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Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: mrtimbr549 on April 03, 2006, 12:20:53 PM

Title: Hit and Runs
Post by: mrtimbr549 on April 03, 2006, 12:20:53 PM
Alright enough is enough....there has got to be a change to the way counters work. Im tired of getting multi attacked and getting " xxxx's ship was too small and ran".  Crap, my base strength is too high to attack 90% of other commanders,  Is this fair? 
There needs to be a change to where at least one counter can be used w/ full fleet capabilities.  Multis could work on a reduced % sliding scale (ie 80% 2nd attk, 70% 3rd attk) and so on.  Its time to end this unintentional advantage.
Yes I know, I can send lower fleets, but combined w/ my base power, any fleet I can send in is anemic at best and gets shredded.  Its time to teach a lesson to Doom, SofiaB, Sniffy, and anyone else who uses these tactics.
Consider a nations military.  If it finds itself attacked and suffers damage, does it send out a force equal to the amount of people sent to attack them?  HELL NO!!  It sends out every resource available to it to punish and cripple the enemy.
Ive got some very nice ships, and they were effectively mothballed due to the current setup.
Emi, if the alliance fleets, and other upgrades will not be online soon (which is why we initiated D-Day), at least make this tweak.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: Charlemagne on April 03, 2006, 04:32:37 PM
Well said Tim, well said.  I fully agree with this, it is EXTREMELY annoying to find that you cannot use counters because you can't even see that person, or that they are too low for you to attack them.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: ars68 on April 03, 2006, 05:21:31 PM
maybe it could that the only way to hit someone lower then 50% your power or so is if they are not nebbed.  if they are not nebbed then no limit going down.  what about that?

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: Charlemagne on April 03, 2006, 05:31:59 PM
But then that wouldn't be fair for some people.  For example:

Doom attacks 10 people.  One person counters and nebs him.  What about the other 9 people?  Do they not get a counter now that Doom is nebbed?  Because honestly, Doom drops like a lead weight after he gets attacked.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: mrtimbr549 on April 03, 2006, 08:23:26 PM
Not only that, but until Emi says otherwise, your point is purely conjecture Ars.  I didnt start this thread to solicit hypothesis, but rather to point out that there is a part of the gme that puts higher up commanders at a distinct disadvantage.
I see no problem with the current setup from an attacking standpoint (ie higher levels struggle to attack lowers), but counters are a different animal.  What use is it to do missions until my fingers bleed and my eyes cross if I cant even defend after an attack, esp. a multi attack.  And SofiaB was not nebbed when I had to counter w/ weak ships.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: ars68 on April 03, 2006, 10:08:54 PM

the whole point of not being able to attack below 50% of your power in counter is that maybe he did get that high, but then he got so fully pummeled by other people he is now well below 50% your power.

people like doom, if he was off-line, YOUR COUNTERS WOULD DO LITTLE TO NOTHING ANYWAY!

people like sofiaB is the one who hit and ran, where then he is safe from all attacks he provoked, without getting hit by anyone that would matter.  my suggestion would mean that either they got nebbed AFTER they hit you, or you can do it yourself.  either way, they ARE being nebbed.


I saw the attacks you took mrtim, and you should know by now those attacks would have stopped the very FIRST hit, if not second (in case they scouted first and didn't encounter your ships) because the second they attack they just hit your powerfleets, neb you, then you have 24 hours straight of protection from anyone attacking you, plenty of time to repair ANY damage done in 1-2 hits.

correct me if I am wrong on any points here.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: mrtimbr549 on April 03, 2006, 10:24:02 PM
agreed, I did recover within 15 mins of coming online.   Youre missing the whole point of retribution and revenge though.  It would be nice to exact your pound of flesh.
And please. I know exactly ho to set up a trip fuse to protect my base.  That set up was for something else entirely.  Sometomes your the bug , sometimes your the windshield.  (thats windscreen for all our Limey friends)

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: Seither on April 04, 2006, 02:18:54 AM
I'm 100% w/ tim here ars. counters go through nebulas and later in the game, 51% of your enemy's power could be powerships, and they get destroyed, and then he's nebbed and you can't reach him. That wouldn't be fair at all. Counters can cross truces and nebulas, and I say it is high time they can cross all rankings too.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: Borg! on April 04, 2006, 09:13:12 PM
i thinky uo can attack lower ranked people in a counter if you use a weaker fleet % ship

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: mrtimbr549 on April 04, 2006, 09:34:03 PM
Covered that,  i could send a fleet of app.1500 base strength

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: ShAd0wS on June 09, 2006, 06:45:26 PM
yeh im revivin a topic a little bit old... but saw it in list of suggestions :) how about for counters segments and money dont matter, the limit is simply 2x fleet power, similar to bounties... liek som1 is at 10 mil base power, they have 50 mil fleet so are at 60 mil powe,r regardless of oyur segments or cash yo ucan have up to 100mil fleet power to hit them.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: charmuska on June 09, 2006, 07:25:25 PM
The reason I don't like that suggestion, is that I like to use counters to send a 1-space ship to scout out the person, mostly out of curiosity.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: ShAd0wS on June 09, 2006, 07:50:50 PM
uhh you could still do that even with this suggestion...

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: ars68 on June 09, 2006, 09:39:39 PM
lol, I thought this was going to be something... completely different, but since it is only this, I might as well open a new thread for it... hit and run battle tactic thread coming your way :)

but anyway, since it is being revived, I agree to, I even suggested it myself as well, that some kind of counter should go through, but the main point consistently brought forward is that is it fair for them to bring up all that power, do their attacks, drop down, then get pummeled by everyone else around them, then you come and hit them further down.

now that I think of it...  ya.  but anyway, not the point.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: Seither on June 10, 2006, 01:27:48 AM
Counters are fair, to an extent. But I do think that only fleet power should count, and you can hit them with anywhere from 1 fleet power to 2x what their fleet power is.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: ars68 on June 10, 2006, 10:01:28 PM
actually... that might work.  except for a minimum counter attack power of 100.  in other words, you will never need lower then 100 fleet power to attack them, as 200-80% of 0 fleet power is still 0, and a 1 space decoy is 2 power, thus unable to attack as power is to high.

Title: Re: Hit and Runs
Post by: Seither on June 12, 2006, 04:54:39 PM
If value=0 perameters are set to 1 fleet power-2x their total power.