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General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gunfighter Frank on March 26, 2007, 07:52:58 PM

Title: TH is :wounded1: by LOIs latest serious of actions
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on March 26, 2007, 07:52:58 PM
I am not sure what has got into LOI as of late?  It seems as if since they have taken over the top spots they have gone crazy with power.  I have to say that the TH does not agree with the actions of LOI as of late.  some of the LOI leadership have dont some questionable things and are now it appears just acting like a bunch of bullies attacking many friendly alliances.  I am starting to wounder  if the TH needs to start worring about LOI attacking us as well.  I have heard rumors and unconfirmed reports about someone sending messages saying LOI and TH are going to attack TH allies.  I do not know where these things are coming from but the TH are not going to attack any TH allies nor break our truces and cease fires.  If the TH is going to do some thing it will posted here by myself, and I will send the message to the parties concerned.  I do investigate allied feeling about other allies from time to time.  However, If you are the one posting about TH and LOI going to attack someone please at least ask me.  The TH has not agreed with the LOIs position of aggression since our war with NAW, and our Stopping DDAY that one time.

Title: Re: TH is :wounded1: by LOIs latest serious of actions
Post by: djjcuk on March 26, 2007, 08:05:11 PM
Yeah interseting stand to take TH ... yep LOI have gone a bit power mad and it looks like they have this round well wrapped up...

Title: Re: TH is :wounded1: by LOIs latest serious of actions
Post by: wolfy28 on March 26, 2007, 09:27:11 PM
well i do hate to say i told u so frank. but in this case that's all i can say. I TOLD YA SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!