Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: mrtimbr549 on February 14, 2007, 02:51:41 PM

Title: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 14, 2007, 02:51:41 PM
As many of you know, AcesHigh has caused a lot of havoc lately, with repeated attacks on many players and alliances.  Well, we now have a name to go with Aces High...none other thatn WoS' very own leader NightShadow.  Heres the PM I recieved when I talked to NS about the attacks:
"Ok i made an alt and played on it i wasnt gonna attack anyone but then some glitch happend and i got over 1trill credits emi fixed it gave him a donation for the troubles and everything then i just started attacking people but know he has no credits so i cant play on him anymore"
Ladies and gentleman, this rings hollow to me, repeated attacks are not the actions of someone who is remorseful.  So as of now a new state of war exists between WoS and FA (again).  This time we will not back down until NS is removed or WoS is disbanded.  I post this so that all the innocent members of the WoS family can decide for themselves whether to fight or leave this alliance. 
I invite all who suffered attacks from Aces to join in this fight, not as an FA ally, but as S.O. players who do not , and will not accept this style of play.  once more I call upon Emi to end the alt program, its not worth it.
Diplomacy will not fix this, only a severe and utter beat down will convince NS that war without honor is a cowards fight
Timbr out.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: NightShadow on February 14, 2007, 03:09:58 PM
Yup i admit my wrong doing.I attacked a few alliances,so be it this is a war game and alts are treated differently in this game or in my opinion.What i did is that i had some fun role playing witch is part of the game.So Mrtim do what you have to do and any one else that wants to join mrtim for my actions feel go rite on ahead.

 Space Odyssey is a free space combat MMORPG involving resource management, mercenary contracts, free markets, and lots of fun.

Massive Multyplayer Online Role Playing Game.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 14, 2007, 03:19:28 PM
FA does not , nor will ever negotiate with unmitigated attacks.  Had this been a first time attack from WoS, or had NS been upfront about this, perhaps it could have been avoided.
As for me, I will never allow this type of thing to happen to my commanders.  I will go down in flames, fighting...but I will not allow this.  If I cut my own throat and destroy the Ancients, so be it, but it will be remembered that we went down with our, integrity, beliefs, and respect intact.
Think of us as Britan, and you as Germany NS....we may be outnumbered, outpowered and outgunned, but we will never surrender.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: wolfy28 on February 14, 2007, 03:55:46 PM
made myself a promise never to post on forums again. but seeing how it was me that let the cat out of the bag that NS and aceshigh r the same people. this is classified as an MMO game but with having more than one account makes it evolve into an MMORPG game. why have more than one account if u can't roleplay. too hold someone responsible for there attacks made by there alt is foolish. i myself attacked your alliance on devalin. so i guess that's an act of war from NAW. give me a break. we have alts so we can play them differently without the persicution of others. with wolfy if there's no talk relations then no truce. we won't attack u becuz of a no truce. however devalin will hit all he has no talk relations with. if u want to hold anyone responsible then hold me responsible for i told NS that alts won't get your main in trouble. as it was told to me when i started playing SO. so people need to all sit down and decide what's what. not just make the rules up as they go.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 14, 2007, 04:18:15 PM
Wolfy, its better to be though an idiot ......
if you dont hold the person who created the alt responsible than who is??  Just another 'not my fault' argument.  And wolfy newsflash i did not, repeat did not , get my information from you.  Otherwise I wiuldnt have given it the credibility i did.  I hold a very small hanfull of players in this game as credible sources, very small number indeed.   You are not among them.
I wouldnt give anymore advice to others, each alliance determines on its own how to deal with alts.  Now you know my stance.   Your attacks were annoying, but you hit and then that was it.  My unit was hit repeatedly.  Now piss off

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 14, 2007, 04:25:57 PM
We're right there with you at Risk Takers.  NightShadow has launched numerous unprovoked attacks on our members and continually lied to us about his actions and intentions.  He and his alliance needs to go down in flames.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: NightShadow on February 14, 2007, 05:05:07 PM

