Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => Report Abuse => Topic started by: Lammalord on October 01, 2007, 02:04:40 AM

Title: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lammalord on October 01, 2007, 02:04:40 AM
i got word that people have been useing the Council Protection Mode not for vacation but for getting an unfair unlimeted neb to hide from attacks.. and above all that Lightseeker is the one abusing this..

i dont care how "friendly" or "nice" lightseeker is. Abuse is Abuse.. and this is big time abuseing right now.. i got all my ships removed, reset back 3 days and lost all my mod powers for useing an abuse that let me do 255% mothership contracts with small kami's and this is the same sort of thing.. an option that is "there" but obviously abuse..

so what are you going to do emi? blow this over cause Lightseeker is so old? and been around the game for so long? what crap.. dont just punish the aggersive people everyone hates.. or the ones that dont donate much.. no matter who the person is they should get punished for useing something that is obviously abusing the game.. and changing the way of play.

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: DeltaSector on October 01, 2007, 02:11:53 AM
I have played many other games with options like this, and they usually have a qualification such as once you enter protected mode you must stay there for a minimum of x days. Maybe something of this sort could be implemented for this game.

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Spayed on October 01, 2007, 02:13:32 AM
its not the problem of people not staying in long enuff, its that they are still playing the game while they are in cp, this means that they are safe from attack and also dont have 2 waste money on resupplying marines giving them more advantages

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lammalord on October 01, 2007, 02:15:54 AM
bust him! bust him!

he did it all of the end of last round too.. bastard! cheater!!!

i declare he should be punished for abuseing CP

and good idea, you have to be in for 48 hours and you get COMPLETLY FROZEN as in cant do anything but log on and look at the rankings..

and yes i know others are doing it.. but like when i was banned from mod powers and reset 3 or 4 days for sending in no-hitpoint swarmers to high level command ship missions and was the ONLY one out of 20-30 people because i was the "standout" doing it.. i belive lightseeker is the "standout" here.. i mean light? cheating? its been unheard of!

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: LordFoxfire on October 01, 2007, 02:28:54 AM
I think it should be used what it was made for...Vacation.

if you aren't going on vacation, you can't use it. No being able to do encounters, can't be able to do anything. and Lamma's 48 hour minimum thing is nice. But have something implemented like... a day selector?

like being able to select 3 days onward, one day at a time.

That way no one can abuse the CP mode, and gain a seriously nasty unfair advantage over everyone else...regardless. once you enter CP mode your account should be locked.

But only be able to be accessed after the 48 hour minimum time limit of total freeze... cause we all know accidents and the unexpected does happen like...sickness or car breakdowns. and should unlock CP mode only after logging in after the 48 hour period.

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Moonlightdragon on October 01, 2007, 02:30:41 AM
Something obviously needs to be done, imagine if everyone used CP mode?

Its obvious there are alot of people who are very unhappy with how CP mode works, and its clear that abuse of it has been happening, and will continue until it does get changed.

I was informed last night after debating with lightseeker last night about CP in SO chat that CP mode was also for use by players that are peaceful. Is this true?

If it is, then we need some clear guidelines set into place, and put this debate to an end.

If it was meant to be set up for vacation mode, then it should be frozen completly, and the second you log in reactivated.

As a newcomer to the game, it appears to me that its not getting changed due to the fact that it is also a means of income for Emi (people donate for turns etc)... this leaves the game unbalanced, especially seeing as tho there are alot of younger players playing this game who can not afford to donate to that extent to compete in this game. I have nothing against donators, if they are doing it to help keep this game running, but when they get sooo much of an advantage it just seems unfair. I always thought gold account was suppose to give the most advantage, and keep it still balanced, but from what I have witnessed and read the balance of this game is leaning more towards those that can afford to donate.

but I think I am venturing off topic just slightly :)

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lammalord on October 01, 2007, 02:31:43 AM
lol i meant 48 hour mim... the max is still 14 days but you just cant deactivate tell the 48 hours is up..

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Cameron07 on October 01, 2007, 05:50:09 AM
i do think it needs to be changed, its hard to keep up with people that do use it

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: FTP on October 01, 2007, 06:05:47 AM
Even more fun as attacking bases is not removing your neb you can do so without losing you CP

Burnflag is attacking my bases everyday to kill my guardian fleets, cant retaliate because he's hiding in CP.

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lightseeker_Eu on October 01, 2007, 07:23:31 AM
Haven't used cp mode yet only but one shouldn't be able to attack a station and hide in cp

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lammalord on October 01, 2007, 09:42:10 PM
oh yah right.. what a lie lightseeker..

unfortently you cant hide from emi's moderator powers over the game..

your useing its its obvious and ive heard you've told people you use it too...

what was it again

"Council Protections is designed for people who wish to be peaceful, emi told me that" bull.

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lightseeker_Eu on October 02, 2007, 03:46:54 AM
There are other ways to get into neb, hasty judgement isn't smart, it can get u into trouble in life

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Moonlightdragon on October 02, 2007, 06:21:27 AM
I guess I should step in here seeing as tho it was me Lighty said that too  :P

After discusing it with him again, and again and again  :6: he apparently claimed he just wanted me to believe that he uses CP mode, as to not give any of his secrets away.

