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Alliance General Talk => Hit List => Topic started by: neptis on December 29, 2006, 09:51:32 AM

Title: mny hit list
Post by: neptis on December 29, 2006, 09:51:32 AM
ok its very small

babies1: man i am begining not to like him  this is the second time he/she has atacket and completly wiped out my best fleets

and the only resen i maniged to get the best ojes is because of the bonis gredits in the voting bit at cristmas. Its cona take me weeks to get them back now

whatalongemailadress:well this guy did the same as babies but i have worked out a trety of a sort with him , its more of an agrement . that i will not atack him if dousent atack me , but he is stil on the list. Manly becases  if he atacks me agen he will not be geting of it agen . he will stay thare and he nowes that .

ok not that i am much of a threat to eny of them now my fleets been demolished but i wanted to post the list



Zieram:god dam git keeps on atacking me for now resen this is like the 8 time he has atcked me

he also demolised my best figters  and my most expensive  ship, i want him DEMOLISHED to the hyest degre aswell

Title: Re: mny hit list
Post by: Remfer on January 08, 2007, 10:07:35 PM
there was a huge credit bonus at xmas?  darn...stupid vacation to england...stupid spend time with family and not let me go to my cousin's house cuase you got to drive there...stupid no internet besides at my cousins house...i'd be back in action if i were online then...

Title: Re: mny hit list
Post by: Lammalord on January 11, 2007, 09:40:55 PM
babies? ha ha hes and experenced member your not match for him

Title: Re: mny hit list
Post by: neptis on January 12, 2007, 03:13:28 PM
i now i have no chance i just want him on my list eny way and mabie one day like years and years from now i might beable to get revenge , besides i now he is experenced and i will not try untill i am good enuf to (whitvch will be never) but eny how he will pay eventuly even if his uther acount atacts me aswell


Title: Re: mny hit list
Post by: neptis on February 18, 2007, 04:30:28 PM
aculy this is my old hit list i have a new one some whair , bvut cant fined , i might just scrap it now , but later on i will reactivate it , but for now all names a scraped , and i will not coment on the spelling thing you just said ,i's safer for both of us that way , trust me