1. Occurring without motivation or provocation; "motiveless malignity"; "unprovoked and dastardly attack"

I had plenty of reason for your attacks on ML an allies of us and we wont stand attacks made on allies.  :P

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: deezee66 on February 14, 2007, 05:21:28 PM
N.S. your history

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: lostedchylde on February 14, 2007, 05:38:09 PM
If someone is truly using an alt to "roleplay" then they will attack thier own main and thier own mains alliance and allys. if they don't - well, what does that say? Personally i hate alts and want them banned(but not IPs). But they are legal here and now, so these types of incidents are going to continue to happen. however if you are punishing night for his alts actions, when are you going to punish DarkNinja/Ninja Strikes main account?
 in this case everyone is right Mr.Wolfy is right, Mr. Night is right, and Mr. mrtimbr is right, as this is all a matter of how you choose to view the situation.  :tomato:


Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: wolfy28 on February 14, 2007, 06:20:19 PM
true lost i don't agree with the alts r alts and the mains r mains.  with them keeping them seperate. my opinion is that a person should be held accountable for all accounts they play. i was simple stating what i was told when i started playing the game. people seem to forget that i'm still new and only have word of mouth to go on. NAW is now at war with FA for timbers insults towards me. i refuse to get involved in wars on the forums just to have em locked r deleted before i can counter. so the only wars i will be fighting. will be on the battle field for now on.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 14, 2007, 07:41:36 PM
As I said before NightShadow is a liar.  Almost nothing that he says can be believed.  See his message below before he and Spayed launched attacks on several members of Risk Takers, then they said it was just for fun & they were bored so they attacked us when truce ended.  The attacks still continue.  Now he comes up with a different story to try to justify his actions. Yes, unfortunately the truce was broken with ML by mistake and they were contacted with explanations.  But fact is that NO ONE from AoF, TH, ML or Serenity has attacked Risk Takers so I doubt that anything else of what NightShadow says is true.   

2007-02-12 08:30:01
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ATTACK

as of now i will in form AoF,TH,ML,Serenity of our current stance on RT and after you broke truce wit ML eve1 wants war wit you so ^^ and no im not declaring war at all

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: NightShadow on February 14, 2007, 07:47:29 PM
Informing some one of my stance against you guys isnt war,you have AoF and Serenity listed as allies so i must talk wit them before i doing anything harsh.I admitted to my dumb ass actions wit AcesHigh.Did i attack RT for fun no i hit Xalpz when truce ran out cause of ML and when i attacked my peoples asked if they could i said yes .The repeated attacks is cause Badguy challenged me on chat so i took the offer.and kept re showing on chat the counter attack and the ships he destroyed during the counter so yeah that also pissed me off. So what is the lie that i have said? :21:

2007-02-11 10:13:49
Don't F with RT!!!!

Spayed lost his 48 Bil and 34 Bil ship by ******* with me. Let that be a lesson. If you guys **** with me again you will pay!!!!!!

Do not under-estimate me. I AM BADGUY!!!!!!  :)) messages like that get annoying

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: lostedchylde on February 14, 2007, 08:24:57 PM
2007-02-11 10:13:49
Don't F with RT!!!!

Spayed lost his 48 Bil and 34 Bil ship by ******* with me. Let that be a lesson. If you guys **** with me again you will pay!!!!!!

Do not under-estimate me. I AM BADGUY!!!!!!  :)) messages like that get annoying
more than annoying - that kind of statement in chat is an invitation for every gunslinger in the state to draw down on you. That sort of message only discourages people like me - who aren't going to attack you anyway. For every one else you might as well be painting a BULLSEYE on your seat. It's like rolling around in bacon fat and then expecting the wolves NOT to eat you. i mean - Come on! :roll3:


Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 14, 2007, 08:25:31 PM
And so he changes his story again :))

And this is after he deleted his last post which had yet a different story.