Of course the only person who would actually know if he is using CP mode would be lighty himself and emi  :P

either way just wanted to add that in, I have been questioned about that chat on SO by lots of people over the past few days and my head hurt  :))

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Dylan Wolf on October 02, 2007, 05:14:56 PM
Here we go again  :14: :14: :14: :14:

repeately slams head against desk
i give it a day before it becomes out of proportion

taking bets any one?

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: DeltaSector on October 03, 2007, 01:44:44 AM
i give it a day before it becomes out of proportion

taking bets any one?

I will bet you 1 Million credits, 2 Exotic Dancers, and 4 Protein Delicacies that we will last atleast 1 more day. :12:

This is already day 3 since the post. How long does it normally take for Emi to respond to an issue of this magnitude?

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lammalord on October 03, 2007, 03:02:58 AM
well i reamber tiny man (yes i was around back then) it took about 20-30% of the top players quitting the game, and 95% of the people in the game constanty complaing to emi for him to relize that "wait a min this may just be a problem"

as for lightseeker.. not useing it? now your convering your tracks with sweet words to make it seem better.. and if you arnt not like alt nebbing in the galaxy is any more not abuse than CP is..

but you dont need to alt neb, CP does that for you.

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lightseeker_Eu on October 03, 2007, 06:27:02 AM
time's better spent finding balancing solutions not wasted on trashtalking

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Spayed on October 03, 2007, 07:15:30 AM
a good balancing soloution wuld b 2 freeze the account for the entire time they are in CP and hav a min period of a few days b4 you can leave it

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lammalord on October 03, 2007, 08:45:20 PM
excally all youd be able to do is log on.. other than that, frozen... 48 hour  mim (cause 2 days is useally a mim for a "vacation")

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: DeltaSector on October 04, 2007, 07:37:47 PM
taking bets any one?

I would like my 1 million credits Dylan....But if by some chance you can get Sir Emi to fix it I shall forgive you debt.  :12:

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Dylan Wolf on October 05, 2007, 08:16:48 PM
taking bets any one?

I would like my 1 million credits Dylan....But if by some chance you can get Sir Emi to fix it I shall forgive you debt.  :12:

Hurry Up Sir Emi!!!!

I dont wana pay a million credits!!!   So please fix the Council Protection, before DeltaSecto breaks my knee caps

 :)) :)) :))

he he spelled breaks wrong said braks I hate spelling

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: lostedchylde on October 07, 2007, 01:01:12 AM
i have never used cp myself. basically cause i never go on vacation. and cause if someone attacks me i get a neb anyway, so why bother. i don't know anyone who has abused it. maybe emi has not changed it cause nobody is actually abusing it and those nebs there in is just from some one killing thier pships on schedule? maybe there isn't really any need to change it?  angel_not


Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Lammalord on October 07, 2007, 08:55:16 PM
so from alt nebbing? still not allowed right?

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: lostedchylde on October 09, 2007, 02:44:38 PM
so from alt nebbing? still not allowed right?

im not sure what alt nebbing means(sounds nasty tho), but if people are attacking you, just put up pships and then you get in a neb. see thats what i do and it works out. angel_not


Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: nukecow1 on October 13, 2007, 05:02:11 AM
lamma your the best stupid noob i know disables gaining turns and secret base production / growth. how much can he do in a week or 2 when he has only 5+k in turns thats like 2 days worth if hardcore playing
 :confused: :))

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: FTP on October 13, 2007, 05:55:18 AM
Nukecow atm by just doing encounters I am making a profit in the number of turns I have I start with 5000 and end with over 7000.

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: blakranger51 on October 16, 2007, 07:01:34 PM
Lamma you're so full of crap, you cheat almost every round, and even if light is using CP to hide, it's not like this hasn't happened before by many other people.

On a side note, to solve this problem just make it a total account freeze when you set it in CP mode, as in you can't move, mission, etc. While in CP mode. As soon as you deactivate it, neb goes away, but you can play again. Making it so that you can't log in for a certain number of hours is the stupidest idea I've ever heard, sometimes people don't know how long they will be gone for, it's not necessary to limit their log in time, just not let them get a free nebula and still mission simultaneously.

Title: Re: Council Protection Mode
Post by: Mazz on October 20, 2007, 06:48:59 AM
Lamma you're so full of crap, you cheat almost every round, and even if light is using CP to hide, it's not like this hasn't happened before by many other people.

On a side note, to solve this problem just make it a total account freeze when you set it in CP mode, as in you can't move, mission, etc. While in CP mode. As soon as you deactivate it, neb goes away, but you can play again. Making it so that you can't log in for a certain number of hours is the stupidest idea I've ever heard, sometimes people don't know how long they will be gone for, it's not necessary to limit their log in time, just not let them get a free nebula and still mission simultaneously.

After reading every post...I have to agree.