Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: NightShadow on August 27, 2007, 02:56:06 AM

Title: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: NightShadow on August 27, 2007, 02:56:06 AM
I thought i should tell me secret also I'm playing under the name JackJuke  :)...Since when and how long don't worry about it  :)..

* :21: thinks he is gonna start another big war in top ten*...  who will last, who will die, who will give up, who will switch sides  :sweat we can only wait and see   :19:...

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Cameron07 on August 27, 2007, 04:01:33 AM
horay for nighty...  and in light of recent events.. i want to tell everyone that i am losted, lamma, lightseeker,jakal, wolfy,ftp,jakal, and foo...

just kidding, but nighty.. dont worry.. i'll be joining u before long... its been too long without fun

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: lostedchylde on August 27, 2007, 04:07:53 AM
and very tired - being online 24/7/365

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Cameron07 on August 27, 2007, 04:20:27 AM
ahhh yes... im just itching to try my ships out on attaching...

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: NightShadow on August 27, 2007, 04:57:46 AM
 :)) To true cam all i see are fake nebs in top ten time to hand out real ones... Step one   :sniper: then  Drakken= :crutch: he says  :sorry: then i say  :werule: then go  :drunk: till we are  :out_cold: sounds fun i hope   :P

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Spayed on August 27, 2007, 05:37:25 AM
yea sounds like great fun as long as there is a long time between  :drunk: and  :out_cold:

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: kryologic on August 27, 2007, 01:30:19 PM
horay for nighty...  and in light of recent events.. i want to tell everyone that i am losted, lamma, lightseeker,jakal, wolfy,ftp,jakal, and foo...

just kidding, but nighty.. dont worry.. i'll be joining u before long... its been too long without fun

How can ou be jakal twice lmao

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: kryologic on August 27, 2007, 01:31:10 PM
btw, i look forward to the fun

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: wolfy28 on August 27, 2007, 03:14:23 PM
the only one that's still playing SO with the skills to stay that they r also wolfy would be lightseeker. man i hate kryo. got me to come back to the forums and all the drama :(. last day for it tho. all replies to my post will be ignored by me for i refuse to come on forums.

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Lammalord on August 27, 2007, 06:10:22 PM
yay for wolfy!

oh this is a nighty thread? just to let yah know apperntly nighty isnt that trained on "KEEPING" ships.. gosh if your going to power up make sure you dont get 0red!

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: FTP on August 27, 2007, 06:47:50 PM
Cam your me  :12:

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on August 27, 2007, 06:57:59 PM
yay for wolfy!

oh this is a nighty thread? just to let yah know apperntly nighty isnt that trained on "KEEPING" ships.. gosh if your going to power up make sure you dont get 0red!

You see JakeJuke was in Kryo's Death Squad then attacked everyone while in the Alliance so he left/was kicked from it. Since he betrayed the alliance members of the alliance tried to zero him in retaliation. Hence the reason hes a half at tril now.

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: NightShadow on August 27, 2007, 07:14:15 PM
Sorry i'm not zeroed i have all my ships and plenty of cash on hand and workers making it for me..I just put out pships 20fleets for you dumb sods could attack me and waste your counter haha...

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Lammalord on August 27, 2007, 07:26:15 PM
yay! kick there ASSES!!!

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: KenquinnTheInsaneOne on August 27, 2007, 07:29:14 PM
Sorry i'm not zeroed i have all my ships and plenty of cash on hand and workers making it for me..I just put out pships 20fleets for you dumb sods could attack me and waste your counter haha...

