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General Talk => SO WARS Discussion => Topic started by: Lammalord on May 28, 2007, 07:23:03 PM

Title: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on May 28, 2007, 07:23:03 PM
sence this is more of a perment version with no resets and very slow game play... (meaning people should never be able to max out in 10-15 years worth of turns.. right?)

should there still be a liment on the amount of people in an allaince? if its perment without resets i would think it would be nice to have an infinate amount of members as a max.. that or a skill that as your "empire" of "controled area" gets larger so dose the amount of people you can have in your allaince.

i mean it seems really pointless to have a game of territories if its common sence thats its impossible for a mear 20 people to take over and maintain some few hundred stars..

It would be intresting something along the lines that if you have a certaint upgrade in a space station it allows you to increase your allaince number by one (and anyone in the allaince can add this upgrade..) but you can only have 1 per space base (or 1 per star) so every time you want another member you have to take over another star..

and to make things more intresting a way to kill off an allaince is if you destory their space bases with the ablity to raise the membership by 1 they automaticaly lose their weakest member.. so that means now in wars it is more possible to destory an allaince..

and on top of that.. i would think 20 members as a base number is still too much.. what if you where to lower the max membership to like 5 for any new allaince without space bases.. and the only way to raise that membership is to get another space base with an "increase membership" facility on it..

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: thezerg on May 28, 2007, 07:59:29 PM
I think that 20 is a good starting #. As for the base addition thing, I don't think it is neccissary or helpful this early.

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on May 28, 2007, 08:57:17 PM
20 is too big.. it means that the entire massive allaince thing will be pointless.. keep it extreamly low, so people in a war will instead of haveing to destory the other guys ships to win there have to destory the other allainces space bases..

so if you have 100 members and go to war with another large allaince.. (this means you control 95 star's) that other large allaince can start picking off your weakest members by attacking your space bases.. this will deffently being massive "allaince wars" into the equation of a now galaxy based systeum..

if an allaince max is only 5 members without space bases it will make it a horrible concequence for loseing a major battle... you could lose all your allaince..

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: blakranger51 on May 28, 2007, 09:04:33 PM
Makes it harder on the newer alliances. We don't want to give the big ones free rides; it would be better to make it really hard for the big alliances to keep growing, and harder for them to crush the smaller ones.

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Borg! on May 28, 2007, 10:42:21 PM
i agree we should be able to have 150 people like g unit did a few rounds ago  because this is a dumbed down version of origonal SpaceO so bring back some previous things it had

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on May 28, 2007, 11:12:00 PM
Makes it harder on the newer alliances. We don't want to give the big ones free rides; it would be better to make it really hard for the big alliances to keep growing, and harder for them to crush the smaller ones.

how can a large allaince hit members of a smaller allaince that keeps dodgeing there attacks? it can always be made diffcult to destory a space base.. oh i dont know 20 turns to attack it.. and like a 50% chance to hit it (or up/down depending on the space bases defence) so that once someone builds a space base attack it means you just want that territoy or want to destoy that allaince..

also make is so that the space bases dont block encounters and encryptions, only fleets do.. so attacking someones space bases is like an act of terrirtoal war..

sure an allliance may gain control.. but even with 150 people in an allaince controling 145 stars... with the rate of growth it will be impossilbe to defend every space base from a fleet of smaller commanders...

blak.. and for that idea.. maybe make is so that as your "empire" gets bigger it gets harder to conrol.. aka pirates, or reavers, or other random events could happen (rebbellion? strikes?) happen more often as your allaince and space base count gets larger.. therefore making it harder to keep larger allainces toghether and easier to lose space bases.. were an allaince with a few bases will be more powerful because there is more central control on a civlization spreading 5 stars than there is for one spreading 150 stars.. who knows for an extreme of that make a space base capital a strong hold extreamly hard to kill.... and the further away from the capital the more chances of corruption, riots or strikes or rebellions to happen :)

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: SirEmi on May 28, 2007, 11:27:41 PM
Makes it harder on the newer alliances. We don't want to give the big ones free rides; it would be better to make it really hard for the big alliances to keep growing, and harder for them to crush the smaller ones.

how can a large allaince hit members of a smaller allaince that keeps dodgeing there attacks? it can always be made diffcult to destory a space base.. oh i dont know 20 turns to attack it.. and like a 50% chance to hit it (or up/down depending on the space bases defence) so that once someone builds a space base attack it means you just want that territoy or want to destoy that allaince..

also make is so that the space bases dont block encounters and encryptions, only fleets do.. so attacking someones space bases is like an act of terrirtoal war..

sure an allliance may gain control.. but even with 150 people in an allaince controling 145 stars... with the rate of growth it will be impossilbe to defend every space base from a fleet of smaller commanders...

blak.. and for that idea.. maybe make is so that as your "empire" gets bigger it gets harder to conrol.. aka pirates, or reavers, or other random events could happen (rebbellion? strikes?) happen more often as your allaince and space base count gets larger.. therefore making it harder to keep larger allainces toghether and easier to lose space bases.. were an allaince with a few bases will be more powerful because there is more central control on a civlization spreading 5 stars than there is for one spreading 150 stars.. who knows for an extreme of that make a space base capital a strong hold extreamly hard to kill.... and the further away from the capital the more chances of corruption, riots or strikes or rebellions to happen :)

lol Lamma all this PvP gone to your head. Empires, yeah I would like to see that, make your members each have tech 5 station and build 100 stations and see if you can hold them all first  :gunsmilie: then we add some more toys for you, like planets with special abilities  :bruce:

