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Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Remfer on November 26, 2006, 03:59:00 PM

Title: Another Insurance Suggestion
Post by: Remfer on November 26, 2006, 03:59:00 PM
I think there should be insurance for lost ships on Galaxy Events such as forgotten commander. 

Here is what just happened a few minutes ago.

Assault result

Remfer(#36647)'s 1 Plasma Cruiser 1 are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#0)'s 1687 small 1 1 are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#0)'s 6671 NANO Fighter v1 1 are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#0)'s 11503 S1 1 are destroyed during battle.
You attacked Unidentified Fleet(#0)'s fleet and mothership from deep space.
You destroyed Unidentified Fleet(#0)'s 19861 ships and lost 1/2 ships.

Incoming transmision!
Thank you for your help commander, you have been awarded 394 experience.
Unidentified Fleet(#0) lost more power than you during battle.
(+151 Exp)

Yeah, so i got a total of about 550 exp. but i lost about 160 mill from a ship.  fortunatly it wasn't my big ship, but even still, i was left with one ship and 7 mill

I really think there should be insurance for defeating these people...

E.G. Your loss was greater than the reward, the commander felt bad for you and gave you an aditional 140 million credits towards a new ship...

Now i know it isn't a real mission, but it is just a waste of money for a small amout of 394 experience + whatever i recieved from the battle.


Title: Re: Another Insurance Suggestion
Post by: Seither on November 30, 2006, 09:21:49 PM
that's a good idea. When you insure your car, it doesn't just apply in head on collisions, those fender benders and t-bones count too. Insurance should be all around, no just one area.

Title: Re: Another Insurance Suggestion
Post by: Remfer on December 03, 2006, 03:49:13 PM
 :)) nice metaphore

but just because ur not working for the counicl like mission contracts, doesn't mean that u shouldn't get insurance

Title: Re: Another Insurance Suggestion
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on December 04, 2006, 02:08:03 AM
look at it this way the counsil pays the insurance when you do missions for them

Title: Re: Another Insurance Suggestion
Post by: Remfer on December 04, 2006, 08:09:54 AM
read my first post

E.G. The commander felt sorry for you and gave you _________ credits for you losses