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General Talk => SO WARS Discussion => Topic started by: Tzarkoth on July 28, 2007, 09:59:20 AM

Title: Cloaking/System Fleets/Base Improvement.
Post by: Tzarkoth on July 28, 2007, 09:59:20 AM
I have a suggestion or 2;

That a higher level of Cloaking advancement should be available to Cloak an entire system. Without being in the same Alliance or without the appropriate level of Scanner tech, the entire system is removed from access. Theoretically it wouldn't even appear on the Galaxy/Quadrant maps for you to move there without the appropriate Scanner Tech or Alliance affiliation.

Fairly soon, if not already, people will be able to kill current bases with thousands or turns invested in research with their normal mission ships. As it stands currently, someone in the same sector as your Cloaked Base opens that base up to getting attacked and destroyed.

Along the same line of thinking, System fleets should be able to be set to automatically engage anyone who enters that system, though I think you would need to add a new mechanic to the game of allowing you to launch 'scouting fleets' to specific systems so you can know beforehand if someone has aggressive system fleets there.

Lastly, with Bases, I think there should be more advanced Basic designs for bases that you can research and set up. Currently the basic design of 100 Billion hitpoints is an easy kill, even with numerous upgrades.

Anyhow, just some food for thought. ;-)

Title: Re: Cloaking/System Fleets/Base Improvement.
Post by: AFB on July 28, 2007, 12:45:41 PM
I think this belongs to Suggestions, no?

Title: Re: Cloaking/System Fleets/Base Improvement.
Post by: Satan on July 28, 2007, 10:00:46 PM
cloaking a whole star system would quickly reduce the galaxy to the few stars that have next to no resources, otherwise i think it would work

Title: Re: Cloaking/System Fleets/Base Improvement.
Post by: zephyrblade on July 29, 2007, 01:22:20 AM
Topic moved to "Suggestions".