What will he come up with next to justify his actions :wow:

Truth is, he has wanted to attack and harass RT for a long time without any justification and yes I taunted him justifiably as his goon lost his two largest ships to ships a fraction of their size after attacking me :P

But his actions with AcesHigh also speaks volumes as everyone that he attacked with his alt is also on his list, just like RT is, and he would attack them with his main if he could.  So anyone that was hit had better realize what he is.  Actions speak louder than words, especially from one to whom words mean so little:atention:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 14, 2007, 08:27:08 PM
lostedchylde -  What about all the other members of alliance he keeps attacking?

The post he deleted says he was using them for "target practice"

I guess that's what he was doing with AcesHigh.  Using everyone for target practice.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: NightShadow on February 14, 2007, 08:37:36 PM
Bad guy i didn't delete my post i added the msg you sent me  :P

I had enough talk from from people wit big mouths on the forum so either come up in ranks or hold your tongue.

Can someone lock this thread it has become way off topic,i think   :21:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 14, 2007, 09:46:05 PM
 :))This time we will not back down until NS is removed or WoS is disbanded.  I post this so that all the innocent members of the WoS family can decide for themselves whether to fight or leave this alliance.  :)) :wounded1: hi 0o :14: :wow: :4: im so scared i dont know what. :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) 0o :2: :P :)) how many alts do you have? :pokey:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 15, 2007, 12:54:18 AM
My alt (pearl91) is also used for attacking people as much as possible, no it do not show in ranks often because i keep him on low power, but i use to 0 everyone in range.

My reason to do this kind of stuff is that it is too peaceful up in the top ranks, for many that is fine, but i like fighting.

if my main would be blamed...yes it IS the same person behind it, but not the same thoughts!

and mrtimbr, you are my friend, and you gave me a chance you wouldnt have given a lot of people...
but i will fight with NS and WoS...mostly because NS is one of my best friends on spaceo, and i like the other guys,
but as i said i also like fighting  :butcher:

oh i almost i said in the alliance forum :

if WE do not fight for our friends, why would THEY fight for us?

...quite true isnt it?

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on February 15, 2007, 02:09:36 AM
Well in my opinion and beliefs alts are a different entity unless they are use in consert which is against TOS by the way. as is attacking yourself.  However, I treat alts as a different person unless that person breaks the TOS about not using them in consert.  This is the way I look at it. Many however look at it as Mrtimber.   At times it appears that some people use thier alts to just attack enemies they can reach, Which I do not agree with.  I have stated my dislike of alts myself and have a thread that request that all people delete thier alt accounts as I have done.  I would again request that since we have so many players now alts are not necessary and should not be allowed at this time.  Since I have deleted all my alts I would request that others follow suit and do the same, to stop this type of hard feelings.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: TheDarkness on February 15, 2007, 04:10:44 AM
Just one question coz i really cant be bothered reading all that again but was NS alt attacking us using bugged creds if so then as far as im concerned that deserves the main being removed as well, now at least i know why you offered help for our alliance in a war, sorry dude i dont want help from two faced kids


Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: chicpea on February 15, 2007, 04:15:51 AM
NS your bad tut tut tut you attacked my members then offer to assist in my war with warriors of darkness was you feeling guilty by any chance....? Im sorry but i really dont want anything to do with a back stabber i prefer to be picky with which alliances i associate with.

Why play games if you have to cheat and use bugs prehaps you should stick to snakes and ladders or better yet solitaire where you only cheat yourself, some people have no morals...!!!

Regaurding my alt i treat as i do my main it helps run Serenity ( B ) and stands by the same rules i wont attack with it unless attacked.. All you players that abuse ALTS ruin it for others who dont. my alt has and hopefully will continue to assist others in game...


Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: NightShadow on February 15, 2007, 04:34:12 AM
Am the only person who has ever made an alt and attacked other alliances?No i did not use no bug i play fair i said there was a bug and i reported it to emi and he fixed it,so i didn't use a bug to attack.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: TheDarkness on February 15, 2007, 04:36:56 AM
You claimed to be a friend of serenitys then used your alt to attack us??? and then had the cheek to offer help with a war, i'm sure i'm missing out on something, when i was your age my friends were exactly that FRIENDS!!!!! we didnt stab each other in the back

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: chicpea on February 15, 2007, 04:38:32 AM
Ive broken the truce with your alliance my members want some revenge on the attacks made against them. They have free reign to take you out if they so wish as Serenity and Serenity ( B ) members are not happy with your actions.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 15, 2007, 04:39:45 AM
actually NS said that he reported the bug and got a reward for THAT!
and he used the reward, not the bug!

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: chicpea on February 15, 2007, 04:55:36 AM
Regardless of wot he used the fact remains he has no morals you dont attack your allies with an alt. Maybe looking the word allies up in the dictionary might help.. But in my eyes it means friend someone you can rely in time of need not someone who will attack becoause they are bored and want some fun...

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Silverthorne on February 15, 2007, 05:34:54 AM
Poor Nightshadow  :2:

And Lamma thought HE was the most hated, it seems that Nightshadow has taken the crown  0o

"<-----------------LOOK OVER THERE"

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 15, 2007, 07:07:52 AM
yea it seems so...and it will be a big war soon i guess

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 15, 2007, 08:03:18 AM
At this point I still don't believe a word that NightShadow says.  As far as I am concerned he is just trying to manipulate everyone and get sympathy.  He will never have the trust of Risk Takers as he has lied to us from the beginning of him playing the game.  Unfortunately, as he said, his members have been suffering because of his actions and therefore he has shown that he is not fit to lead as he allowed this to further his own personal goals.  At a minimum, he has to step down as leader, but if Spayed takes his place, Warriors of Shadows will not be better off. However, there are a lot of other good players in WoS that have not participated with NS and Spayed and one of them should be appointed leader.   

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 15, 2007, 08:17:34 AM
badguy, i think i am talking for ALL WoS members...

we all stand behind NS, not all of us have fought anyone, no that is true.
But those of us who do not like NS or what he is doing have already left. (noone)

Those of us that are left (all, if you cant count) WILL support NS!

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 15, 2007, 09:09:07 AM
NightShadow(#45215) encountered the Derelict MotherShip, engaging 2.949.826.589 fleet power.

Doesn't look like someone who is quitting the game.

As I said, be careful of his lies.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 15, 2007, 10:06:38 AM
badguy, check the topic where he said he was leaving, and see what people said about that.
WoS dont want him to leave, and if you have learnt to read, you will notice that most other people want him to stay too...he can change his mind without lying, you know?

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 15, 2007, 11:28:50 AM
BS.  He never intended to leave. He is a master manipulator and he was looking for sympathy.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: SirEmi on February 15, 2007, 07:33:09 PM
unlocked, let the war go on  kboom ...   :out_cold:   ...  :rip2: ...  :drunk:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Charlemagne on February 15, 2007, 07:34:08 PM
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Grab your guns, fellas!!

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 15, 2007, 07:47:09 PM
Thank you to Emi for allowing the game to grow and evolve

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 15, 2007, 08:26:58 PM
SnipeDragon got spanked  :))

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 15, 2007, 09:05:03 PM
master manipulator says alot for a guy in a stategy game. :pokey:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 15, 2007, 09:56:58 PM
I guess now that he is exposed, let's see how effective he'll be  :))

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Cameron07 on February 15, 2007, 10:37:30 PM
oh boy... well... night.. looks like you upset some people.. im sticking with nighty through it though.. and badguy.. your just annoying.. you say the same thing 1000 times...  :atention: we can hear you the first time.. theres no need for saying the same thing 100 times more

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 15, 2007, 10:42:48 PM
 :)) thats all he knows how to do cam. talk,talk,post,talk,whine :21:,talk,etc. haha

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 15, 2007, 10:53:52 PM
I think your team mate would disagree  :))

2007-02-12 13:25:13
Re: Re: Don't mess with me

good BTW your a good fleet maker and ship strategist you would have been great over here n e ways i gtg m8 cya best of luck to you

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 16, 2007, 03:26:32 AM
well, i can promise you that you arent wanted here anymore  :))
but i dont think you want to join either  :P

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 16, 2007, 08:06:22 AM
That wasn't the point.  I never wanted to be wanted there and I would not go there even if it were the only alliance available.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 16, 2007, 06:12:13 PM
 :4:for all the bad mouthing of NS. blakranger51 (#4633) left AL yesterday, calls himself a rogue hits 3 people in WOS for FA(cause they couldnt whip there way out of a wet paperbag alone) then goes back to AL today. how much did it cost you FA to find some one to attack for you. at least for all that you say about NS he is not a coward.  :4:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 16, 2007, 07:07:43 PM
Ah Captain Sausage (banger , get it?), The difference between you and I is the fact that I omly accuse when I have proof of something, to do otherwise would show a lack of self-control, and wisdom.  NS is not a coward?? Hhe creates an alt, uses it to repeatedly attack those he was on peaceful terms with, gets caught in slip up after slip up, he caused billions of creds in damage to my alliance while hiding his true identity?  He hid behind an alias??  Im the coward?
Blacranger PMd me last night right before he went all blitzkreig last night.  It was an alliance request.  It was rejected 1) because he just left an alliance, and 2),2103.0.html  . I couldnt go against what i posted just to get a mercanary.  Wouldnt be honest of me to do so.  I think Im an honest player, and Ive never broken my word that Im aware of...please point out if I have.
So sir , an allegation such as I paid for attacks to be carried out, places the burden of proof upon you.
All your other points are ,until then, moot, as it appears your thinking is emotional, and not logical

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 16, 2007, 10:04:31 PM
Well, it looks as if justice and truth have triumphed over deceit and cowardice as it appears as if Warriors of Shadows is being disbanded.  As of this post, down to 3 players and falling fast  :oops:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Seither on February 16, 2007, 10:14:46 PM
Wow nice Mrtimbr...adn thanks for infrming G-unit of the war, lol.

Mrtimbr is a very honest player, he only says what he means. and untl WoS is completely disband, G-unit will be right beside FA in the war.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 16, 2007, 11:02:36 PM
 :)) you will have to get blackranger out of AL again.  :)) i sat and watched blackranger quit one alliance do his hits all the while talking to you on chat. so he did you a favor or whatever but know he is back in AL. gimme a break fight your own fights. or maybe you cant. but there was alot going on payed or not. all WOS members are still together can you guess were we went. and if your so good how did NScause so much damage. =)) maybe next time you have sombody fight your fights hit the person you want not only lower fp players. hi

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: zephyrblade on February 17, 2007, 02:19:35 AM
Wow nice Mrtimbr...adn thanks for infrming G-unit of the war, lol.

Mrtimbr is a very honest player, he only says what he means. and untl WoS is completely disband, G-unit will be right beside FA in the war.And add Nightshadow to our permanent hitlist.
Sooo, If you feel like receiving a pwning, go to war with FA.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 17, 2007, 11:46:03 AM
I would like to thank those who stood up for what they belived in.  Although we've no doubt seen that type of thing for the last time, this time it wasnt tolerated.  Sometimes the biggest revoultions take place with minimal bloodshed.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 19, 2007, 01:03:54 AM
that is what you call minimal bloodshed?  :)
maybe for FA because noone could reach them  :P

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: zephyrblade on February 19, 2007, 02:41:04 AM
that is what you call minimal bloodshed?  :)
maybe for FA because noone could reach them  :P
Aces High/Nightshadow could.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 19, 2007, 08:44:37 AM
No, for example mrtimbr himself had 100 mil power, i dont know where aces high was but ns was above me, and i couldnt reach 100 mil power even if i reserved every single one of my ships

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 19, 2007, 03:55:58 PM
All right baltic , this is for you and Capn Sausage....I started the war and lo and behold, people joined right and left..I did not try to get others involved, they did so of their own free will; so as Ive tirelessley noted in other posts, we were outmanned and outpowered.  You guys act like you just discovered a cure for cancer, when any player could obviously see that FA was in trouble.  Within a day you guys folded faster than Superman on laundry day, I never got a chance to do much attacking.
I guess the point is that I was willing to destroy the Ancients because I believed in my cause.  I sure as heck hope that if the tables were turned, my guys wouldnt desert me.  But I guess that is because my guys believe in me, and are willing to fight no matter the odds.  So if you guys were so sure that FA would have fallen, and you bragged about 0ing Serenity, where the helld you all go?? 
Now go away or I shall taunt you a third time.
AND GOD, Banger argue with facts or STFU...its like arguing with special olympics athletes.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: blakranger51 on February 19, 2007, 05:31:54 PM
What I did I did for my own reasons...I was neither bribed nor convinced by anyone to leave AL, join Serenity, and unleash a beating on the lower half of WoS.
I settled things with NS, and went back to AL afterwards. I don't take it well when my allies start getting attacked, especially Serenity and Forgotten Ancients.

:)) you will have to get blackranger out of AL again.  :)) i sat and watched blackranger quit one alliance do his hits all the while talking to you on chat. so he did you a favor or whatever but know he is back in AL. gimme a break fight your own fights. or maybe you cant. but there was alot going on payed or not. all WOS members are still together can you guess were we went. and if your so good how did NScause so much damage. =)) maybe next time you have sombody fight your fights hit the person you want not only lower fp players. hi

He didn't "get me out of AL", I left so that I could knock some sense into your alliance, show them that picking on weak alliances doesn't make them gods, and that the vets of this game might not have all the time in the world to play and do well, but we at least have forged solid alliances, whereas for me anyway nightshadow will never regain my trust or respect.
banger you lost my respect a looong time ago, I regret having to infect one of my posts with a quote of yours, but it makes things simpler.
It's kind of hard to fight your own fights when the people attacking you have, what 10 times, 20 times your fleet power...
You may be together, but your leader is not with you, and it's really not your alliance.. That right there splits your alliance like nothing else could.


Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 19, 2007, 06:36:39 PM
*crooked smile*
No matter which side your on, you gotta admit it's added some new life to the game.  Its kinda nice to see divisions of ideas, and actions again.  We need new bad blood.  Whatever happened to the 'bad' guys?

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Charlemagne on February 19, 2007, 06:43:54 PM
I'm right here.... oh wait, I'm not a bad guy, I'm the scapegoat.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: blakranger51 on February 19, 2007, 06:58:42 PM
We're still, llama...nicholas (sort of). Hard to cause trouble these days tho...lightseeker has eyes like a hawk
now if only I could become invisible...  :21:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: BadGuy on February 19, 2007, 08:28:38 PM
Someone say something about BadGuy  :))

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Charlemagne on February 19, 2007, 09:25:21 PM
There's the bad guy!  Get him!!!

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Cameron07 on February 20, 2007, 05:08:14 PM
i never chose to leave wos.. there was some things that just caused us to split up for the time being.. i would have loved to zero FA and whoever else so  :P :P :P :P

us :pistols: :sniper: :butcher:----> you  :electricchair: :death: :rip2: :helpsmilie: kboom :puppyeyes:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 20, 2007, 07:24:53 PM
camper , you were one of the main reasons the first two wars were called off, NS took pity on you getting 0ed over, and over , and...

