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General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gunfighter Frank on March 10, 2007, 07:06:05 PM

Title: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on March 10, 2007, 07:06:05 PM
We have been offered a 14 Day cease fire by Darkness that will null and void on DDAY.  THis is taticaly unsound for the TH to just let an alliance that has proposed eteranal war to just build unmolested.  However, the TH does want peace and good relations with NAW.  Thus since the honor of both of our alliances have been questioned. I propose that we agree to a complete cease fire on each other, that all counters be nulled and voided, and that this cease fire last all the way through DDAY.  This should let the rest of SO know if either of our words can be trusted.  I have seen it said that the TH are just LOI puppets and that LOI are just TH puppets. I have seen it said that the LOI cant stand on its own without TH support, and that the TH needs LOI support, and that the TH is just sticking its nose where we have no Business.  IF these terms can be met the TH will gladly pull out of this So called LOI NAW war.  and let yall deside what to do with each other.  However, we must have assurances that NAW will not just build and then trun on the TH  so we propose these terms.

note that while this was being drafted and discused a bounty was taken by a member of the TH on NAW, Since I never agreed to the terms laid out but said I would take it to my members.  In fact I said it was taticly unsound  to accept the 14 day cease fire.  So I did not tell my people that there were pease talks going on till I got to most of them to talk about this counter propsal to see if NAW wanted peace  or not. since this is the only peace the TH will accept.  Because of the reasons stated above. 

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: TheDarkness on March 10, 2007, 08:03:55 PM
As second in command of NAW (and yes my sig still says serenity) the proposals set and agreed upon between myself davey and frank under the watchful eye of peter angelo have been accepted and will be adhered to by both partys ie :- Th and NAW, all hostilities between both alliances must now cease all counters are null and void do not take them on either side if any are outstanding...

For the rest of this round no bounties shall be taken by either side...

Thankyou everyone involved in these negotiations although heated at times a compromise was met


Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Soppe on March 10, 2007, 08:54:29 PM
Grats u made the round boring again :wounded1:

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: davey boy on March 10, 2007, 09:03:55 PM
no we are still at war with loi

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Soppe on March 10, 2007, 09:18:15 PM
oh ok so theres some fun left still :wow:

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: wolfy28 on March 10, 2007, 10:16:00 PM
i'm not happy with this agreement considering the attack on me during nagotiations. but i will abide by my second in commands judgement. the darkness has full leadership of NAW when i'm not around.

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Lammalord on March 10, 2007, 10:37:59 PM
the attack, then mabey you should get permission to peacefully attack back (planned) with a bounty you can do? it will take the counter and balance out this argument..

just a suggesting beacuse i know wolfy can bounty argus

matter of fact, i wont accept a cease fire and have my members countinue to attack TH unless this is sealed so.. i dont like people attacking my firends exp like argus did, im sick of argus shooting out blows during or after talks.. its happened to many times and theres no trust of it not happaning again..

Frank you need to learn how to control your members..

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: TheDarkness on March 11, 2007, 07:49:42 AM
Ok look the hostilities have ceased, I know what argus did was a bit below the belt, popping online attacking and then leaving, i also know that it looked like a planned attack, frank also knows maybe a small message in msn would have sufficed, again in franks defense he was with family yesterday and had a lot of other things on his mind...

It was a slip up that cost wolfy, who is the leader of NAW although devious and downright shady peace negotiations had to move forward, although that sneak attack happened there are other members involved as well, not only NAW members but TH members all losing creds and ships, Frank has promised as we have to cease all hostilities up to and during dday, how would it make us look if we went against that, what would our word mean???  whats happened has happened we let that attack slide...

We will prove that our word is one that can be trusted

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Argus on March 11, 2007, 01:36:39 PM
Frankly i find your attempts to sully my name rather tiresome, and i encourage you to find proof that i have ever attacked anyone during a peace negotiation. As for the bounty on wolfy, i just popped on to see if the anticipated counters had leveled me or not... As i saw they had not, I also noticed I could bounty wolfy, did so (blowing up only pships, so who cares), and logged off again.
I encourage you to stop trying to sully my name before I stop being slightly amused at your efforts, and start taking offence.

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: TheDarkness on March 11, 2007, 01:55:52 PM
The attack was made hours after peace negotiations had started even frank by his own admission forgot to let you know but it was in your alliance board, so as for proof of an attack go to view logs and check yourself, powerships or not an attack is an attack i thought??? maybe im wrong, noones trying to ahem sully your name argus you did that by not even checking your alliance board...

