probably the best.

Getting neb'd means youve been hit hard (or it should), so a slight additional penalty is within reason.  If you can just click a button to remove neb, then you can do missions a bit later or the next day - if they cant do missions they arent likely to be moving around, even if they stay logged in - so it opens the opportunity to attack.

The right amount of time is a consideration - I suggested 6hrs, I still think thats fine - much shorter and the window to attack is too small.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on December 04, 2007, 03:58:04 AM
But people who got hit realy hard need to do those mission to get back some credits.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: Tzarkoth on December 04, 2007, 04:51:15 AM
Hmmm ... Don't they have credits on hand or stashed credits ? Credits from doing missions has never been a huge source of income for me. If you mean burning turns to generate income through BioFarms, then sure, that is a little bit of extra cash. All the Neb is there for really is to stop multiple people attacking you in the same day, which it does ... If someone has given you a counter, you can unreserve your PvP fleets and waste em. If you haven't enough cash on hand to unreserve your PvP fleets, then I guess that is not a problem with the Neb mechanic, more a poor strategy on the players behalf.

You don't need a time frame on not being able to do missions after you come out of Neb, and certainly a 6 hour freeze would kill the playability of the game for most people who log on for a hour or 2 each day at a set time. Killing that play time effectively kills their play time for a 24 hour period or longer, if they only log on every other day or some such.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: jessiedog on December 04, 2007, 07:49:24 AM
how about 12 hours, that way u can sleep and not have to worry about being attacked 2 different times

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on December 04, 2007, 11:43:00 AM
Do you mean nebs from 12 hours - wouldnt solve anythign people would just have to buddy neb 2x as much.

If you mean 12 hours after your neb ends you cant do missions, then you just want to kill the game.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: Tzarkoth on December 04, 2007, 12:22:59 PM
How about limiting time in Nebula to 24 + 24 + 12 = 60 hours in any given 3 days ( 72 Hours). That way people who are using Nebula as intended will still have that safety net to fall back on should the need arise, and those who are using it to hide from PvP would have a 12 hour windows where they would have to dodge attacks. :-)

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on December 04, 2007, 12:34:53 PM
Tzarie  :wow:

You could make a nebula takes 24 hours, and to fully restore it takes 6 hours. If some one gets into nebula again within that 6 hours. He will only get get 24-(6-time sence last neb) and then he will need to stay out of nebula for 6+(6-last time neb) hours since he got nebbed again. Which means if you selfneb directly as you leave the nebula.

First neb 24 hours, second neb 24-6= 18 and doign it again would give 12 hours etc

On wars server if you can login once a day it shouldnt be to hard to be out of nebula for 6 hours a day if you move around.

And this would give the hunters atleast a 6 hour time frame a day to killbuddy nebbers, and wont penalise others would get attacked normaly. As yes sure maybe you get hit shortly after your neb you still have atleats 18 hours neb.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: archiles on December 04, 2007, 01:17:57 PM
heya all,
i think i'm asking the question on the wrong section of the forum.
but i'm wondering, if you're in a neb and you attacked someone, means you're un-neb. then is the counter still can go through the neb, if you go back to neb again ?

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on December 04, 2007, 02:11:17 PM
Yes ofcourse every counter take 24 hours and goes to a nebula no matter what.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: lostedchylde on December 04, 2007, 07:23:12 PM
personally, i think people who have to use buddy nebbing just end up ceasing to be a factor in the game anyway.fact is you cannot hide in a neb from a counter and even with a 95% warp i've found one just needs to be persistant and that 5% comes up - just remember you have to click on board every time :P . and as far as that goes one answer might be to extend the life on a counter to 72 or 96 hours.


Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: Tzarkoth on December 04, 2007, 09:08:30 PM

Yeah something along the lines of diminishing returns for continuous repeated Neb's seems to be the way to go FTP.  L:)

I kinda like your sliding scale ... Has my vote thus far.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: Seither on December 04, 2007, 09:29:26 PM
As of this time, self nebbing is not against ToS. Also, report abuse is NOT a place for your discussions, it is a place to report people's names who you suspect of cheating. If you wish to discuss this issue, go into GD, and there IS a thread there on this as well, so no duplicate threads. If you wish to suggest Emi to change the way nebulas work, go to suggestions.

This is my 1st warning to you all. If you are discussing someone who may/may not have cheated, that's fine. You do not however, discuss problems about the game, or how to solve them here. That's GD and suggestions.

Since no names have been reported for suspect of cheating, there is nothing to be discussed here.

Topic Locked.

Title: Re: Hiding in Neb on SOWARS
Post by: blakranger51 on January 26, 2008, 11:53:28 PM
Sorry for the late post, but I've been away for a while

Pships aren't that big a part of this game, I remember a time when we went without pships, and without well designed supers for a while, it was a big swarmer fest for both missions and PvP

So price based nebbing would certainly be nostalgic and bring back some of the good old SO days of all out carnage even without DDAY.