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General Talk => SO WARS Discussion => Topic started by: TheMerchant on September 26, 2007, 03:31:42 AM

Title: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: TheMerchant on September 26, 2007, 03:31:42 AM
seeing as this is a wars server, i think there should be more kinda of attacks and bonuses for attack, like ehh (besides items)
- suprise attack: decreases chances of warping away
- suicide mission: increase attack by _%
- board attack: Increase marine effectiveness by _%
- Steal segs: 2x the amount of segs gained
- counter: % of warping decreased by 1/2(automatic)

and a buch of other stuff like that basically promoting attacks and allowing counter to be made even on those made on top ten people by commanders with 1076% smaller fleets. [and you can stack other a items onto those bonuses.]

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Cameron07 on September 30, 2007, 07:20:59 PM
i do think that on a counter their chances of warping should be cut in half

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Tzarkoth on September 30, 2007, 08:12:50 PM
I don't think giving people more advantages with counters will encourage PvP.

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: TheMerchant on September 30, 2007, 09:34:17 PM
well, thats a suggestion, what about the others, and do you guys thing things need to be changed???

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Cameron07 on October 01, 2007, 05:48:11 AM
I don't think giving people more advantages with counters will encourage PvP.

i really dont think a less chance of warping is an advantage for the person who just got attacked.. because in wars someone has to put a pretty good attack on to leave a sig now

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Tzarkoth on October 01, 2007, 09:58:55 AM
I don't think giving people more advantages with counters will encourage PvP.

i really dont think a less chance of warping is an advantage for the person who just got attacked.. because in wars someone has to put a pretty good attack on to leave a sig now

Well you get to attack someone about once a month by the time you find someone and they don't warp away to begin with, so may as well go all out.

Counters should be removed entirely in my opinion.

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: TheMerchant on October 02, 2007, 12:20:19 AM
well, how about this... to make the tech bonuses more useful, all warp chances are dropped by 25% even the ones that have a 95 % chance of warping. why?? because this a WAR server. you should be able to attack some one the same power as you with out them haveing any chance of warping. otherwise, your better off just having attacks back to when you click on the rankings to attack someone. at least youll get more attacks.

also counters should remain and have some sort of advantage to it. the current one where you can attack through nebs ia alright, but seeing as we are playing in a war sever it should have another advantage.

the advantage of an attack is you get the element of surprise with multiple attacks if your lucky... and setting up a defence for his/ her counter.

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Tzarkoth on October 02, 2007, 04:56:40 AM
A counter with no chance of warping is fine with me ... The other suggested improvements would make counters too powerful.

Gives the top guys a chance to squash all the alts that keep pecking us.

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Cameron07 on October 02, 2007, 06:43:53 AM
how about if you get attacked and lose anyships at all... even if its just powerships and they fail the attack you get a counter with regular chances of warping.... and if you get attacked and they make a successful attack you get a counter with half chance of warping?

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Tzarkoth on October 02, 2007, 08:35:34 AM
Hmm, scouting is an important part of the strategy of this game. Getting a Counter for scouting would suck. It'd just encourage people to scout with alts however.

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Cameron07 on October 02, 2007, 05:00:29 PM
well yeah... but you can scout with one ship and not do any damage, but i hate when people start scouting and killing off your pships with alts... i cant get a cloaked station to stay there long enough to protect me from anything

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Tzarkoth on October 03, 2007, 03:20:58 AM
Ahhh, I see what you mean. Good idea. Emi has started another post somewhere calling for suggestions on this mechanic.

You should post your idea there Cameron07.



Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: VictoRy on October 03, 2007, 02:54:44 PM
well yeah... but you can scout with one ship and not do any damage, but i hate when people start scouting and killing off your pships with alts... i cant get a cloaked station to stay there long enough to protect me from anything

Simply dont use pships   :)

i hate pships >.<

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: SlayerX on October 03, 2007, 07:22:19 PM
only reason everybody is grinding segs atm is simple the higher the encryption lvl the better the items become wich you get.

dont know what lvl every 1 is at but when your on encryption lvl 500 what is a credit item worth 1bil? that isnt to bad 1 bil for 1 turn.

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: TheMerchant on October 03, 2007, 08:13:14 PM
500 encryption, i dont think that give one bill

Title: Re: Suggestion on Attacks
Post by: Cameron07 on October 03, 2007, 08:20:15 PM
ii doubt it in wars at least