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on May 29, 2007, 06:46:08 PM
yay!!! lol

then have problems.. you know make it hard for a large allaince to keep control of its stars and easier for a smaller one.. so you CAN become big.. but it will be a pain in the ass and probaly cost alot :)

also like blak said make is so lager allainces have a harder time to hurt a smaller empire :p

hay pvp seems intresting because so far im haveing fun.. but im sure the second we get to the point were everyone starts boarding the encounters it will be boring as hell and some loi guys will take over again (of course.. unless you make it impossible to board encounters, or remove the option completly)

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: davey boy on May 29, 2007, 07:31:53 PM
whinge whinge whinge do you practice these speeches your a has been and cant handle the fact or loi so tell someone who cares

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on May 29, 2007, 08:26:21 PM
Asria, now would be a good time to remove a post :) (one above) there is no need for blunt insults on a suggustion topic.. keep it real loi.. yes, we have already shown that you hate me davey, but that dosnt mean you have to post an insult after everything i post, and if you countinue maybe emi should consider banning you from the froums..

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Cameron07 on May 29, 2007, 09:31:47 PM
lamma.. write shorter posts.. i have add and cant pay attention to you long ones

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Satan on May 29, 2007, 09:50:29 PM
I kind of agree with lamma....being able to build up an empire would be cool lol. I think it wouldent be that bad if a large alliance held maybe 100 stars (but not TOO much...maybe a limit to total allaince bases.)
And if you did introduce space pirates or reavers or something that could nock off stations that incresaed membership once in a while then the bigger the alliance got the harder it would be too keep it that big. If Emi puts this in and makes space sations give even more control over a system then you could have a allaince owned sytem dedicated to trading or somethin....(whicxh i think would be cool:P)

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on May 29, 2007, 11:29:46 PM
wow that would be cool tradeing posts :p ! screw chroam, lets create our own systeums of tradeing.. set up defult prices for items to sell to others what you mine (if you dont use it) another good way to improve (may be a bit off your idea but..) if people create their own tradeing posts in the galaxy to sell recouses that space base gathers automaticaly it could be another form of a player based chroam

sorry cameron :S i just have alot to say on this.. seems like a great way to expand the galaxy

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Satan on May 30, 2007, 12:43:24 AM
Ya and i think it would be cool if you could have a manufacturing facility or something attached to the station(just to make trade goods...wouldent want any cheap bonuses out there now would we :P). But i dunno..there are a whole bunch of things you could do. although i think having stations grant more power over systems (ie, all people in system are defended by the station, or only allaince members are defended by it.). then you could set up safe points for people to come and meet without mass attacks everywhere or just have a system dedicated to storing pooled allaince money or something...(more interest?)lol...just some ideas

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on May 30, 2007, 12:47:22 AM
well the allaince/space bases do need to be improved to make the galaxy an even more effective form of terrirtorys :)

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Cameron07 on May 30, 2007, 10:22:56 PM
meh.. its spaceo wars.. i say you take away alliances and truces.. that would make it interesting..

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on May 31, 2007, 12:38:41 AM
ha ha ha! well i think there needs to be allainces.. but smaller 20 is too big for a start at least.. make it terrirtoaly more stars controled the bigger you get :)

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Bugboy on May 31, 2007, 03:43:09 AM
There is a fault in your suggestion Lamma, in SO wars the whole basis of the game is galaxy, with your suggestion, one alliance could potentially have more than 100 people guarding 1 base making it impossible to to attack the base

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on June 02, 2007, 01:53:01 AM
while their other 95 bases are easly being destoyed with everyone killed loseing an alaince member..

also other bases may suffer from random events that cuase a hault in production, or lose the space base all toghether.. forceing the 100 people to be spread out.. what im saying you CAN have a 100 member allaince but it will be really hard to mantain all the bases

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Satan on June 02, 2007, 06:45:08 PM
I think its a pretty good idea... and with everyone at diffretn tech levels their could be main bases with exceptional power and weaker ones that probbly wont last that long

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on June 02, 2007, 07:04:18 PM
excally.. i mean if 1 allaince had 1000 member and every start how long would it last against 10-15k other people constantly hitting its space bases, even if there weaker it would be near impossible to hold.. problems with a larger alliance will make it possible but VERY hard to mantain.. and for 20.. you can say after haveing 5 normal members and 15 stars (20 members total) then the diffculty of holding a star increases by every space base you set up

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on June 03, 2007, 03:58:14 PM
I like the idea as a general but we need to flesh it out and refine it.

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Lammalord on June 05, 2007, 12:15:56 AM
of course i know that lol.. but it seems a great basic idea

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: thezerg on June 05, 2007, 01:02:54 AM
I like it on paper but it has a long way to go to get it right. Otherwise bad things could happen

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: Gallente Federation on July 30, 2007, 10:04:25 PM
I think alliance limitation to 20 members is perfect now, because in SO WARS server never reset so later max member can be increased. And you idea about allienace max member count by spacestation is good for player who play from begining.  :confused: :P :P :sweat :12: :12:

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: deezee66 on July 31, 2007, 02:59:55 AM
Well i heard a rumor a while back about changing to differant levels of alliances where you have more than one leader sort of like having governors maybe something like that could work. :21:

Title: Re: Alliances?
Post by: thezerg on July 31, 2007, 12:43:23 PM
That could be interesting. But it wouldnt be an alliance anymore. It would be more like the fudal system-esque that ive seen on another game i used to play