Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Mobius13 on September 18, 2007, 09:29:56 PM

Title: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: Mobius13 on September 18, 2007, 09:29:56 PM
I was wondering, having the same three or four encounter every day gets kinda boring sometimes. Is there any way to add a few different missions likes a death star or a rogue space station. Im not expecting any of these things actually, but it would be nice to consider some of these for variety.  L:)

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on September 19, 2007, 04:41:15 AM
I think if you could come up with several good suggestions we coudl pass them on to Snipedragon to get a nice picture with them.

And then to Sir Emi to get them ingame.

But I think we did so back then, and got promised they would but  :2:

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: Amagnon on September 20, 2007, 10:02:59 AM
Ok - because Im bored and not going to go grind missions - here's some ideas.

Sentient Comet - wandering in the viod for millenia, this colony of sentient stones has no compassion for any life but their own.  Destruction of this encounter yields resources - ship holds gain 5% of material released, the other 95% is dispersed into the current system.  Something like 100k to 200k of each ore type.

White Hole - an advanced alien race are preparing to invade our galaxy through a white hole gate.  Destruction of the alien fleets allows access to the past, lose 100 turns, but also you become "out of time" - enter the nebula for the next X hours (dont know how long is appropriate - depends on the spawn rate of this encounter type - maybe 2 to 6 hrs).

Warped Base - a warped base has become home to a degenerate race of vicious pirates.  Destruction of the accompanying fleets yields one Base in Bubble warp - place it where you like, or if you cant place it due to tech - dismantle it for 50% resources (not sure how bubble warp works actually - never owned a warped base).

Precursor Artifacts - some artifacts from a long extinct civilization now float eternally in the freezing night of space, the automated defenses flicker to life as your fleet approaches.  Gain 3 to 6 items from an encryption level 125% of your current encryption level.

Intercepted Data Stream - the Intel Data pod is flashing through space under heavy guard.  Destroy the pod, and unlock a set of 5 random Intel Contracts.

Well - theres a few ideas for a start.

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: Mobius13 on September 20, 2007, 05:11:12 PM
those are good ideas although losing 100 turns would kinda turn me off

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: FTP on September 20, 2007, 06:07:00 PM
Giving nebula sux  :4: you wanted to hit mroe ppl right :P

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: SlayerX on September 20, 2007, 06:58:57 PM
if you want to hit more people fix the bounty system for sowars hehehe

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: Amagnon on September 21, 2007, 04:21:06 AM
Yeah the neb one is prob not really a good idea - I was just trying to think laterally and come up with new types of rewards that werent turns, cash, CP or XP.

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: Satan on September 21, 2007, 02:49:11 PM
you could have a basttel over like a ship or something...the harder the encounter the more valuable the ship, and your garunteed to get it, not like in boarding where ships tend to blow themselves away lol

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: the broken on September 21, 2007, 02:54:36 PM
that would be simiular to gold transports, i could double, triple my income a day off them and that inturn would defeat the object of haviing a slow growth server because currently it takes me over a week to buy a new ship, which slows game play down which is why there are no gold transports/endangered planets and why boarding is so hard to do successfully, if there were GT and EP everyone in the top 10 would of maxed out by now or atleast very close to maxing out. do you see what i mean  :confused:

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: Satan on September 21, 2007, 09:27:48 PM
lol you only get one ship, and chances are its only like 3bill or something

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: the broken on September 21, 2007, 09:42:49 PM
is it 3 bill fp because then it is a 200 bill ship and thats atleast 150 bill creds which is roughtly a days income, a 3 bill ship is about 150 mill fp so i wouldnt see it

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: Silence444 on September 22, 2007, 06:25:25 PM
i like what satan was saying. i want some bording oriented missions. for example, "hostage situation" get in, capture the flagship and get out or "enemy leader" get in capture enemy flagship with leader on board for questioning (same as last one with different reward). a final example would be "counter insurgency" get in, board something like a space station (a non ship unit) kill all enemies and u get some resources from the restored gov or maybe a space station or sumtin.

Title: Re: New Encounters on SOWARS
Post by: Satan on September 22, 2007, 09:48:53 PM
for ship size have ti relative to the encounter power, like a 15m encounter would be a real small ship while some 5b encounter wouild be worth it for larger players