Hum thanks for the information did not know exactly what happened

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: NightShadow on August 27, 2007, 08:29:31 PM
Defender fletch (#56570)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name    # of Units    Attack    Defence    Hitpoints
viper    ??????    360.900+    0+    12.841
USMF Reconfig II    ??????    56.481.663.462.408+    0+    61.517.309.093.481
USMF Reconfig I    ??????    37.653.901.962.516+    0+    41.010.980.911.779
USMF Speed Kills    ??????    25.101.869.649.923+    0+    27.339.799.798.712
USMF Ganja Smoker    ??????    17.929.580.391.167+    0+    19.528.160.911.864


JackJuke(#11426) used Linear Harvester Volatilization
JackJuke(#11426) used Flux Kinetic Hardener
JackJuke(#11426) used Capital Exhalation Disjunction
JackJuke(#11426) used Extrasensory Troopers Division
fletch(#56570) used Sentient Battalion

Assault Note

JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s viper fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Darkmegapower did 39.350.165.400 damage to fleet viper.
JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet destroyed 3.064.415 of fletch(#56570)'s viper fleet.
The fleet viper did 4.680.000 damage to fleet Darkmegapower.
fletch(#56570)'s viper fleet destroyed 4.680.000 of JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s USMF Reconfig II fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 83T did 4.166.953.058.549 damage to fleet USMF Reconfig II.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T attack failed.
The fleet USMF Reconfig II did 11.183.369.365.557 damage to fleet C07 V. 83T.
fletch(#56570)'s USMF Reconfig II attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 83T is sending a boarding party to fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Reconfig II
The boarding party killed 4.690.329.202.503 enemy marines and suffered 1.190.405.551.595 casualties.
fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Reconfig II was captured.
First Officer reporting: Arrgg! They fought like lions and detroyed everything, all 1 exploded in the fight

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 59T fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s USMF Reconfig I fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 59T did 2.961.993.337.399 damage to fleet USMF Reconfig I.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 59T attack failed.
The fleet USMF Reconfig I did 7.455.472.588.578 damage to fleet C07 V. 59T.
fletch(#56570)'s USMF Reconfig I attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 59T is sending a boarding party to fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Reconfig I
The boarding party killed 9.663.513.454.525 enemy marines and suffered 3.725.042.042.605 casualties.
Boarding party failed.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 42T fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s USMF Speed Kills fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 42T did 2.108.480.201.587 damage to fleet USMF Speed Kills.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 42T attack failed.
The fleet USMF Speed Kills did 4.970.170.190.685 damage to fleet C07 V. 42T.
fletch(#56570)'s USMF Speed Kills attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 42T is sending a boarding party to fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Speed Kills
The boarding party killed 6.879.111.272.715 enemy marines and suffered casualties.
Boarding party failed.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 30T fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s USMF Ganja Smoker fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 30T did 1.506.000.341.015 damage to fleet USMF Ganja Smoker.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 30T attack failed.
The fleet USMF Ganja Smoker did 3.550.056.917.451 damage to fleet C07 V. 30T.
fletch(#56570)'s USMF Ganja Smoker attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 30T is sending a boarding party to fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Ganja Smoker
The boarding party killed 4.913.650.909.086 enemy marines and suffered 1.526.489.790.544 casualties.
Boarding party failed.

Assault result

JackJuke(#11426)'s 4680000 / 4680000 (100%) Darkmegapower are destroyed during battle.
fletch(#56570)'s 3064415 viper are destroyed during battle.
fletch(#56570)'s 1 USMF Reconfig II are destroyed during battle.
You boarded fletch(#56570)'s fleet and mothership.
You destroyed fletch(#56570)'s 3064416 ships and lost 4680000/4680004 ships.

