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General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gunfighter Frank on January 07, 2007, 11:36:34 AM

Title: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on January 07, 2007, 11:36:34 AM
Hey luffy I checked the stats today and was suprized to see that i only have a bit less time online than you do but for some reason you have like 7 times my post count.   Could this be that you post a bunch of spam or sensless banter?  Don't get me wrong since I am in the top 10 for post count and thread starters. But come on Luffy you have to admit like this thread it is mostly senceless comments.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: drakken on January 07, 2007, 11:43:10 AM
hahaha yeah frank im glad someone else see's's very annoying to see luffy post...always i know it's waste of time to read his stuff. luffy quit posting so much. theres no need for your longwindedness.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Nicholas Duo Wolfwood on January 07, 2007, 03:30:36 PM
Wow, I can feel the heat from that burn from here . . .

True though

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 07, 2007, 04:34:51 PM
First off, I have DSL Frank, so i can do more then you post wise because I have a smaller load time. Secondly, I always make sure my posts are at least fairly insightful and very rarely off topic. and actually frank, i only start a few "senseless banter" topics, most of my posts are replies to other people, and I've said it many times, if sir emi thinks they are spam, he can delete them at will, no complaints. He hasn't, so relly, nothing more to say.

My post count merely reflects that I express my opinion often, which I am entitled to do. and drakken, you have only posted 5 times, and looking at your profile, 2 others were just as senseless as this one, so 3/5 posts are senless. That's 60% of your posts. I know my ratio is easily lower then that. So before you speak, think about what you are saying.

Insult me/flame me over my post count all you want, very few people complain about it, and you only bring it up when I get close to making another thousand mark. Frankily, why do you care?

~16 posts left~

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Midnight44 on January 09, 2007, 05:17:18 PM
Well, Post #'s reflect your Space Odyssey wisdom as I see it. Monkey, you must be a S.O. god...  :))...jk

You do post a bit too much bro. Take it easy on emi too. He doesn't have time to read all 3007 of your posts to see if they are spam.  :19:

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: KLoather on January 09, 2007, 05:19:26 PM
Since I'm fairly new to this game, I've taken some time to read through the forums to glean what useful info I can on gameplay, design, etc. While i may be new to this game, I play others, too, and from what I read here is what I see in another game. In that game we would call Luffy an e-peener, a variation of e-thingy. Usually, it is someone who is interested in bragging rights to something that most people consider trivial, because their game play isn't special. Most of the great players I've run into on various games, rarely post & only if they have something insightful to say, not for post count. This is not to say Luffy isn't a good player, he may be, it's just that maybe he has too much time on his hands, or too young to get a job. Oh, and BTW, Luffy, I have DSL, too, and my mommy doesn't pay for it for me. :PP :PP :PP

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Midnight44 on January 09, 2007, 05:21:27 PM
Hahahahaha... Well, you may be new bro. But, I like you style.  :19:

I agree with you 100%...

P.S.- Maybe you would be interested in joining Aeternal_Light 2?

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 09, 2007, 06:34:31 PM
i know i said your not worthy of battling me in debating. but i can't help it. u stated in the above post that u only post so much to state your opinion. if that's true then why do u always tell people to do things that u don't do your self. one day u say don't do this. then the next u do it your self. to express your opinion. then turn around and not live by it. shows it's not your opinion to begin with. your just trying to say what u think others would want to hear. trying to impress emi maybe.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Silverthorne on January 09, 2007, 08:18:22 PM
What - you have DSL !!! So do I and it doesnt mean that I can post more mr. monkey.

I chose the posts that I reply to carefully, most of the time someone has already post what I wanted to say so I dont as it would only be saying the same thing again. I also dont feel like I have to say something about everything.

Then again Im not trying to break post records or anything, I will go all out if that thing will benefit my real life, a high post count will not.

This is just my little opinion.

See you next round

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 09, 2007, 11:46:52 PM
First of, Kloath, my school pays for my internet, as I have to use it to access my schoolwork. Secondly, an opinion is not a way of life wolfy, just because I say that gays should be allowed to marry doesn't mean I am gay. That's common sense. Third, I'm not the greatest player out here, I know that, but i am above average. I don't brag about my posting count, I only bring notice to it when I'm about to make another big number, like the 3000th, and only when I'm pretty close, between 100-50 posts.

