Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

General Talk => Report Abuse => Topic started by: NightShadow on January 25, 2007, 08:08:47 PM

Title: Gordioda
Post by: NightShadow on January 25, 2007, 08:08:47 PM
Im not a female but i think that is very inappropriate for females that play this game his chat window should be closed 4 ever  :12:

gordioda(#29563): now come suck **** hore
gordioda(#29563): did i say that hehe
gordioda(#29563): suck my ****
gordioda(#29563): ******* hore
gordioda(#29563): ****
gordioda(#29563): ****
gordioda(#29563): *****
gordioda(#29563): tok me a long time
gordioda(#29563): po****r
gordioda(#29563): popualr
gordioda(#29563): poular
gordioda(#29563): oular
gordioda(#29563): ****
gordioda(#29563): spam

gordioda(#29563): would you suck  ****
MALICE(#2953): morning guys
gordioda(#29563): now come **** hore
gordioda(#29563): did i say that hehe

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: mrtimbr549 on January 25, 2007, 08:11:07 PM
just to reiterate what NS said

gordioda(#29563):  now come  **** hore
gordioda(#29563): did i say that hehe
gordioda(#29563):  my ****
gordioda(#29563): ******* hore
gordioda(#29563): ****
gordioda(#29563): ****
gordioda(#29563): *****
gordioda(#29563):  tok me a long time
gordioda(#29563): po****r
gordioda(#29563): popualr
gordioda(#29563): poular
gordioda(#29563): oular
gordioda(#29563): ****
gordioda(#29563): spam
DarkNinja(#38231): d**n im going on my alt now *****
DarkNinja(#38231): well thanks alot **** face

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: NightShadow on January 25, 2007, 08:16:57 PM
gordioda(#29563): i would prefer it to be a girl but  ****
gordioda(#29563): im not sad im happy someone is gonna
Captain Banger(#45553): is he talking to self?
mrtimbr549(#298): what a sad little person..
gordioda(#29563): but not on me ***
gordioda(#29563): be my guest
gordioda(#29563): you wanna **** also
mrtimbr549(#298): reported...
MALICE(#2953): gordiodastop spamming
mrtimbr549(#298): gorioda......
gordioda(#29563): would you ****
MALICE(#2953): morning guys

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: NightShadow on January 25, 2007, 08:33:58 PM
gordioda(#29563): i got better things to spend money on
zilong(#38149): cos we r in the same alliance
MALICE(#2953): she came into this when u started mouthing off about her friend, as davey is mine
gordioda(#29563): i dont want to achive to his lvl il be spenind money like him all the time
zilong(#38149): hi malice...
davey boy(#17621): thanks malice
gordioda(#29563): shut zilong when the hell did you come in this
MALICE(#2953): gordi, davey is just an experienced player he is alot higher thn what you could ever achieve to be
zilong(#38149): now start cracking yr head n play
gordioda(#29563): davey says:mal huh whats a mall i donte and dont leave my house and got no life
zilong(#38149): well, good for u...
mrtimbr549(#298): gordo noone doubts you dont spen money
gordioda(#29563): i go to the mall ans stuff bet davey doesnt know what that is
gordioda(#29563): me i got a life and dont spend my life savings on this
zilong(#38149): unlike u who only knows how to use mouth to talk
cameron07(#39619): what happened to the smiley
gordioda(#29563): but hay thanks to him the game is cool keep on donating davey
mrtimbr549(#298): cam!
cameron07(#39619): gordioda blows

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: NightShadow on January 25, 2007, 08:38:03 PM
gordioda(#29563): better focus on that not this
zilong(#38149): u better watch yr lang, son
gordioda(#29563): and i thought ladys did a good job at ing
gordioda(#29563): im in your mommas allaince
mrtimbr549(#298): remfers a good guy , he deserves better
zilong(#38149): thks...
davey boy(#17621): good idea tim
MALICE(#2953): i might see if i can see gordi on one of my alts hmm
mrtimbr549(#298): i believe ill have you removed gordo and dar ninja
mrtimbr549(#298): hmmmm...i took remfer in as a noob...maybe its time to return the favor
davey boy(#17621): good one ns
zilong(#38149): wat alliance is gordi at
zilong(#38149): nice night
cameron07(#39619): ... go night
gordioda(#29563): your a lady well then
mrtimbr549(#298): well hell yea it is...nightshadow crippled him
MALICE(#2953): gordi wernt u ever taught how to respect a lady?
zilong(#38149): ur losing yr plot...
davey boy(#17621): just ignore him its so obvious its dark ninjas alt
zilong(#38149): ur just being sour grape...