Primary Objective: Destroy 10% of the enemy while losing less percent of the armada then the enemy.
Your attack failed and achieved nothing.
You lost more power than fletch(#56570) during battle.
(+3850 Exp)

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: NightShadow on August 27, 2007, 08:32:44 PM
Defender jmatthew_2003 (#9205)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name    # of Units    Attack    Defence    Hitpoints
Midnight44's Trovarius Defender    ??????    2.581.770    0    53.722
Midnight44's Trovarius Defender    ??????    2.581.770    0    53.722
Midnight44's Trovarius Defender    ??????    2.581.770    0    53.722
Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v8.2    ??????    0+    41.632.849.740.307
Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v7.2    ??????    17.947.547.398.452+    0+    29.737.038.540.307
Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v6.2    ??????    12.819.223.789.881+    0+
Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v5.2    ??????    0+
Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2    ??????    6.494.620.078.002+    0+    10.760.932.020.307
Nuke 2    ??????    496.470    0    0


JackJuke(#11426) used Cerebral Crew Modification
jmatthew_2003(#9205) used Sentient Battalion

Assault Note

JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1 did 34.226.458.560 damage to fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender.
JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet destroyed 637.103 of jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet.
The fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender did 2.880.000 damage to fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet destroyed 2.880.000 of JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet.

JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Darkmegapower did 31.916.757.600 damage to fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender.
JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet destroyed 594.109 of jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet.
The fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender did 4.680.000 damage to fleet Darkmegapower.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet destroyed 4.680.000 of JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet.

JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Darkmegapower did 31.916.757.600 damage to fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender.
JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet destroyed 594.109 of jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet.
The fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender did 4.680.000 damage to fleet Darkmegapower.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet destroyed 4.680.000 of JackJuke(#11426)'s Darkmegapower fleet.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v8.2 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 83T did damage to fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v8.2.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T attack failed.
The fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v8.2 did 4.975.185.689.189 damage to fleet C07 V. 83T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v8.2 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 83T is sending a boarding party to jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v8.2
The boarding party killed 7.500.000.000.000 enemy marines and suffered 1.903.500.000.000 casualties.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v8.2 was captured.
First Officer reporting: Arrgg! They fought like lions and detroyed everything, all 1 exploded in the fight

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 59T fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v7.2 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 59T did 2.402.460.327.195 damage to fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v7.2.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 59T attack failed.
The fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v7.2 did 3.553.614.384.893 damage to fleet C07 V. 59T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v7.2 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 59T is sending a boarding party to jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v7.2
The boarding party killed 0 enemy marines and suffered 0 casualties.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v7.2 self-destructed.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 42T fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v6.2 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 42T did 1.710.179.415.676 damage to fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v6.2.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 42T attack failed.
The fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v6.2 did 2.538.206.310.396 damage to fleet C07 V. 42T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v6.2 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 42T is sending a boarding party to jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v6.2
The boarding party killed 0 enemy marines and suffered 0 casualties.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v6.2 self-destructed.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 30T fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v5.2 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 30T did 1.221.510.536.957 damage to fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v5.2.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 30T attack failed.
The fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v5.2 did 1.803.988.164.221 damage to fleet C07 V. 30T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v5.2 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 30T is sending a boarding party to jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v5.2
The boarding party killed 3.500.000.000.000 enemy marines and suffered 888.300.000.000 casualties.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v5.2 was captured.
First Officer reporting: Arrgg! They fought like lions and detroyed everything, all 1 exploded in the fight

jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 fleet attacks JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T fleet.
The fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 did 1.285.934.775.444 damage to fleet C07 V. 83T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 attack failed.
The fleet C07 V. 83T did 0 damage to fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T attack failed.

jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Nuke 2 fleet attacks JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T fleet.
The fleet Nuke 2 did 14.108.430.267 damage to fleet C07 V. 83T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Nuke 2 attack failed.
The fleet C07 V. 83T did 0 damage to fleet Nuke 2.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T attack failed.

Assault result

JackJuke(#11426)'s 2880000 / 2880000 (100%) Tha Esta T-Y 1 are destroyed during battle.
JackJuke(#11426)'s 4680000 / 4680000 (100%) Darkmegapower are destroyed during battle.
JackJuke(#11426)'s 4680000 / 4680000 (100%) Darkmegapower are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 637103 Midnight44's Trovarius Defender are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 594109 Midnight44's Trovarius Defender are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 594109 Midnight44's Trovarius Defender are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 1 Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v8.2 are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 1 Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v7.2 are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 1 Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v6.2 are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 1 Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v5.2 are destroyed during battle.
You boarded jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet and mothership.
You destroyed jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 1825325 ships and lost 12240000/12240004 ships.