And I state this once again: Your words mean nothing, they are merely words, I don't care what you think about me, or what you say about me. I've been here longer then a lot of commanders, so what if I post more then avergae, I was one of the first people on the forum as well. I don't need to prove anything to you people, especially since odds are, most of you will quite because of the game changes you complain so muc about. That is of course, if you follow what you say you will do.

And I don't honestly expect Sir Emi to read all my posts. If I have anything really important that he needs to see, I send it to him directly, duh.

and silverthorne, I have a lot of opinions on just about everything under the sun. I have every right to express those opinions. As I said, I just tend to do it more often, because I'm usual home and at the computer 18 out of 24 hours a day, as I don't need a lot of sleep.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 10, 2007, 01:12:34 AM
can u remember anything are do u have old timers at an early age. your example of if u aprove gay marriage that doesn't make u gay is a very poor example. u stated within the last week for me not to point fingers at anyone without knowing the facts. yet u come along afew days later and do the same thing to me. pointing a finger at me and making statements that u knew nothing about. then u tell people not to wine about everything. but that's all i've seen u do for the past week. then u try to use a real life example to prove why emi's royalties is the right way to go. so i follow with the right example of what the real world econamy is like. so u change it to it's a game and not real life. then why did u refer to it in a real life example? then u say that the game needs to get back to the way it was. pvp instead of people going for the highest rank. but yet u continue to throw the only thing u can win in everyones face. with the count down to 3k posts. BTW i hope this post hurts your eyes luffy :). every time i make a post without spacing. it means i'm thinking of u.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 10, 2007, 02:39:40 AM
I realized when you made your point that you were right, my example doesn't work, so I admitted that and said as it is a game, it won't operate exactly like real life.

and i fixed that little problem a slight adjustment to my screen and it did all the work for me. and I don't play to win wolfy, I play to have fun. IfI wanted to win, I'd ask for my parents credit card and donate enough to make the top ten with ease, as we can afford it. But I don't, becuase I'd rather have fun then win anyday. and it's Alzheimer’s, not old timers.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 10, 2007, 01:01:58 PM
to not want to win shows that u don't want to work for it. my ppoint has been made then. thank you for confirming it.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 10, 2007, 05:36:28 PM
no wolfy, I do try, but winning isn't that important to me, are you seriously this stupid? I'd rather have fun playing a game then be so stressed out trying to win it. Winning should never be the most important thing in a game, it's just something that makes it a little more fun and gives you something to strive for.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 10, 2007, 06:15:20 PM
to not want to win at a game is to not care about the game. sorry but your living a lie. basic human behavior 101. so do u live a sheltered life. i mean come on not to know the basic human behavior shows u live a sheltered life. get some friends and maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend(which ever u prefer) and maybe u will learn some good morales from them.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 10, 2007, 06:37:20 PM
A)I have a girlfriend, and B) you show your ingnorence everytime you open your mouth. I'm taking Psychology and Sociology, I know what I'm talking about. Plus, not everyone is the same. Do I strive to do good in real life? Yes. But in a game that affects nothing in my life? no, I don't get all stressed out if I don't do good or win. I try my best, but that's it.

So maybe you need to think before you speak.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 10, 2007, 07:21:50 PM
no wolfy, I do try, but winning isn't that important to me, are you seriously this stupid? I'd rather have fun playing a game then be so stressed out trying to win it. Winning should never be the most important thing in a game, it's just something that makes it a little more fun and gives you something to strive for.

this is the post i'm refering to. if what i said is an insult then so is yours. me open my mouth without knowing what i'm talking about? weird! ain't that what u did and the whole reason we ever started debating. u state your taking them classes. yet in the past week i have already caught u in 2 lies and 5-7 contradictions. seems u just say whatever u can think of to try and make u seem right in the others eyes. will i ever believe u on anything. no way! so u can try to boost your self up all u want i have seen the real u and it's a shame that i had to see such a thing.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 11, 2007, 08:10:21 AM
wolfy, I have never lied, and I've never contradicted myself, you just don't know how to read what people write without taking it out of context. you're just being stupid. And Really wolfy, you've meet me in real life? oh wait, no you haven't. man, just shut up already, you're the one who started this whole debate too, not me. And just because I take classes doesn't excempt me from human error, now does it. Oh wait, I forgot, your god, so you know everything, we should ll bow to your feet because you managed to get in the top ten once. Big whoop, means nothing in real life. You need to get some perspective you stupid 12 year old.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 11, 2007, 01:55:18 PM
now that was an insult. i had stopped u said to ignore each other. i said fair enough. but it's on now for life. i'm not one  to report u so i will just make u mader. u done lost your temper to me so now i know your weakness. who's your daddy now! i have already gave countless examples of how u contradicted yourself and one on how u lied. u have got nothing on me and u couldn't get away with a web of lies so u lost your temper. that's why i always speak the truth. cuz it's the fastest way to make someone mad. i still think your best for the admin job even tho people like u make me sick most times.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Remfer on January 11, 2007, 06:31:06 PM
so what ur saying is people like monkey make u sick sometimes...lets put that through the string of what u said

step 1:
people like u make me sick most times.