If you dont like the truce given then you will need to take that up with your alliance leader and not try to make your attack sound like it was nothing coz im pretty sure the creds you got from it werent nothing, the attack was underhanded... Quick rule for you to follow READ THE ALLIANCE BOARD  that way at least you will know whats happening


Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Argus on March 11, 2007, 01:59:47 PM
Good advice, that i will surely make an effort to follow, thank you for your concern.
Ofcourse it so happens i took the bounty an hour and a half before any mention of a peace was on our board.   L:)

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: TheDarkness on March 11, 2007, 02:11:21 PM
It very much sounds like there is a little turmoil within th, i may be wrong but for the sake of our truce we need to know from your leader or second in command if the truce stands as agreed upon..

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Lammalord on March 11, 2007, 02:20:31 PM
ha ha!!

man TH is so crap..

"I have seen it said that the LOI cant stand on its own without TH support, and that the TH needs LOI support, and that the TH is just sticking its nose where we have no Business.  IF these terms can be met the TH will gladly pull out of this So called LOI NAW war."

ha ha ha you guys cant even hold that for 24 hours!! you dont think im stubid i saw karimun take a bounty on argus, whoo 123 trillion.. and it looks alot like it was intentinal.. what crap TH is.. they have no honor that was lost rounds agao.. what exsuse will you give us now frank? "oh to many people posted in the allaince board and the msg for TH not to get involved must of gotten lost and argus didnt see it" i think its about time frank is running out of things to turn to..

just goes to show what Frank said is true.. loi cant stay in top ten without th helping out

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Argus on March 11, 2007, 02:40:12 PM
Once again you speak of things that you know nothing about, and indeed should just stay out of anyway.
Have you suddenly become a member of NAW or are you just trying to annoy me needlessly?

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: TheDarkness on March 11, 2007, 02:50:40 PM
Guys before this turns into some kind of handbags at 20 paces all NAW want is a straight forward YES the truce stands or NO the truce will be broken by you?? thats all nothing more

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Lammalord on March 11, 2007, 03:56:37 PM
isnt it obvious? i asked you if it was intentinal and  when you came back with a smart remark that had nothing to do with the bounty it automaticaly meant that yes, you did plan it.. so sad helping loi .. i think you should stick with franking making up the exsuses argus he seems to be better at it

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Argus on March 11, 2007, 04:27:24 PM
You should stop breathing, it doesnt seem like oxygen gets to your brain anyway.

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: TheDarkness on March 11, 2007, 04:53:38 PM
guys please as much as i like watching people make fun of each other ( joking ) this has no bearing on this thread whatsoever, if your going to do it please make a new thread and do it there, and if someone from th can please respond to my request it would be appreciated


Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Argus on March 11, 2007, 05:04:55 PM
Darkness I think you should direct your request directly to Frank.

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: TheDarkness on March 11, 2007, 05:31:57 PM
cant really do that ive tried and frank isnt online, you are his second in command you posted what you did should you not at least answer when frank is not present???

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on March 11, 2007, 06:13:53 PM
THe treaty says we will not attack NAW and NAW will not attack TH and that this will go through DDAY this includes counters and bounties and all other forms of attack.  I has noting to do with SD.  So please lamma keep your nose our of this issue.

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Lammalord on March 11, 2007, 06:55:24 PM
ill place my nose were ever my allys go.. oh wait.. just like you do hu?

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on March 11, 2007, 07:38:04 PM
lamma I can see that you are just trying to destabilize this ceasefire between NAW and TH.  Because you know that if TH attacks you NAW will then have an excuse to attack the TH again.  Thus causing the cease fire to be destabilized.  I will request that you stop trying to destabilize this cease fire between NAW and TH.

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Lammalord on March 11, 2007, 07:41:21 PM
im distablizing it beacuse TH has attacked wolfy 3 times sence the round started, and none of them has he countered on.. all 3 of them he was attacked first.. and frankly i dont trust th to actally be able to hold 14 days without eather helping loi or attacking wolfy.. again therefore i dont want to see wolfy get 0red yet again by argus

Title: Re: Propsed Cease fire agreement for NAW and TH
Post by: Lammalord on March 11, 2007, 10:41:12 PM
welp wolfy wants me to stop.. geuss i cant help if he gets screwed over again..

ill stop bothering this allaince, and th... now let me go along my marry way :)