Primary Objective: Destroy 10% of the enemy while losing less percent of the armada then the enemy.
Your attack was successful and you gained 0 segments, while destroying 0 segments.
jmatthew_2003(#9205) lost more power than you during battle.
(+3850 Exp)

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: fletch on August 28, 2007, 05:07:07 AM
so what you got 1 kill cause of my stupidity of not putting out powerships i notice you didnt post the report of your attack as you left the alliance you know the one where you lost your lead to my swarmers wonder why?

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Cameron07 on August 28, 2007, 10:39:18 AM
meh never make assumptions.. it probably said he attacked you and killed blah blah blah ships  andlost one... could have been a scout...

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: NightShadow on August 28, 2007, 08:42:53 PM
Fletch i forgot who lost a ship  :)), I'm posting this for humiliation reason only

Defender jmatthew_2003 (#9205)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name # of Units Attack Defence Hitpoints
Midnight44's Trovarius Defender ?????? 2.969.034+ 0+ 53.722
Midnight44's Trovarius Defender ?????? 2.969.034+ 0+ 53.722
Midnight44's Trovarius Defender ?????? 2.969.034+ 0+ 53.722
Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 ?????? 6.494.620.078.002+ 0+ 10.760.932.020.307
Nuke 2 ?????? 496.470 0 0


JackJuke(#11426) used Cerebral Crew Modification
jmatthew_2003(#9205) used Psychic Teleport Modification

Assault Note

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 83T did 92.993.910.162 damage to fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T fleet destroyed 1.731.021 of jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet.
The fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender did 10.278.920.407 damage to fleet C07 V. 83T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender attack failed.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 59T fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 59T did 31.693.455.066 damage to fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 59T fleet destroyed 589.953 of jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet.
The fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender did 3.503.181.031 damage to fleet C07 V. 59T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender attack failed.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 42T fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 42T did 31.693.455.066 damage to fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 42T fleet destroyed 589.953 of jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender fleet.
The fleet Midnight44's Trovarius Defender did 3.503.181.031 damage to fleet C07 V. 42T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Trovarius Defender attack failed.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 30T fleet engaged jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 30T did 2.042.617.105.256 damage to fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 30T attack failed.
The fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 did 1.285.934.775.444 damage to fleet C07 V. 30T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 30T is sending a boarding party to jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2
The boarding party killed 3.500.000.000.000 enemy marines and suffered 882.700.000.000 casualties.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 was captured.
First Officer reporting: Arrgg! They fought like lions and detroyed everything, all 1 exploded in the fight

jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Nuke 2 fleet attacks JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T fleet.
The fleet Nuke 2 did 14.108.430.267 damage to fleet C07 V. 83T.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s Nuke 2 attack failed.
The fleet C07 V. 83T did 0 damage to fleet Nuke 2.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T attack failed.

Assault result

jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 1731021 Midnight44's Trovarius Defender are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 589953 Midnight44's Trovarius Defender are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 589953 Midnight44's Trovarius Defender are destroyed during battle.
jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 1 Midnight44's Elite_Star_Cruiser v4.2 are destroyed during battle.
You boarded jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s fleet and mothership.
You destroyed jmatthew_2003(#9205)'s 2910928 ships and lost 0/4 ships.

Primary Objective: Destroy 10% of the enemy while losing less percent of the armada then the enemy.
Your attack was successful and you gained 0 segments, while destroying 0 segments.
jmatthew_2003(#9205) lost more power than you during battle.
(+3850 Exp)

JackJuke(#11426) made a successful attack and jmatthew_2003(#9205) lost fleet power.