Step 2:
i still think your best for the admin job

Step 3: If monkey == makes wolfy sick most times && monkey == best for admin > Then Sir Emi who == admin also == makes wolfy sick most times...

u know based on the three steps i just showed...u could not just be insulting monkey, but also emi...good thing it's not what u meant...but still :)

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 12, 2007, 12:27:36 AM
lol good way to twist it around. but yup without explaining myself differently it could be taken that way.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: FTP on January 12, 2007, 01:26:36 AM
Remfer thats the same of saying, youre girlfriend can feel pain, youre cat can feel pain so she is youre girlfriend. Dunno the english word for it but in dutch that is "drogredeneren"

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 12, 2007, 06:35:09 AM
wolfy, you didn't stop, I had replied to your last post, and the way you were acting was exactly like a 12 year old. And lol remfer.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 12, 2007, 03:08:09 PM
i did stop look at the times of the post and the last one i checked was u calling a truce. so i stopped. had already posted the other ones.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Remfer on January 12, 2007, 04:05:17 PM
yep...i guess u could say ur cat was ur girlfriend :))

what a weird world this would be if we all looked at it like that :)) hi

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Argus on January 12, 2007, 05:41:53 PM
No offence luffy, but i most often skip your posts entirely when I read a thread... I find I can often get to the point much faster that way.
Anyway... in an attempt to get something useful out of this thread... would you happen to have any links for sci fi related comics?

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Remfer on January 12, 2007, 08:50:35 PM
have u tried  i've never tried it but maybe it'll have something :)

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: ars68 on January 13, 2007, 11:23:45 PM
to not want to win at a game is to not care about the game. sorry but your living a lie. basic human behavior 101. so do u live a sheltered life. i mean come on not to know the basic human behavior shows u live a sheltered life. get some friends and maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend(which ever u prefer) and maybe u will learn some good morales from them.

ok... just stop... now.  fyi: he is right when he says he has friends, me being one of them.  u just insulted me there as well, thank you very much.  another fyi: I live a LOT more sheltered life then luffy COULD live, so ya, you just insulted me there as well.

and I don't even know why this is a problem...

what do you call it when people try to get a higher post count then luffy?
a very active and lively forum, that's what.

so really... I don't see any problem here.  according to luffy's post count, I'd say he's 1 of the most important people right now as far as keeping this forum highly active, making sure stuff get's responded to.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: wolfy28 on January 14, 2007, 03:08:34 AM
lol did u say something ars68. sounded like u were trying too. but all i heard was blah blah blah blah blah blah!

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Asria on January 14, 2007, 03:24:45 AM
to not want to win at a game is to not care about the game. sorry but your living a lie. basic human behavior 101. so do u live a sheltered life. i mean come on not to know the basic human behavior shows u live a sheltered life. get some friends and maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend(which ever u prefer) and maybe u will learn some good morales from them.

ok... just stop... now.  fyi: he is right when he says he has friends, me being one of them.  u just insulted me there as well, thank you very much.  another fyi: I live a LOT more sheltered life then luffy COULD live, so ya, you just insulted me there as well.

and I don't even know why this is a problem...

what do you call it when people try to get a higher post count then luffy?
a very active and lively forum, that's what.

so really... I don't see any problem here.  according to luffy's post count, I'd say he's 1 of the most important people right now as far as keeping this forum highly active, making sure stuff get's responded to.

Indeed. But the Moderators also have to keep their eyes open.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 15, 2007, 02:40:33 AM
and I do keep my eyes open asria, it is one reason I end up posting all over the forum, because I'm looking around for things needing to be delt with. most of my posts were made after I became a moderator for the first time.

Honestly, if I was merely trying for a high postcount, I'd just spam topics randomly, and argus, it's fine that you don't stop to read all my posts, I don't mind that at all. I rarely read every post by someone in a thread after their initial response, I just browse through for key words. I don't expect every post I make to be read, but i know that it is nice to know when you post something, that their is someone who agrees with you, which is what most of this post count complaint is about, my short posts telling people i agree.