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: mrtimbr549 on January 25, 2007, 08:55:47 PM
It is my opinion that serious consideration should be made for permanent IP banishment.  To act in such a manner in front of Malice, who is a minor female as Im led to understand, is inappropriate, nay unconscionable.
If this is not a breach of the spirit and ethics put forth by the TOS, then I shudder to imagine what would be required to do so.
I ask for all following posts to vote for removal or not.

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: davey boy on January 25, 2007, 08:58:50 PM
yes i agree he just gets on messenger to see how many peoplehe can upset and should be punished

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: MALICE on January 25, 2007, 09:01:55 PM
i think gordioda should be banned...he cant say anything respectful he shouldnt be able to say anything, and mouthing off about davet being a cheater is really low.

 :ban: :ban: :ban: :banned:

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: zilong on January 25, 2007, 09:35:19 PM
ban him...

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: Remfer on January 25, 2007, 09:54:19 PM
unfortunatly i'm not there, or i would mute him since i'm not able to ban, it's the best i can do :(

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: Charlemagne on January 25, 2007, 11:02:17 PM
Add him to the Hall of Shame as well... it would seem he deserves it.

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: Silverthorne on January 26, 2007, 12:51:36 AM
I concur with what has been said, and would wholeheartedly support action being taken against such a perpetrator. There is a time and place for such things and it isnt here.

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: lostedchylde on January 26, 2007, 01:21:49 AM
 gordioda :banned:


Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: Remfer on January 26, 2007, 07:06:45 AM
BAN! 100.000.000% BAN!

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: Seither on January 26, 2007, 08:00:32 AM
we had a problem with thi guy before too....

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: FTP on January 26, 2007, 08:12:56 AM
Such behaviour shouldnever be allowed, ban, IP ban.

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: NightShadow on January 26, 2007, 04:39:28 PM
Yeah i agree wit Blak ban his chat but be careful wit IP ban :P

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: drakken on January 29, 2007, 10:05:49 PM
Drakken(#28479): nope not that either
gordioda(#29563): or had someone give your sorry ass credits
gordioda(#29563): yeah rite cheater
Drakken(#28479): i didnt donate
gordioda(#29563): you just donated cheater come down here il whip you up
Drakken(#28479): to bad your not good enough to be high enough for me to attack ;-p
gordioda(#29563): go da*v* **** haha
gordioda(#29563): you also
gordioda(#29563): drakken who are you to tell me what to do
drakkensalt(#35545): davey can you get on msn?
gordioda(#29563): <--------that face rules
drakkensalt(#35545): stop spamming chat
this guy is making me mad..emi do something about it.

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: lostedchylde on January 29, 2007, 10:28:54 PM
gordioda(#29563): well im down here waiting for you come get some
gordioda(#29563): hes so high
gordioda(#29563): all top ten donated something to get there davey really did it
gordioda(#29563): yeah see that neb around blakranger i did that
Drakken(#28479): nope not that either
gordioda(#29563): or had someone give your sorry ass credits
gordioda(#29563): yeah rite cheater
Drakken(#28479): i didnt donate
gordioda(#29563): you just donated cheater come down here il whip you up

Lets do this thing. :banned:                                                                                                     :spider2:

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: Seither on January 30, 2007, 02:36:02 PM
Tell me what time he is on (3am GMT? 4pm EST? ect.) While I'd prefer it if you could give me the time in EST, I'll convert it myself if nee be. But I need to be on when he is posting in chat to mute him.

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: FTP on January 31, 2007, 02:43:29 AM
He's on at 8:42 CET (France, Netherlands, Germany.... )

Hemiptera(#51457): what of it?
gordioda(#29563): hey are you still on hem
Hemiptera(#51457): the true ones shall triumph while the tainted shall be destroyed
Hemiptera(#51457): i am all that is true
Hemiptera(#51457): prepare to fear the me true one
gordioda(#29563): il shut up if someone talks

Title: Re: Gordioda
Post by: Seither on January 31, 2007, 07:49:32 AM
Jeez, his dude is on at 2:40am my time....I'll be hard pressed to catch him on.....