Defender fletch (#56570)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name # of Units Attack Defence Hitpoints
Tha Esta T-Y 1 ?????? 1.872.509 0 0
Tha Esta T-Y 1 ?????? 1.872.509 0 0
USMF Reconfig II ?????? 56.482.256.150.402+ 0+ 61.930.826.800.536
USMF Reconfig I ?????? 37.654.494.650.510+ 0+ 41.286.872.255.199
USMF Speed Kills ?????? 25.101.869.649.923+ 0+ 27.523.288.387.965


JackJuke(#11426) used Teta Spy Squad
fletch(#56570) used Teta Teleport Division

Assault Note

JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1 did 2.487.325 damage to fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1.
JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet destroyed 2.487.325 of fletch(#56570)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet.
The fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1 did 2.800.000 damage to fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1.
fletch(#56570)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet destroyed 2.800.000 of JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet.

JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1 did 2.487.325 damage to fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1.
JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet destroyed 2.487.325 of fletch(#56570)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet.
The fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1 did 2.800.000 damage to fleet Tha Esta T-Y 1.
fletch(#56570)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet destroyed 2.800.000 of JackJuke(#11426)'s Tha Esta T-Y 1 fleet.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s USMF Reconfig II fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 83T did 5.651.718.238.295 damage to fleet USMF Reconfig II.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 83T attack failed.
The fleet USMF Reconfig II did 11.183.486.717.780 damage to fleet C07 V. 83T.
fletch(#56570)'s USMF Reconfig II attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 83T is sending a boarding party to fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Reconfig II
The boarding party killed 4.481.366.350.473 enemy marines and suffered casualties.
fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Reconfig II self-destructed.

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 59T fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s USMF Reconfig I fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 59T did 4.017.408.291.256 damage to fleet USMF Reconfig I.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 59T attack failed.
The fleet USMF Reconfig I did 7.455.589.940.801 damage to fleet C07 V. 59T.
fletch(#56570)'s USMF Reconfig I attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 59T is sending a boarding party to fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Reconfig I
The boarding party killed 5.013.563.151.485 enemy marines and suffered 1.242.962.576.516 casualties.
fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Reconfig I was captured.
First Officer reporting: Arrgg! They fought like lions and detroyed everything, all 1 exploded in the fight

JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 42T fleet engaged fletch(#56570)'s USMF Speed Kills fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet C07 V. 42T did 2.859.772.078.772 damage to fleet USMF Speed Kills.
JackJuke(#11426)'s C07 V. 42T attack failed.
The fleet USMF Speed Kills did 4.970.170.190.685 damage to fleet C07 V. 42T.
fletch(#56570)'s USMF Speed Kills attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
JackJuke(#11426)'s fleet C07 V. 42T is sending a boarding party to fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Speed Kills
The boarding party killed 1.541.242.181.839 enemy marines and suffered 382.104.761.722 casualties.
fletch(#56570)'s fleet USMF Speed Kills self-destructed.

The enemy armada was destroyed.

Assault result

JackJuke(#11426)'s 2800000 / 2800000 (100%) Tha Esta T-Y 1 are destroyed during battle.
JackJuke(#11426)'s 2800000 / 2800000 (100%) Tha Esta T-Y 1 are destroyed during battle.
fletch(#56570)'s 2487325 Tha Esta T-Y 1 are destroyed during battle.
fletch(#56570)'s 2487325 Tha Esta T-Y 1 are destroyed during battle.
fletch(#56570)'s 1 USMF Reconfig II are destroyed during battle.
fletch(#56570)'s 1 USMF Reconfig I are destroyed during battle.
fletch(#56570)'s 1 USMF Speed Kills are destroyed during battle.
You boarded fletch(#56570)'s fleet and mothership.
You destroyed fletch(#56570)'s 4974653 ships and lost 5600000/5600004 ships.