And if you notice, I haven't been on very often recently, maybe 1 time every 3 days, because real life keeps me busy. There are times when I have enough free time to stay on almost all day. It varies day to day. So if my posts annoy you, and my post count insults you, don't read my posts and don't look at my post count. As I stated before, it's only about 5-10 commanders who have a real problem with my post count. The rest either don't care, or just ignore most of my posts.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: ars68 on January 15, 2007, 03:07:56 AM
hey, if you have that much of a problem with his posts, just ignore them like everybody else... oh wait, what was that?
*looks up to see luffy posted*
hehe, oops  :))

na, jk, normally from what I've seen you at least -attempt- to stay on topic...

and really, I talked to you about this before, and I agree, really, a good reason for all this whatnot about luffy's post count, is simply because when he reaches, say, 3k posts, he is the first EVER on this forum to get that high, and thus also showing what certain ranks are called...

like for example, at the current rate people are going, how long would it be before you found out the rank luffy's at now is called posting machine?

and I'm sorry if people see my text as just more blah blah blah, and I sincerely hope you do good at any job anywhere that has training... because it is obvious you haven't gone through anything like that or you would be used to this already.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Smee on January 15, 2007, 08:26:23 AM

sounds like people are just jelous lol

oh well

get over it who cares read them or not

Smee :12:

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: lostedchylde on January 15, 2007, 05:34:34 PM
 :cheer:  i'm thinking i want to post like luffy.


Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: ars68 on January 16, 2007, 08:16:52 PM
heh, ya, the funny thing is, I have such a low post count... yet you see the length of most of my posts you see some of them are easily 5 to 10 times the size a normal post... lol\

(I'm trying to keep it down to make it easier on you guys, truly I am :)) just I hate posting multiple times on the same thing, lol)

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Asria on January 16, 2007, 08:36:40 PM
I meant nothing ill by it, Luffy. Sheesh.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 17, 2007, 02:56:22 AM
I know asria, but people here like to take what people say and bend it to their will, so I was clarifing the matter now, before it happened. I know you meant no ill by it, lol.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Charlemagne on January 19, 2007, 02:45:06 PM
*sigh*  What the hell is wrong with people these days?  Let Luffy post however many times he chooses.  It's NOT a big deal.  I fail to see how a post count has any relevance to what is being said through the post.  Let's all stop acting like children and grow up and realize that we're better than that.
Can we not get back to the original purpose of the thread?

Luffy, I hate to say it, but you DO digress quite a lot in your posts sometimes.

Oh, and wolfy...

If you really want to be taken seriously, you should probably invest in a typing course of some sort.  Because honestly, I'm more inclined to ignore posts by people who type like you than people who can type well (like Luffy, for example, but of course there ARE exceptions).

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: deathStar1337 on January 19, 2007, 04:17:25 PM
:wallbash: Oh My Goshies....  who cares how many posts luffy does or does not have?  well some of you do for some reason  0o

yes luffy made a big deal about reaching 3k posts, thats because it means something to him  :21:

If like most people you think his posts are "useless" then simply dont read them :14:
I personally find a portion of his posts to be tiring because they dont always get to the point fast and are very long *no offence ment* ... this is just how he is and how he likes to post  *if i am wrong luffy then throw a pie at me* :tomato: :wounded1:
if ya dont like it then just skip them...  stop moaning about it already! :yawn: thats more annoying then anything  :sweat

  :spam:  O.O juest realized i am defending luffy O.O  gotta run..... :bye2:

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 19, 2007, 04:38:16 PM
I do tend to be long winded and detailed about my posts, that is very true deathstar, it's a bad habit of being a writer. I take no offense to it.

and yes, being the 1st person to reach 3k posts does mean something to me, it's something that no one else has done yet, so it's a little special to me personally. But I thank you, and Charlemagne, at least partially, for your kind words, and ya, Char, I do disgress some, but i'm not the only one, lol.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Charlemagne on January 20, 2007, 09:01:20 PM
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm behind you 100%... I just like to call a spade a spade, y'know?  :14:

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 23, 2007, 03:25:52 PM
I get that, and i know you're 100% behind me...just with a blaster at my head. lol, jk.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Charlemagne on January 23, 2007, 09:19:20 PM
Hahahaha.... Oh, if only I had insurance THAT good... Lol.

Title: Re: Post count and Luffy
Post by: Seither on January 25, 2007, 08:27:59 AM
lol, yes, if only