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General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: deezee66 on April 29, 2007, 10:16:30 PM

Title: FTP crossing the line
Post by: deezee66 on April 29, 2007, 10:16:30 PM
Sorry Drakken forgot to lock it.


(unless Drakken wants me to reopen it)

deezee whats your tongue please.

When all i said was " Drakken get a life."

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: BadGuy on April 29, 2007, 11:40:04 PM
I hate when these Moderators get God Complexes.

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: FOO on April 30, 2007, 09:11:20 AM
Hmmm, Mods being accused of God complex. Its amazing, people carry on like spoilt brats, and it seems to be acceptable to call on a mod to intercede. But if you disagree with a mod, heaven help them. Whine, whine, whine. If a mod is accused of being too arbitary, there is a new topic that springs up. Lets look at it this way, if there is a problem with a post by a mod, I am sure Sir Emi would be the first person to stop it going further. Too often this forum is being used as a flame fest for insignificant tribulations. My advice is to play the game, not the forum


Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: blakranger51 on April 30, 2007, 01:55:45 PM
Yeah, and he can ask you to curb your tongue, because that is borderline...

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Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: FTP on April 30, 2007, 02:03:20 PM
 :)) Should I even try to take this serious?  :))

I didnt deleted your message, I didnt gave you a formal warning, I did not use my mod powers to do something. I didnt flamed you. I only asked if you could watch youre tongue, as no matter how you twist it it is not polite. I did not blow it up, it was something innocent and I just tried to ask you if you could watch your tongue abit.

You might have seen the many flaming wars in the past, mostly they started with a comment like that, why would it then be wrong to make a quick note when it could happen again if Drakken would get pissed and did a counter attack in words on you?

If I would edit or delete your post give you a formal warning and send it to Sir Emi, you could look to my action and when you are in doubt of the rightness of my actions you can file complaint against me, but as I asked numerous of time, DO THE COMPLAIGN TO ONE OF THE TWO PEOPLE WHO CAN DO SOMETHING WITH IT, so that is either the mod/admin you disagree with or Sir Emi.

Alot of problems can be solved by contacting the person himself, if you feel you cant, contact Sir Emi, posting here is meaningless and only ment to blacken that mod. And try to come with the agrument I wanna show others what a god-complex you have, that would be pathetic as you need more grounds to judge that I would have a god-complex, then just a normal question to a player. Would have said the same without mod-powers.

So badguy, next time you want to make a foolish comment or just want to say something bad about someone else. Create your own forum which only you can see as it would cost me less time to read and react on them. I do not wish to see any more of your commands about mods abusing there power, if you think they do go cry to Sir Emi.

deezee, I hope I explained my actions for you, it is just that I wanted to attend you on the fact that it is not very polite, that is all. No warning or what-so-ever as it is not bad enough for that ;)

If you want to complaign about my posts, feel free to bash me for my spelling. Corrected whats in watch in the original post.

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: deezee66 on April 30, 2007, 05:48:03 PM
Ok I made my point, you explained your side enough said.

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: BadGuy on May 08, 2007, 07:46:05 PM
I see that FTP is now LOI.  Makes sense.

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: blakranger51 on May 08, 2007, 09:03:14 PM
April ---> May?
Don't start ripping on LOI again, they destroyed you guys.

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: BadGuy on May 08, 2007, 11:25:53 PM
Blak, you obviously just like to hear yourself talk, whether you make sense or not.

It's obvious that I'm ripping on FTP and his obvious lack of independence, not LOI.

Could not care less about LOI, but if Drakken would stop complaining about new players quitting and maybe look in the mirror he may see why.

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: deezee66 on May 08, 2007, 11:42:36 PM
When did they destroy us, funny we havent lost any power. :yawn:

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: Spayed on May 09, 2007, 06:21:07 AM
thats mainly cause msot of loi is 100's of times ur power m8, even if we reserve everything :P, D day suld b fun :d

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: FTP on May 09, 2007, 07:02:54 AM
So badguy, next time you want to make a foolish comment or just want to say something bad about someone else. Create your own forum which only you can see as it would cost me less time to read and react on them.

Badguy you may have skipped this part of my post, I would like to advice you to read it and do something with it.

First you are telling I have godhood delusions and now even with my godcomplex I obviously lack any form of independence.... doesnt sound right.

I have been leading my own alliance AoF since I started this game. Due to the fact that I'm not a great teacher nor a great recruiter my alliance always was pretty empty (well filled with alts and inactive acounts). I had a few friends in AoF and we made a small group due to the leaving of several members I was left alone with scouser in my alliance again. Having been in an inactive alliance for all my time starts to bore after a while. If I lacked independency, I would never had AoF for that long.

And who are you to judge about my choice to join LoI, you do not know any of my reasons to do so. If you wonder why I did ask me, but slagging me off because my choice does not suit you well is just pathetic.

And goodjob on insulting 3 players in one post, people like you are not a good extension to the forum.

Hope you have a nice day ofcourse
Greetz FTP

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: blakranger51 on May 09, 2007, 10:40:14 AM
When did they destroy us, funny we havent lost any power. :yawn:

Partly due to the fact that you didn't have any power to begin with...

1         Legion Of Immortals     21     84 Day(s)

7         Risk Takers     16     410 Day(s)

I believe this falls under the category of severe ownage.

They have 1509 times your power.  :14:

Even their Training alliance, started YESTERDAY has more power than your training alliance...which was started half a year ago.

18         Legion Of Immortals Training Alliance     11     1 Day(s)     6.466.565.061

30         KickButt Alliance     15     157 Day(s)     452.619.563

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: FTP on May 09, 2007, 10:46:18 AM
You spamming the slag FTP off topic  :12:

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: deezee66 on May 09, 2007, 09:55:39 PM
When did they destroy us, funny we havent lost any power. :yawn:

Partly due to the fact that you didn't have any power to begin with...

1         Legion Of Immortals     21     84 Day(s)

7         Risk Takers     16     410 Day(s)

I believe this falls under the category of severe ownage.

They have 1509 times your power.  :14:

Even their Training alliance, started YESTERDAY has more power than your training alliance...which was started half a year ago.

18         Legion Of Immortals Training Alliance     11     1 Day(s)     6.466.565.061

30         KickButt Alliance     15     157 Day(s)     452.619.563

FTP is right this is getting way off topic and blakranger you seem to be absolutely right but anyhow back to topic that was supposed to be dead as both FTP and I explained our sides but anyhow if FTP wants to join LOI and they want him no one else should have a say in it so good luck FTP you have been a good ally

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: FTP on May 10, 2007, 06:33:02 AM
Thank you deezee66

Title: Re: FTP crossing the line
Post by: deezee66 on May 12, 2007, 06:08:41 PM
Your Welcome, happy hunting