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Cameron07 on February 20, 2007, 10:52:51 PM
camper?? and.. well.. i forgot who im replying too.. but you never zero'd me.. so :P.. thats why i got higher in power and u stayed low because you  :thumbsdown:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Peter Angelo on February 21, 2007, 12:15:57 AM
How many people do you have in Gun-it currently?
Just wondering

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: mrtimbr549 on February 21, 2007, 11:50:13 AM
Hey cam, know what about the top ten?  its temporary, as is your balls anyone.  Come talk smack when your unit is as old  as mine.  And guess what, say what you want about how or why you disbanded...FA is alive and kicking, we didnt run from the fight.  My unit didnt disband to try and fight another day.  My MEN anlso didnt run for the protection of another alliance with a superior commander.
Its ironic that a big , bad, better alliance disbanded under the threat of , as you say, a weak , insignificant foe.  Amazing...look at the quit whining, accept that your unit collapsed, and put your faith in your new alliance.  Im sure they wont close up shop on you.
I may suck, as you say as a player, but I instigated the ruin of your alliance...I think that makes me a pretty decent leader.  You , as I faced total ruin when others entered this war...I posted many times that I knew it would be coslty and we probably couldnt win...but we NEVER< EVER< RAN.  L_O_S_E_R, I can learn not to suck, youll alwys be remebered as cowards who cut and ran.  My stool has more integrity than those of you who hid among others.
Timbr out.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 22, 2007, 02:18:59 AM
Kicked off the Alliance

Unfortunately your services are no longer needed by the Alliance...
this is how we cut and ran. you are really gonna hurt your arm mrtimbr549 patting your own back that way. :harhar: :)) were you at hiding down there with the noobs. :pokey: stuff you we didnt run we were shoved! at least your aliance name fits FORGOTTEN.  :)) you talk good though.  :)) but thats all i have ever seen from you.  :))

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: The-Joe on February 22, 2007, 06:05:40 AM
Just to make things right. I know nobody from WoS who leaved the alliance because of that punny war. It was entirely NS's decision, and it is his right as he was the leader and founder of the alliance. You guys managed to hurt only the lower rank members of the alliance, but they were refunded by us easily.
Don't pet yourself on the back to much, because you did'nt manage to strike any fear.

Peace... until it's war again.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Revan on February 23, 2007, 03:16:06 PM
Kicked off the Alliance

Unfortunately your services are no longer needed by the Alliance...
this is how we cut and ran. you are really gonna hurt your arm mrtimbr549 patting your own back that way. :harhar: :)) were you at hiding down there with the noobs. :pokey: stuff you we didnt run we were shoved! at least your aliance name fits FORGOTTEN.  :)) you talk good though.  :)) but thats all i have ever seen from you.  :))

your pretty stupid you know that, the FA was there in the beginning and will be there in the end.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: blakranger51 on February 23, 2007, 05:20:11 PM
Huh? WoS? whats that?  :confused:

Hmm i seem to recall...nope.
Forgotten ancients has been around, what 600+ days now. Come back when you've been around that long.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 24, 2007, 02:01:17 PM
600+ days = no real life :)) come out of your moms basement :)) i have only been playing since last round and have three times power of your whole alliance :)) hi =)) :werule:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Revan on February 24, 2007, 02:05:40 PM
Yeah you see we (FA) ues brains  L:) You use Paypal

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 24, 2007, 02:18:49 PM
yes i have donated $10 for turns a couple of times. you all should if you like this game! it doesnt pay for it self freeloader. it is how you use the turns that make you different. keep calling me names because that is the only way you can attack. and like a turd in the toilet it will always be there till you flush it. see you on D-day Revan. if it were not for people like me that kick in a couple of bucks every month there would not be a game to play. and you would be left to play with yourself. :)) but you probably do that anyway. :nono: you know you'll go blind. =)) :werule: :diablo:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: blakranger51 on February 24, 2007, 08:56:13 PM
"you have no life"...says the guy who gives money in globs to an online game, and is online at least 20X more than probably most of FA...go read a dictionary, maybe your vocabulary will grow larger than an 8 year olds.    :14:

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: zephyrblade on February 25, 2007, 01:18:49 AM
Pwn'd by blakranger.

