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Feedback Terminal => "Bugs" and Problems => Topic started by: Hellsword on April 04, 2007, 05:59:53 PM

Title: Realy bad ID bug
Post by: Hellsword on April 04, 2007, 05:59:53 PM
C+Ped off chat:
Hellsword(#10087): hmm emi needs t ofix that
Reflect>(#1): im number one!
Sacrifice>: dennis do you want to know
Sacrifice>: hold on
Sacrifice>: i typed my name, then put>
Sacrifice>: ok...
Dennis_the_christian(#43003): someone plz
Sacrifice>: want me to tell you wy i hav no numbr

apparently if u sign up with a > at end of ur name you dont have a number... this would make quite a few things pretty hard to do so either fix it ASAP or outlaw > from being used in names...

Title: Re: Realy bad ID bug
Post by: SirEmi on April 04, 2007, 07:42:25 PM
< > ' " \ chars are no longer supported in commander names.

I've sent him a message to change his commander name.

Thank you

Title: Re: Realy bad ID bug
Post by: FOO on April 05, 2007, 11:50:32 AM
Reflect>(#1) (muted): look at my number
Reflect>(#1) (muted): you told me on the bus
Spirit Reaper(#1518): who wants to be in a war campaign aganist freedoms_light
Reflect>(#1) (muted): your hunter
Reflect>(#1) (muted): your a newbie
Spirit Reaper(#1518): i'm not ninjastrike
Reflect>(#1): im number one!
Reflect>(#1): im emrald austin
Spirit Reaper(#1518): i'm not the person who has ami as a sister which is a^misses^idoit^
Sacrifice>: im emrald austin
Sacrifice>: i know your ninjastrike
Sacrifice>: i dont hav a number
Sacrifice>: ¨€q¡Ý
arculite(#42043): hi bye
arculite(#42043): stupid smilloe
Spirit Reaper(#1518): i have all a 100 in spelling
arculite(#42043): jeeze i at this game
Sacrifice>: im emrald austin
mrtimbr549(#298): your all noobs
Spirit Reaper(#1518): ask llamalord what a newbie is
Spirit Reaper(#1518): no you don't get it
emrald Austin(#29135): ninjastrikes brother wouldn't know how to spell conversation
Freedom_Flash(#54894): im laughin hard
emrald Austin(#29135): or with any number you want
Spirit Reaper(#1518): i just like it
emrald Austin(#29135): i know how to make a person without a number

I dont think they complied, a ban in order?
BTW they have been muted in chat for this.

Title: Re: Realy bad ID bug
Post by: blakranger51 on April 05, 2007, 06:46:13 PM
245             Sacrifice>     3492     0                     8.858.546

still they persist