Primary Objective: Destroy 10% of the enemy while losing less percent of the armada then the enemy.
Your attack was successful and you gained 0 segments, while destroying 0 segments.
fletch(#56570) lost more power than you during battle.
(+3850 Exp)

JackJuke(#11426) made a successful attack and fletch(#56570) lost 5.309.736.585.540 fleet power.

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: fletch on August 28, 2007, 09:33:01 PM
dude you need to get a grip so what you zeroed me, lets all be honest about it i cant believe it took someone this long to do it, you came after me cause you knew i was a noob good job you zeroed me your my hero  :)) its a game dude a game. it might be life and death for you but its just a game to me

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Lammalord on August 28, 2007, 09:48:05 PM
calm down gosh.. you can buy them back if your that upset dont make up bullshit to justify why you lost.

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: NightShadow on August 28, 2007, 10:04:16 PM
Don't make such foolish comments kid,and you wouldn't have gotten zeroed,i gave you a warning to leave and you said NO so you got zeroed,don't come having your period on the forum cause you lost after talking big trash dude.I'm not taking the game serious your the one bitching on the forum about how I'm picking on  a noob this is a war game i love PvP if i cant reach my real target I'll go for his alliance mates may be dirty but thats the way i play get over it  :)

2007-08-27 20:14:33
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .

yea we will. now leave the grown ups alone little boy. what are you about 6 or 7?

2007-08-27 19:54:14
Re: Re: Re: .

yea and left me 4 counters i think ill 0 you befor they expire

2007-08-27 20:03:09
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .

yea well see little boy you dont have a clue how to play the game, 4 counters watch and see dummy those 4 counters will cost you alot more than 1 ship i lost

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Lammalord on August 28, 2007, 10:13:40 PM
*bows with slick black hair slither over face and looks up with a dark grin*

"dirty sir? dirty? *snickers* *sarcastic* "were did you get that notion from?"

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Lammalord on August 30, 2007, 12:58:54 AM
al bhed(#45691) made a successful attack and kryologic(#33387) lost 27.375.032.403.432 fleet power.

wow.. kry are you kidding me? your really that pathetic? al bhed is soo week i kicked him from my allaince ages agao, he 0red you?!? ha ha ha

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: kryologic on August 30, 2007, 01:32:37 PM
al bhed(#45691) made a successful attack and kryologic(#33387) lost 27.375.032.403.432 fleet power.

wow.. kry are you kidding me? your really that pathetic? al bhed is soo week i kicked him from my allaince ages agao, he 0red you?!? ha ha ha

lol no whats really pathetic is that al bhed 0ed me and you've tryed at least 20 times now and cant get a single ship lol. congrats al bhed, you are truly a great player

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Lammalord on August 30, 2007, 04:04:47 PM
im pretty sure thats a lie, ive gotten messeges from members and allys saying they have taken several of your ships.

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: kryologic on August 30, 2007, 05:24:29 PM
please read that post again lamma, i think you been sleepin with yer lamma too long. I didnt say other people havet takin any ships. i just said YOU HAVENT TAKEN ANY LOL

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: Lammalord on August 30, 2007, 08:11:54 PM
i havent tried, whats the point on wasteing time on a weekling like you when i can easly get others to do it? no i rather concentraite on the threat thats more at hand.. your just pathetic...

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: lostedchylde on August 31, 2007, 12:15:40 AM
i love PvP if i cant reach my real target I'll go for his alliance mates may be dirty but thats the way i play get over it  :)

Dirty? i don't think so. when some one attacks (damages) one of my people(which is dirty), if for some reason, i can't get them directly i will indeed go after any and all of thier alliance i can. Fair is Fair. not only that,  i'll send any one else i can after them two.
Fair is Fair. :spider1:

In simple terms - i will do everything to protect my people.

Title: Re: Dont hate Nighty only... :S
Post by: deezee66 on August 31, 2007, 12:32:44 AM
This is better than tv. :jerry: