Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: AFB on June 08, 2007, 07:56:24 AM

Title: More suggestions
Post by: AFB on June 08, 2007, 07:56:24 AM
If these were already suggested, please delete this.

My ideas are:

1. Creation of planets in some systems, that can be used as factories to produce goods that can be sold in the market.

2. Allowing the player to build space station modules for production. The trick is- planets are not created by a player, but can be taken over, and can't be destroyed. Space station modules are built by player but can be destroyed.

3. You will need to purchase raw materials to produce things, so it will increase market use.

4. Actually, there can be CHOAM's trade outposts in the galaxy, that will be selling the materials.

5. You will be able to use some of these products yourself, such as missiles. For example:

Production of the Ultimate Weapon (tm)- when used on a commander/ event, it reduces the HP of the fleets by 90%. You have to be level ,oh, let's say, 100, to produce The Ultimate Weapon. Or D-day firecracker  :)) :)) :)).  You wouldn't sell that, would you? As I said for example.........

6. Construction of research facilities, that lower the cost of researches.

7. Creation of warp gates between some systems. Player that controlls 1 can choose the system he wants to open portals to. Could help greatly in the system invasion.

Ok, I'm done. Cheers, AFB.  hi :12: :12: :12:

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: SirEmi on June 08, 2007, 06:20:39 PM
Oh wow, the Galaxy really opened up doors to whole new stuff to do.

Great suggestions :)

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: djjcuk on June 09, 2007, 08:06:46 AM
woah those are some pretty neat suggestions....

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: Satan on June 09, 2007, 06:43:55 PM
I like the warpgate and planet ideas... it would be real cool if you could set up like a warpgate mofdule and jumpo to ot from anywhere without using turns

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: the broken on June 09, 2007, 07:05:49 PM
the warpgate could become part of the research but costs lots to research and can only be used for so many time then have to be replenished by 10% of its original cost otherwise u could use it to got to encryptions without using turns

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: AFB on June 13, 2007, 06:38:18 AM
Well, yes and no. The gates are stationary, so you'd have to get back to them for another jump. But you are right- there must be recharge penalties. I think, there should be "cooldown" for around half an hour, so you won't be zapping around the galaxy.  :))

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: FTP on June 13, 2007, 06:56:56 AM
Putting a warp module on everyplanet meaning you could just travel for free, will take longer then halfanhour to visit every planet :P

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: djjcuk on June 13, 2007, 07:36:56 AM
jumping around without using turns is wrong...not a good idea... its bad enough that already we can go around the galaxy and INCREASE our turns because of black holes... that idea would just hand the game to the player with the most time on their hands... for example... a uni student who is on summer break and no job could sit on his/her pc for 12 hours and max out in a few weeks :P that may sound a bit extreme but its just to get my point across  :19:

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on June 13, 2007, 05:28:30 PM
I think this could work with the only ability to use a warp gate is your own stations, and maybe alliance stations that have researched this very expensive tech

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: Satan on June 14, 2007, 12:34:19 AM
How bout only allowing one or two warpgates at a time? or even as a top tech in station modules or something like gunfighter said.

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: AFB on June 14, 2007, 01:24:06 PM
How bout having warpgates constructed just like the stations- not a module, but a structure? And allowing only 2 per player? This way, they would cost more than a module, but not too hard to destroy either. Guess the balance won't be too affected.

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: the broken on June 14, 2007, 05:15:35 PM
theres a post sir emi did a couple of days ago about planets. why not have warpgates on planets and if the other planet has marines on it or a fleet in orbit or something you have to fight your way through :21:

Title: Re: More suggestions
Post by: Satan on June 16, 2007, 02:44:45 AM
Sounds cool, I think it would also be great if you could build somehting like a factory on the planet to reduce ship construction by like 5%. And yea, why not have people able to hijak one of your own warpgate(via capture?) and use it to attack YOUR stuff set up no other planets.
Lol just think it owuld be cool. :P