Forgotten you say?   :21:
That's why we're in the top ten and you are....OH YEAH, DISBANDED.  :14:  :))  :P
Move out of my mum's basement?
I'm only 12. SRSLY.

You're telling us to grow up and get a life, when you PAYED REAL MONEY to an... ONLINE "GAME".
We may not be the most powerful alliance out there, but we've more soul in our sphincters, than you'll ever have in your whole life. PHAIL.  :))

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on February 27, 2007, 08:54:45 AM
I have played for a few rounds, I am 15, non-gold and i havent donated.
Still FA was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar behind

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: blakranger51 on February 27, 2007, 09:27:22 AM
They sure whooped you guys...

Thats pretty embarrassing, being beat by an alliance that you keep calling "so far behind" and "weak"   :))

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Seither on February 27, 2007, 11:14:55 AM
How many people do you have in Gun-it currently?
Just wondering

We have 15 members currently Peter, why do you ask? And sorry it tooks so long fr a reply, lol, been busy. Job hunting is a time consuming task.

600+ days = no real life :)) come out of your moms basement :)) i have only been playing since last round and have three times power of your whole alliance :)) hi =)) :werule:
Captain Banger, now a days getting power means only 1 thing: Spending a ton of time online, it requires little to no skill to break into the billions. I'd have loved to see you play the OLD SpaceO, where all we had were secret bases to get credits. you wouldn't last a week. THAT was true skill. Power means nothing now, only age and being in the top ten. You, have neither of those, so you have no room to talk. As for moving out of parents basements, I advise you take your own advice before telling others to do so. And while you're at it, maybe you should stop stealing their credit cards to donate eh? I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

I have played for a few rounds, I am 15, non-gold and i havent donated.
Still FA was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar behind

you guys do realise that FA has a LOT of new members, right? and Baltic, you've played for nearly 4 rounds now, that's old enough to know how to play well. baltic (#10090) 62,485,040,876 power. And 62B isn't all that much baltic. You can easily get that from pships from 5B power. And I don't think gunfighter would appreciate you talking trash and causing a war with an allied alliance. He's kicked people out of TH for less then that, so you might want to think about that before you go starting things.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: Captain Banger on February 27, 2007, 03:48:43 PM
 :)) Monkey D. Luffy whats a matter strike nerve! "As for moving out of parents basements, I advise you take your own advice before telling others to do so. And while you're at it, maybe you should stop stealing their credit cards to donate eh? I'm sure they'd appreciate it." sorry i cant i have no parents, both gone. donating is bad? if no one donated or paid for servers and forums were would you be? it is easy to come up with $10 even if your 12 and mail it. nothing in this world is free. someone always has to pay. i cant see how you all play this game and not want to help it. donating to this game and forums if you play and post should be done willingly and with gratitude to those that work so hard for you to enjoy this fantastic game and these marvelous forums. to have played so long and not even send a $1 a month is sad and shows a lack of character in my opinion. i need nothing in game but will still donate again next week. thanks to all who make this game and forums possible. and sorry the only way i can help is to donate and shame on those that dont.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on March 01, 2007, 06:43:56 PM
as long as you go on like that about WoS and my old friends ill tell you what i want to tell you!

and no it isnt that much, and that is because i (like many others) dont have enough time to play as well as I (we) can.

no more comments.

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: blakranger51 on March 02, 2007, 10:31:08 PM
as long as you go on like that about WoS and my old friends ill tell you what i want to tell you!

and no it isnt that much, and that is because i (like many others) dont have enough time to play as well as I (we) can.

no more comments.

Pretty much defines most of FA...just don't have the time anymore.

You're going to tell me no more comments?  :))  Think again

Title: Re: A stroy of FA, Warriors of Shadows, and Aces High
Post by: baltic on March 03, 2007, 06:44:21 AM
*thinking again*

well look where i got with no time  :P

(no more comments?)