Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Silence444 on July 01, 2007, 02:24:06 PM

Title: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: Silence444 on July 01, 2007, 02:24:06 PM
In the real world people in most countries are free to legally trade most things so long as they are in compliance with the local and federal laws that apply while people EVERYWHERE are free to break the law to varying degrees while undertaking varying degrees of risk. I have already started talking to some people about this and i (and others) would like to know what you the SpaceO masses think about it.

Although not necesary, I would apreciate it if you explained your vote.

Title: Re: Free Market
Post by: Silence444 on July 06, 2007, 04:00:07 PM
alright, go a few votes but no responses.....
it would be nice if an admin said something or if some one made a decent argument for/against cus its pretty lame checing this forum branch three times a day with nothing happening

Title: Re: Free Market
Post by: davey boy on July 06, 2007, 04:36:20 PM
no one is interested the market is an old subject that hasbeen dealt with already

Title: Re: Free Market
Post by: Silence444 on July 06, 2007, 06:46:25 PM
... i'm not talking about they market... when i say "Free Market" i refrence the the real world ecenomic system...

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: davey boy on July 06, 2007, 08:59:34 PM
oh sorry bro misunderstood

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: Silence444 on July 06, 2007, 10:17:42 PM
haha np i'm sure u weren't the only one (probly why forum posts are so low)

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: Satan on July 07, 2007, 01:26:51 AM
i think its a pretty good idea, but you should be abler to mocve "illegal" items gained fomr bio exp. or something..... worth maybe 2X but you get bounties depending on how many u smuggle back and forth

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: Silence444 on July 08, 2007, 01:57:39 PM
right, that would be the option that says market laws that can be broken

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: FTP on July 08, 2007, 08:46:35 PM
Never put up things like illegal were there would be a % change of getting caught, as if new people dont know what they are doing get caught they wont like it.

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: Silence444 on July 09, 2007, 01:29:07 AM
... then new section would be added to guide? (if thats ur only reason for not doing it.... thats a pretty lame reason and it aplies to just about ALL updates)

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: FTP on July 09, 2007, 05:40:40 AM
Everything that gives a % change of something bad happening is not good. It will frustrate newer players seeing that some gain allot, and they get fucked the entire time.

If you want to implent something like this it must be straight forward if you do this this is the result. Little factors can be changed by luck like how the market is today. But having a change to get generaly fucked for your crimes is not such a good idear, if you want a punishment for unlawfull things you would have to make it that you like always gets punished and not like you have a 5% change to. Although it will be hard to make it profitable if you get punished. And hard to balance things out that not either the lower members or the high members can get way more profit out of it.

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: SirEmi on July 10, 2007, 06:56:56 PM
Another problem would be the issue of multi-account transfers in a free market. Space Odyssey is designed in such a way that multi-accounts will not affect the gameplay of others, with few exeptions such as attacking a single target with multiple accounts, that is not permitted.

The transfer of goods between all those accounts would create such a problem that it will quickly turn into a fiasco and a fulltime job for the admins trying to figure out who is playing fair and who is farming as well as unballance everything in the game, giving the power to the multies and leaving the others stranded at low power...

However, we are beginning to add and develope trading as a profession, and there are plans for trading posts in the Galaxy, with profitable trade routes, and sometimes a little battle now and then to add to the profit and risks, e.g. Transporting some illegal goods trough enemy territory and having to fight your way over to the randevous point... or having to transport some valuable trade goods in exchange for some more valuable items.

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: Cameron07 on July 11, 2007, 12:48:19 AM
oo sweet.. anything that brings more of a fight to the game im in for

Title: Re: Free Market Based Economy (extending beyond ingame market)
Post by: Silence444 on July 22, 2007, 02:39:40 PM
bah! alright i see what u guys are talking about... but i think that if a bunch of school kids can make trading food in a lunch room work... then we COULD make this work. ya... some people would spaz out if they got slammed every so often for an ilegal act... but even i spaz out every so often when i run in to a killer fleet... so that reason is just a we bit bs. as to the multi acount problem... u could have the % risk of a penalty for any transfers from 1 IP to itself or sumtin.


aight kinda looks like this branch stagnated... so i think i'll give it till i leave on vacation in a week and then close down the poll.